Suffering from writer’s block? Yes, it happens, and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. Some reasons are to blame for it. There are those days you can wake up and find yourself staring at your laptop screen for hours with less writing. What leads to this? And what is writer’s block, exactly?
Writer’s block is a condition where a writer has trouble creating new work or finding inspiration. It can range from needing help to come up with new ideas to not being able to write for a long time. It’s not just about not writing for a while but about not making progress on what you’re trying to write.
Any writer could suffer from writer’s block, regardless of how long they have been in the industry. Luckily, it’s possible to overcome writer’s block and unleash your creativity as a writer. With creativity, your writing will become more engaging and refreshing for readers since it fosters the creation of unique and original content.
Secrets and Writing Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block
It’s possible to overcome writer’s block and get back to peak writing performance. If you want to get going, here is a list of the next steps.
1. Re-read Your Best Blog Posts / Articles
Suppose you’re feeling low on writing because of writer’s block; remember you’re not alone, and this could happen to anybody.
How about flaming back your inspiration by re-reading your old blog posts? In fact, get down to your best blog and read it. Taking this step reminds you of how good you are as a writer.
All you’re doing is reminding yourself of the best writing skills that still reside within you.
2. Take Regular Breaks and Change Your Environment
Sometimes, all you need to overcome writer’s block is a break. Yes, I know you have a deadline to meet, but rushing your busy brain will only make things worse for you.
Staring at your screen long enough isn’t gonna help you either. That’s why you want to engage in something that will not involve much of your brain. This could range from going for nature walks, going for a jog, or simply watching TV.
Take regular breaks to recharge.
Another step you can take is to change the location of your usual writing place. It may sound trivial, but you don’t want to underestimate its effects on your writing productivity.
You can go anywhere else (in a park or coffee shop) away from your study and see the magic that happens. Your brain relaxes when you break its normal pattern.
3. Eliminate Distractions
Life has become digital, and suddenly, you have every app and social site clamoring for your attention. Now, let’s face it! You will not overcome writer’s block and beat a lack of productivity if you continue getting distracted.
You need to find a way to eliminate distractions when writing, even if that means taking the phone out of your room. Alternatively, you could disable all phone notifications to give ample time to your writing.
4. Start in the Middle
I know writing tutors have told you, you need to start from the title, introduction and continue with the sequence when writing. But there is no hard and fast rule to that order.
You can choose to start in the middle or write from backward towards the front. Whether you’re trying to write a story or blog writing, you’ll feel less obligated to create the first best paragraph.
It also helps to start writing with an outline to understand better where your writing is heading.
5. Use Prompts, Freewriting, and Brainstorming
Using prompts, freewriting, and brainstorming can be effective techniques for overcoming writer’s block. A prompt is a word, phrase, or question that serves as a starting point for writing. It can be used to generate ideas and to get the writing process started.
Freewriting is a technique in which a writer writes whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar, spelling, or structure. It is a great way to generate ideas and get the creative juices flowing.
Brainstorming is a technique in which a group of people comes together to generate ideas for a project or problem. It is often used in a business setting but can also be used to generate ideas for writing projects.
You can use these techniques in combination or separately to overcome your writer’s block.
6. Know Your Peak Writing Time
Peak writing time is a personal thing, and that’s why you need to find out what time you write best.
Some writers write best in the morning when it’s quiet and kids have yet to jump out of bed. (if you’re a family man like me:)) While other writers could do better in the evening.
As a creative writer, plan to work when your creativity is at its peak.
7. Get Feedback From Others

If you’re struggling with writer’s block, why not leverage feedback from editors, your audience, or readers to get a feel of your work?
Gathering feedback from others will help you identify areas of your writing that are unclear and need improvement. Receiving feedback will also help you generate ideas and find new inspiration for your writing.
Lastly, consider getting feedback from different sources for an all-rounded view of your work.
8. Make Writing a Habit
Instead of waiting for your creativity to peak before you begin writing, why not just start to write? Building a writing routine is essential to overcoming writer’s block.
It helps you prepare your brain to enter into writing mode on a specific day or time you’ve set. This could be on weekends or a day in the week. The key is to stick to that schedule to build momentum with time.
Always waiting for inspiration before writing is what could be making you stuck.
9. Use a Different Writing Tool
Another secret to overcoming writer’s block is to use a different writing tool. How many writing tools do you know of? Google Docs, Microsoft Word, WordPress?
It’s vital to have knowledge of the different writing tools so you can regularly shift among them to kill writer’s block.
Also, shifting your writing fonts helps a great deal. Shift from a serif to a non-serif font. Or you could work with different colors that suit your taste. Additionally, employ different writing styles to make writing look interesting.
10. Read Widely, Steal Ideas
Sometimes trying hard to come up with an original idea is what leads to writer’s block. As you read widely, be open to new writing ideas from different sources.
Here is an idea for you. As you read widely, try to find famous writers with work you love. Maybe it’s the way they do their outlines, headings, or style.
Snatch those post ideas and make them your own without plagiarizing or copy-pasting anything. That’s how you move ahead and overcome writer’s block.
The Bottom Line
Overcoming writer’s block and unleashing your creativity is a process that requires persistence, experimentation, and flexibility.
Every writer faces writer’s block moments, but with the right mindset and techniques, overcoming it and unleashing your creativity is possible.
Keep experimenting and be flexible with the writing techniques above; you will find the key to unlocking your creativity.
Be crazy, go with the flow, and have fun!