Author: Job K.

  • The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    I do not know much about you, but I can say without a doubt or fear of contradiction that you are always thinking about money.

    Sometimes you want to run to your creditors, who are your only friends when you need them most but become bullies the moment you renege on your end of the bargain.

    How about a marriage on the verge of a breakup because the man, the breadwinner, lost his job, and his spouse wants to hear none of it?

    The world over, people are grappling with the issues of poverty and yearning for riches. Historians have always painted Africa as a dark continent with all the problems in the world. However, the same issues in Africa are the same in Asia, Europe, South America, and other continents. Every country has its own class of the rich and poor.

    10 Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    Therefore, it is good for once to deconstruct the subject of wealth and try to find out what are the daily success habits of wealthy individuals that the poor majority have no idea about or simply know but would like a wake-up call from their life slumber.

    1. They are not expecting lottery money from somewhere whatsoever

    While the betting and lottery companies are making quick money on betting diehards, wealthy individuals take pride in putting their money into profitable investment vehicles such as hedge funds, stocks, and bonds.

    In this case, both the gambler and the wealthy individual are taking risks, but the difference is one is gambling while the other is investing.

    Five years later, one is choking with debts while the other owns properties out of his home country. Guess whom between the two.

    2. They Exercise

    In an interview with FourHourBodyPress, Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic Airways billionaire, said, “I definitely can achieve twice as much by keeping it fit,” This, according to him, keeps the brain functioning well.

    Unfortunately, for the lazy majority, exercising to them is like another punishment from the pits of hell.

    Many successful, wealthy individuals are known to maintain a consistent fitness routine that includes morning runs, gym visits, stretching, and swimming, among other exercises.

    Despite their busy schedules that involve a flurry of meetings, reading emails, and inspecting projects, they will always create time to exercise.

    On the contrary, most idlers hardly think about exercising but would rather sleep or daydream all day long.

    3. They control their emotions

    As the old adage goes, -Think before you leap; a key daily success habit of the wealthy individual is to listen before they speak. Furthermore, they do not speak everything they think about.

    While the masses may complain about bad weather, poor roads, a bad economy, and almost everything, the wealthy know how to keep their mouths shut.

    Megan Totka, the author at Small Business Trends, says, “Loose lips are a habit for 69% of those who struggle financially”. Conversely, 94% of the wealthy speak when they are rational, sober, and calm.

    4. Wealthy individuals network

    You have heard the saying, ‘Your network is your net worth” Well, it is the hard truth for you, unfortunately. The wealthy just know how to do that.

    Rather than spend all of their time discussing the match between Chelsea and AC Roma or trending political topics, the wealthy will also talk about their business interests with acquaintances while seeking new opportunities that may come to the front.

    This will likely end with them exchanging contacts and setting up appointments later. Use social events as an opportunity to network instead of wasting it on empty gossip about your neighbor next door filing for a divorce.

    5. They wake up early

    Waking up early is one of the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. They understand that to hit deadlines and outdo long-hour meetings; they have to put their lives in order with proper time management, which means waking up early.

    Waking up early before the sun rises helps you to take control over your day and do one or two things before the daily normal routine sets in, and you have to join the rat race.

    6. Wealthy individuals set aside self-limiting beliefs that hold them back

    What are your self-limiting beliefs? Do you believe that your lack of education denies you riches, or is it your lack of motivation and enthusiasm?

    Whatever your self-limiting beliefs, maybe the wealthy have learned to conquer theirs.

    In one of his best sellers, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says that you do not attract positive things into your life by thinking about their opposites.

    This is certainly true as negative thinking leads to negative feelings, attitudes, and negative behavior. Get out of your self-limiting beliefs by having daily positive affirmations about your life.

    There is great power in listening to yourself uttering such positive words about your life.

    7. They live within their means

    The daily success habits of wealthy individuals involve living within their means. They have learned over time, with a lot of self-discipline, how to master their money.

    By the wealthy mastering their money, it means that they pay themselves first and avoid overspending the remaining amount. For example, a wealthy individual will save 10 or 20% of his net income and live on 80% of their income.

    Regrettably, many of us have failed to be disciplined enough to control our impulses. In a bid to compete with your high-flying neighbor, you cleared your bank account to buy the latest BMW to satisfy your ego or prove your worth.

    Sadly, for you, this takes you several steps back from exercising power and authority over your money. In essence, your money is actually pulling the strings for you.

    8. They spread their beds

    Randall Bell, a socio-economist, studied and analyzed unique characteristics that define the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. Bell concluded that whatever you do on daily basis matters.

    Simple routine tasks such as spreading your bed in the morning could make the difference between a highly successful individual and a loser. Bell says, “Those who do their chores and make their living space tidier tend to make more money.”

    Bell argues that spreading your bed in the morning puts you into a high-performing mindset.

    Another author by the name Charles Duhigg also backs up Bell’s findings. Duhigg in his bestseller “The Power of Habit,” says that making your bed every day in the morning correlates with better productivity and a greater sense of well-being and puts you in a better position to stick with a budget.

    So, do you make your bed every morning? Sounds funny, right? However, it could just make the difference in helping you to get what you have been longing for in life.

    9. Wealthy individuals rarely watch TV but study

    According to a study by Thomas Corley, author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, many high net worth individuals hardly watch TV.

    In fact, only 67% of them watch television utmost 1 hour a day.

    Rather than spend a large share of their day glued to a screen, a wealthy individual will keep himself busy with books. According to Corley’s findings, 88% of wealthy individuals read self-improvement topics for at least 30 minutes daily.

    According to Forbes Magazine, Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, loves to read books and is said to read at least 50 books in a year.

    10. Wealthy individuals set goals and not wishes

    I bet you have many wishes right now. One of them could be to travel overseas may be to the UK or the United States of America. How about goals? Do you have any?

    One of the daily success habits of wealthy individuals is to set goals, unlike many who have mere wishful thinking. They set goals in their minds and put them down in writing. This is the first step of turning their thoughts into what is physical.

    According to John Rampton, an entrepreneur and connector, “95% of the successful achievers I have interviewed practice writing down their goals, plans or visions for success on a regular basis.”

    They do this most preferably at night before the next day.

    Cultivate the habit of setting goals and following them through to completion.

    Wrap Up

    Adapt to the successful habits of the wealthy to change your mindset and routine and kick poverty out of your life. Habits form part of our second nature, and it is good to learn from those who have gone ahead of us and mastered the art of making money.

    No pain, no gain. Carol Burnett talks about change and says, “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” Strive to change your life by adapting to wealthy individuals’ above-given daily success habits for a better financial future.

    Find me in the comments section below.

  • Child Discipline: How should Millennial Parents Discipline their Children?

    Child Discipline: How should Millennial Parents Discipline their Children?

    Child discipline is a key factor that most parents think of when they are raising their kids.

    It is a key factor in that parents can remove obnoxious behavior among children as they grow up.

    Similarly, child discipline also shields society from the chaos that children who did not gain discipline at an early age could cause.

    The debate on child discipline has been common, which are the methods to use when disciplining children.

    Child Discipline Methods

    Guardians and parents give habitual discipline to entrench appropriate social habits among children.

    They may use many discipline methods that fellow parents, teachers, or even grandparents may recommend.

    If you are a parent and you seem to have trouble disciplining your child, you should not worry.

    I will outline various child discipline methods that have worked and enabled children to maintain discipline for the rest of their lives.

    1) Educate yourself on parenting and discipline styles

    Once you gain the skills of disciplining your child, you will have a simple time. Many parents base themselves on the common knowledge of child discipline.

    For example, some parents think the way their mothers and fathers raised them is the way they should raise their kids.

    Even so, this thinking is somehow wrong. Parents should undergo the needed training and pick out the best ways how to discipline their children.

    By educating yourself, you will gain a style that fits your family, and the child can cope with it appropriately.

    2) Reward good listening behaviors

    Listening behavior is a factor that a child learns at a very young age. The child may obey and disobey some rules at that young age.

    If the child has good listening behaviors, you may reward the child with hugs, food that he or she loves, or take them out for a walk.

    By doing so, the child will learn that they will gain nothing from having awful behavior.

    Good listening behavior makes the child learn that good actions result in praise and positive attention.

    3) Respect their need to communicate

    Children have a unique skill of communication. They are not like adults to lay down their issues straight to the point.

    Having respect and creating time to listen to them communicate will help greatly.

    The child will have confidence in themselves, and the parent can address the issues raised by the child.

    You will discipline the child since you respect their need to communicate.

    4) Set clear consequences and limits

    Choices have consequences. If you don’t correct your child at one point, the world will discipline them.

    There are excellent ways to deny them the chance to play video games. This way, the child will learn from the mistakes they made.

    Also, set substantial limits that the child will avoid breaking. This way, you will have played an important role as a parent in instilling discipline.

    Benefits of child discipline

    The benefits are truly rewarding. The child will grow to be a respectable person in the community.

    In school, children will relate well to their peers and teachers. As they grow up, they will become socially and emotionally mature adults.

    Likewise, discipline enables the child to be satisfied and happy, especially in adulthood. All in all, the benefits are of no doubt very gratifying.

    Final Thoughts

    Parents should understand their children and how they relate to the outside world.

    Doing so will manage their child appropriately and monitor them as they grow up.

    Mastering the skill of relating the right way with the child is also crucial to maintaining child discipline. Overall, parents should have a first-class relationship with their children.

  • 5 Financial Lessons to Teenagers

    5 Financial Lessons to Teenagers

    Growing up as a child is fun and full of fond memories that travel years back to when we were just teenagers.

    Children are known to be playful, adventurous and mischievous. They can go the extra mile in pursuit of that thing that will give them joy and pleasure, including swimming naked in a crocodile-infested river.

    However, that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about what money was like to you during childhood. A child or young teenager rarely thinks about money, first because they live comfortably (it could also be uncomfortable) with their parents who provide, have no financial obligations to anybody, and are told to study hard in school.

    The subject of money between teens and their parents is hardly talked about.

    Most of these subjects, when mentioned by teens, most parents usually reprimand them or for instance, ask them what they want money for. Nevertheless, it is written in the good books that train a child how he should go and will not depart from it.

    Most parents shy from the subject of sex in most homes and do not want their children or teens to talk about money either with the assumption that they will love money and not study hard in school. How wrong!!

    As such, we grow up with sketchy and shallow financial knowledge. We learn about saving and investing in our 20’s when years have already flown by.

    Against this backdrop, I want to mention 5 things your parent never told you and should have told you as a teenager.

    1. Have Financial Discpline

    Financial Discpline

    As a child and teenager, you were always reprimanded and whacked for indiscipline and petty mistakes like failing to follow instructions, noise-making, stealing food, fighting e.t.c

    You did all these and were caned because your parent, guardian or teacher loved you and wanted to instill discipline in you.

    However, there is a discipline that many parents usually forget to instill in their children; that is financial discipline. Every time we would hear about money as teenagers were when we were sent to the shops to buy bread.

    Unfortunately, most of our parents were under tough financial burdens and were not themselves happy either to talk about money.

    Subsequently, one grows up to be a good, law-abiding citizen espousing the highest form of integrity and honor. On the other hand, this law-abiding citizen is a reckless spender with no savings or investment.

    This citizen ends up struggling financially simply because no financial virtues of living below your means, saving and investing were ever instilled in him.

    King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 21:20 that he who sets money aside daily saves big money in the long run, but a foolish man spends up everything. Lack of setting aside 10% of our income to save for the future has led to many facing financial walls and struggling with life due to a lack of a cushion to fall back on.

    Secondly, no savings and no investments. Your savings are able to save you on a rainy day, help you start a business or clear a loan.

    2. Learn to Say No

    Say No1

    Parents love their children and want the best for them; therefore, parents protect, guide and provide for their children. They tell them what is considered good behavior and bad.

    Most parents discourage their children from eating in neighbors’ homes; tell them to say no to strangers and bad company.

    Despite their willingness to give better, parents fall short of telling their kids to say no to activities and behaviors that will darken their financial future, such as gambling, alcoholism and casual teen sex.

    Activities such as this will end up enslaving teenagers to behaviors that will or might render them broke, addicted and sick.

    As such, teenagers must be made to understand what is good, what is bad and what is morally acceptable.

    This puts them in a good position to rationalize issues, make informed decisions about anything they want, and say no to whatever is bad and destructive.

    3. Do Not Love Sleep and Pleasure


    Sleep and pleasure are two surefire ways of staying broke and begging. Anyone who has chosen to live above his means because of pleasure does not have the future in mind but only the present.

    The wise in Proverbs 6:5 writes that sluggards should learn from the ants, consider their ways, and they will be wise. Punctuality is an important habit for success.

    Pleasure takes or comes in many forms, including drinking and partying, lying idle, buying expensive shoes and clothing, going for tours, site seeing and vacations to your dream destination.

    However, too much of something is poisonous. Even billionaires go on vacation once in a while, but the rest of the time, they are busy sowing wood.

    Teenagers with lazy parents learn from what they see and hear and pick the cues from their parents.

    Sleep was only made to be understood as a tool for rest and not an enemy of success.

    6 hours are recommended as the minimum a normal human being can rest. Too much sleep kills productivity and prevents one from making financial progress.

    King Solomon says, a little closing of your eyes and folding your arms and poverty will attack like an armed robber. This Christian verse conveys the message that riches and sleep do not go hand in hand.

    4. Walk with People of Substance

    True Friend

    Bill Gates had a Paul Allen; Steve Jobs had a Tim Cook. In life, every single one of us is on a life journey. Destiny is in our own hands, and our daily choices shape destiny.

    What you eat today, friends you have, books you read, and whatever you hear and listen to ultimately determine where you will be 5-10 years later.

    Walker used to walk with a pastor friend who had another pastor friend. 7 years later, Walker became a powerful church minister and is now ordained as a bishop within the church denomination.

    Here is a story you want to hear about,

    27-year-old Martha is a law graduate. She intends to get married to Amos, an accountant. However, Martha’s friends are mostly in their 30’s and most of them are single and divorced. They say a thing like “men are dogs,” “I cannot be a housewife,” and “marriage is terrible.”

    It was not long before Martha broke up with her handsome boyfriend and started singing the same tune as her friends.

    2 years later, Amos was married with a kid, while Martha was still single and whining.

    Birds of the same feather flock together. Who is your best friend?? If all friends you know are losers in one way or another, you would rather walk alone.

    5. Have a Mentor


    Rather than learn from mistakes in your own life, it is prudent to learn from the mistakes of those who have lived ahead of you.

    A mentor is not your biological dad or mum (they could also be); he is like a living parent to you. He guides and takes you through the stages of life with a lot of counsel, wisdom and understanding whenever you fall.

    For us to avoid the many traps and ensnares set before us in our finances, career, relationships and life at large, we need a life coach to see us through.

    Our parents never talked about mentors in our lives, but as one grows into a young adult, life becomes ridden with puzzles that call for wise counsel. In life, it is always important to get good advice from others.

    Add any other thing not mentioned that our parents never told us as teenagers and leave a comment.

    STAY ON TOP!!!

  • Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Ever heard or read Denzel Washington’s quotes? Well, before we get to the quotes, you must have come across the name. Denzel is a popular American actor, producer, and director. He is a mentor and a role model to his viewers.

    Denzel Washington has been one of the most successful actors in Hollywood for over two decades. He’s won an Oscar and received many other honors for his work on screen, including an Emmy nomination and a Golden Globe award.

    He is also an accomplished musician and producer. He’s released three albums with his band, The System, and has also had songs recorded by other artists.

    Denzel Washington is 65 years of age, having been born as Denzel Hayes Washington Junior on December 28th, 1954, in Mount Vernon, New York. Despite a humble beginning, the son of a Pentecostal preacher has won two golden global awards.

    Also, Denzel is well-known for acting as a real-life historical figure.

    Some movies he has featured include Cry Freedom in 1987, featuring Steve Biko. Besides, he has featured as Malcolm X in the movie Malcolm X in 1992.

    If you enjoy watching his movies, you may have watched the Equalizer 1 and 2. Denzel has also portrayed Robert McCall as the main protagonist in the equalizer film series.

    Watching The Equalizer 2 the other day by Denzel Washington, I couldn’t help but marvel at the entertaining nature of Denzel. He is good at shifting between tense and calm situations with ease.

    the equalizer 2 quotes

    In this thriller, Denzel played his role pretty well. While the director may have tried to capture the spirit of the first Equalizer, it turned out slow and predictable.

    That being said, Denzel has never been disappointed in his films. He is a comedian, fighter, orator, mentor and a talented storyteller all rolled into one. This, he captures in his movies perfectly fine.

    Moreso, Denzel is a motivational speaker. He inspires many, including both friends and foes.

    Master Your Money

    Denzel Washington’s quotes can be found throughout his work on screen and in interviews about him as a person. Some of these quotes focus on his career as an actor, but others are more personal.

    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes

    • “I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.”
    • I think a role model is a mentor–someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them.
    • “Faith will get you to a point. Luck will get you to a point. But to achieve the kind of success you dream about, you need to WORK. There are no shortcuts, you can’t cheat life, just get to work and don’t stop until you reach your highest potential.”
    • “If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it.”
    • “You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.”
    • “If you have an enemy, then learn and know your enemy, don’t just be mad at him or her.”
    • “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
    • “Success? I don’t know what that word means. I’m happy. But success, that goes back to what in somebody’s eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me.”
    • “Dreams without goals remain dreams.”
    • “Never help an ungrateful person get on their feet.”
    • “My mother never gave up on me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do”
    • “I’d be more frightened by not using whatever abilities I’d been given. I’d be more frightened by procrastination and laziness.”
    • “Put God first in everything you do. Everything that I have is by the grace of God, I understand that. It’s a gift. I didn’t always stick with Him, but He stuck with me.”
    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Success

    • “I just try to take it one day at a time. That’s how I live my life; that’s how I conduct myself.”
    • “When you do something wrong, if you don’t learn anything from it, then you’re just a fool.”
    • “If you want to be successful, you’ve got to work hard and work smart.”
    • “Success leaves clues, and the only way to find them is to keep looking until you find them. Failure leaves no clues, which is why so many people fail.”
    • “I always thought when I became successful that I would be able to help people. And then when I did become successful, I realized that was not the case.”
    motivation inspirational denzel washington quotes
    • “You want to do it right, but you want to get it done.”
    • “Success is not a journey, and it’s a destination.”
    • “Success has always been my biggest motivator. I was raised by two parents who believed in education and success above all else.”
    • “Success is a result of preparation, not a result of spontaneous combustion.”
    • “A man’s value to the world is in direct proportion to his usefulness to it.”
    • “The only thing that stands between us and success is failure. And there’s no way to avoid that. You can avoid it by not trying, but then you miss all the fun of trying.”
    • “I have learned that success is liking your work and boss.”
    • “I’m not afraid to fail, but I do not like to fail.”
    • “I’ve never lost anything in my life that’s worth holding on to.”

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Work

    • “I’m not a good person. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t sleep around. So if you want to know who doesn’t do drugs and sleeps around, it’s me.”
    • “I’ve worked with many great actors, but nobody has ever said, ‘Oh man, that was so much fun,’ like Denzel Washington did.”
    • “If you have talent and work hard at it, it will come out.”
    • “I’ve always been a hard worker. I’ve never stopped working.”
    • “I’m a workaholic, but it’s good to work hard. It makes you feel good to get things done, accomplish them, and be productive.”
    • “The truth is that the harder you work, the luckier you get.”
    • “When you work hard for something, whether it’s money or respect or education or anything else, when you go after something and fight for it, usually someone will give you what you want because there’s not much of anything in life that isn’t earned by working for it.”
    • “The important thing is not how much wealth we accumulate but how honestly we use it.”
    • “I am not afraid to be who I am.”
    • “If you’re happy with what you have and who you are, then nothing matters too much.”
    • “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
    • “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
    • “I will work with anybody as long as they have a plan and a goal.”
    • “I’m going to keep working hard until I die because I know that if I don’t, somebody else will take my place.”
    love denzel washington quotes
    • “If you want to do something in life, go do it now while you’re young and have the energy to make it happen.”
    • “If you aren’t willing to risk what little you have, nothing can happen in your life.”
    • “I don’t know any other way of being.”
    • “You cannot afford to be mediocre in this world.”
    • “It’s not easy to be humble, but being proud ain’t working either.”
    • “Work is the most important thing in life. I don’t care how good we are at something; if we don’t do it with all our heart, the result will be disappointing.”
    • “I can’t think of any other way to describe it than they were in love with their work. It was a loving thing, you know? It was a very close relationship. And I think that’s what kept them together for so long. They loved each other, and they loved what they did.”
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    Inspirational Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “I think it’s important to have love in your life.”
    • “The only time you’re guaranteed to be happy is when you’re working.”
    • “I hope to inspire people through my work and life.”
    • “The beauty of life is being aware that you have to spend it for yourself.”
    • “I am not just an actor. I am an artist who happens to go into a movie theater.”
    • “I’m not working on anything right now, but I like to create things from scratch.”
    • “I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”
    • “If you ever need a friend to talk to, I’m here.”
    • “I would rather be in the second year of a seven-year sentence than the first year of a three-year sentence.”
    • “Work is the best antidote for stress.”
    inspirational quotes by denzel washington
    • “I’m not too proud to admit that I don’t know what I’m doing. But if you do something, you might as well do it right. And if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
    • “The tougher the challenge you face, the more glory in overcoming it.”
    • “It’s better to be judged by 12 than by six.”
    Master Your Money

    Motivational Quotes Denzel Washington

    • “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved.”
    • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
    • “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”
    • “Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s easier to leave than it is to stay.”
    • “It’s not about how long you say no, but how often.”
    • “I want to be the best man I can be. You’ll never be happy if you can’t do that for yourself.”
    • “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    • “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”
    • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
    • “There are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Everything else is optional.”
    • “You can’t keep your kids safe from trouble if you keep them close.”
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    More Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
    • “The most important thing is to learn how to give. Everything else is just learning how to get.”
    • “I want the world for everyone, but I want them to do it my way.”
    • “I think I can best describe it as a joy. It’s like I’m on a mission, but one that I have complete control over.”
    • “In life, you’ve got to do what you want. And the only way you can get there is by doing it.”
    • “Whenever you’re at your best, it’s because you’re in tune with yourself and not just yourself but also other people and how they can help you be better.”

    At the end of it all, quotes are just quotes. Some may make sense to you, while some may not. Pick what appeals to you best and can change your life.

  • 60 Manifestations Quotes to Inspire You to Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance 

    60 Manifestations Quotes to Inspire You to Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance

    In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “You can discover what your duty is by simply finding out what you are.”

    Manifestation quotes are powerful words that can help you to manifest your dreams, goals, and desires into reality.

    There are millions of people out there who are dealing with financial issues and struggles. Many people look for manifestation quotes to help them in their endeavors. They want to be able to manifest their dreams, desires, and goals.

    A manifestation quote can be a powerful tool to help you focus on your goals and attract them into your life. It would help if you had the right mindset to manifest anything you want in life.

    There are thousands of manifestation quotes, but not all work for everyone. This article will give you 60 perfect manifestation quotes to help you start your goal-setting process and attract what you want into your life.

    The Law of Attraction states that everything you think about, feel, or do in your life affects your reality, whether you realize it or not. The law of attraction gets based on the basic principle that if you focus your thoughts on what you want, your subconscious mind will take action to make that happen for you. If we don’t believe anything can change or happen, it won’t!

    We all know how hard it is when we don’t get what we want or need in life, but this article contains some of the best manifestation quotes that can help set you up for success. These are real-life examples of people who have used the law of attraction to attract money, prosperity, and abundance into their lives by focusing on their dreams and goals.

    We’ve compiled a list of manifestation quotes to inspire you to wealth, prosperity, and abundance :

    If we want to change the world, we must do so from within.

    – Abraham Lincoln

    The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

    – Walt Disney.

    We are all here to learn how to become a better version of ourselves. We are all here to take that first step toward realizing our dreams. And by doing so, we will be living the life we have always wanted.

    – Unknown.

    The more you give away, the more you have.


    Anyone can become a success if he is willing to decide to be one.

    -Napoleon Hill

    It is not what you do in life that determines who you are, but what successful do with what you’ve done.

    -Carl Sandburg

    You cannot change your life by holding another person’s hand

    – Tony Robbins

    The greatest wealth is freedom, and the greatest freedom is the freedom to make mistakes

    – Mark Twain

    I believe that all men are created equal, but I cannot help it if they do not behave as they should

    – Mark Twain

    Self-esteem is the greatest self-help book ever written

    Maya Angelou

    If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.

    – George Bernard Shaw

    If we don’t change direction, we may end up where we are headed

    – Lao Tzu

    The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary

    -Vince Lombardi

    Don’t worry about people stealing an idea because the best ideas are the ones that never get used

    – Steve Jobs

    A positive attitude will take you much further than positive thinking alone

    – Zig Ziglar

    Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

    – Winston Churchill

    If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales

    – George Bernard Shaw

    I’m not a good person—but I’ve had some good ideas.

    – Richard Feynman

    A man who has never gone wrong will always find it difficult to do so

    – Confucius

    To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe

    – Anatole France

    Change your thoughts, and you change your world.

    – William James

    If you love life, don’t waste time complaining about it

    – Dolly Parton

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

    – Eleanor Roosevelt

    I believe that life is a game, and you must play it as though your whole being depended on its outcome

    – Theodore Roosevelt

    If you have no structure, people will create it for themselves

    – Bob Proctor

    To do great work in this world, we should all be possessed of two qualities: First, we should be willing to give up our lives; second, we should be willing to pay any price.

    – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Your thoughts create your reality.

    – Napoleon Hill

    The person who doesn’t take any interest in politics is like a fish who has never left the water.

    – Benjamin Disraeli

    I want to be a manifestation of love, and I want others to know that they are also manifestations of love.

    – Anonymous

    The secret of getting what you want is getting what you value.

    – Earl Nightingale

    More Manifestation Quotes

    If we could change ourselves, the events of history would change around us.

    – Mahatma Gandhi

    Manifestation contains nothing more than the sum total of all one’s thoughts.

    – Napoleon Hill.

    Manifestation is about drawing into our lives what we want, experiencing joy, abundance, and success in all areas of our lives!

    – Unknown Author.

    Our destiny is not written for us; we write it through every thought and action we take.

    – Anthony Robbins.

    You have a choice: either to let go of what is not working or to let go of what is working.

    – Mollie Parnis.

    When you have surrendered all control over your thoughts, you will begin to create a life of your design based on your highest values and ideals. You will attract into your life those things that support these values and ideals so that they become the foundation upon which your life becomes built. This is called manifesting success with all areas of life!

    – Unknown Author.

    The most powerful force in the universe is manifestation.

    – Rhonda Byrne

    We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.

    – Buddha

    The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

    – Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

    – Willa Cather

    Poverty is not a situation; it is a state of mind.

    – Maya Angelou

    Manifesting your dreams takes work and patience, but it’s worth it! When you begin seeing the manifestation of your dreams, you’ll feel the weight of all that has been holding you back lift off of your shoulders and off of your heart.

    – Louise Hay

    The first step in taking a journey is to decide which way you want to go.

    -Don Quixote

    You are a manifesting machine.

    – Napoleon Hill

    If you want to attract money and abundance into your life, make the decision today to start manifesting the things that you want in your life.

    – Oprah Winfrey.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

    -Lao Tzu

    You need only believe that you can create something out of nothing; simply believe in your power to manifest anything from a tiny seed idea up to an entire universe!

    – Napoleon Hill

    Inspiration is the essential condition for success.

    -Thomas Edison

    The individual is useless without creation.

    -Walt Disney

    An ounce of action is worth a pound of talk.


    The only way to get better at something is to do it.


    Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

    -John C. Maxwell

    You don’t have to be good at something in order to be great at it.

    -Bette Midler

    The wise man looks before and after, and escapes the trouble ahead of him.

    -Francis Bacon

    In our lifetime, we will have many opportunities to make money. And while every one of us must decide which ones we’ll take, each of us has a unique ability to manifest wealth, prosperity, and abundance into his or her life.

    – Brian Tracy

    The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

    -Oscar Wilde

    If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.

    -Henry David Thoreau

    We are all born for love. When we discover this, life becomes a beautiful adventure.

    -Oscar Wilde

    There are no failures, only lessons.

    -Henry Ford

    I did it my way!

    -Frank Sinatra


    Manifestation quotes are powerful. They can inspire you to succeed, help you find your purpose, and help you make the most of your life.

    It’s important to remember that these quotes are meant to be used as inspiration, not a replacement for positive thinking or meditation. It’s okay to read them when feeling down or negative, but they shouldn’t be used as an excuse to dwell on the negative in your life.

    They should be used when you need a boost of positivity and inspiration to stay on track with your goals and dreams.

  • How to Listen with Empathy

    How to Listen with Empathy

    When you’re listening to someone, what do you want to happen?

    You want to understand.

    You want to connect with them.

    You want them to feel heard and understood.

    Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes or imagine what they might be feeling. It is the ability to understand and relate to another person on a deep level, even if you don’t agree with them or understand what they’re saying.

    Empathy is not just about listening; it’s about being present, paying attention, and reflecting on what you hear to connect with the other person.

    Listening involves more than just hearing what someone says. It also requires that you tune in so that your body and mind fully engage in what they’re saying without distractions or interruptions.

    Listening is a skill that can be learned and practiced like any other. It’s one of the essential skills in the world.

    We all love to talk, but we gain much more when listening. We learn something new and essential about ourselves through our listening.

    When you listen with empathy, you get to know what your friend or family member needs from you and how they feel about their circumstances. You also learn something about yourself as well. You see this as an opportunity to help them get through whatever is troubling them and maybe even make a positive difference in their life. The best part about listening with compassion is that it always feels good.

    Empathy requires paying attention to a person’s non-verbal signals and words. It can be not easy if we always seem focused on our thoughts and feelings instead of those of others around us.

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    How do you listen with empathy?

    • Be present: Don’t multitask or check your phone during the conversation. If you’re doing something else, like texting or playing a game, be sure to put it down and focus on the person you’re talking to. It means making eye contact and being present at the moment, focusing on their feelings and needs.
    • Check-in with them throughout the conversation: If they seem distracted or don’t seem engaged in what you’re talking about; ask them if they need a break or if there’s something else that might be distracting them from following along with what you’re saying (or even interrupting the conversation). If they seem annoyed or upset by something gone wrong during the interaction, let them know that it’s okay if this happens again so long as it doesn’t occur frequently or repeatedly.
    • Show interest, curiosity, and compassion: Show that you care by being open and receptive to their story, feelings, and values. Ask questions that show that you understand where they are coming from or are interested in hearing more about what they say. Don’t interrupt or talk over them unless necessary to ensure that both parties have a chance to speak their piece.
    • Speak with kindness and respect: Be patient and not judgmental. Listen with your whole heart. Give the person talking the time to speak and let them know it’s okay to stop talking if needed.
    • Don’t interrupt or talk over them: Let the person finish their thoughts before you respond. It will give them a chance to consider what they are saying and allow them to get back on track if needed.
    • Be an active listener: ask questions that show that you are genuinely interested in what the person is saying (and not just what you want to hear). Try to understand their perspective as well – try not to agree or disagree too quickly.

    What Are The Four Stages Of Emphatic Listening

    The four stages of listening with empathy are:

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    1. Observation: This is the stage where you listen to what the other person has to say and what they mean by it. You then try to understand their emotions and motivations behind their actions or words.

    2. Understand: Here, you try to determine what your partner means by something he said or did. You also attempt to understand his context and environment so that you can relate to him better.

    3. Assertion: In this stage, you state your understanding of the conversation topic and how it relates to yours. You then assert that what you said earlier is right, even though it might differ from what your partner believes in or thinks about the topic.

    4. Agreement: It is when both parties agree on something in this conversation or dialogue session that they have been having over time together as a couple or a family unit; it could be an issue or problem that one member of a family has brought up about another member of their family members or even about friends/acquaintances in general.

    What does it mean to listen with empathy?

    Listening with empathy means understanding what the other person is saying without judging or assuming anything about them. You don’t have to agree with their ideas or find them valid, but you can still accept them as an essential part of who they are.

    Empathy means that you hear what someone else is saying, and you understand it. You can’t just hear words; you have to listen with empathy. Your brain processes information from their words when listening to someone and hearing what they’re saying.

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    Then your brain makes up stories about what those words mean. It is what happens when you listen without empathy: Your brain hears words, but it doesn’t make up stories about them.

    To be more empathetic, you must learn to listen more deeply. You can do this by practicing “active listening,” which involves taking notes on what You hear to remember later what your listener said and why they said it the way they did.

    Active listening also helps us understand the speaker’s emotions and motivations behind what they’re saying, which will help us have more empathy in our responses.”

    How Can You Practice Listening With Empathy

    You can practice listening with empathy by:

    • Try observing someone’s body language while they speak. Look at the speaker’s facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures, and posture. Try to see if there is a change in any of these things when they talk about something personal or emotional rather than just talking about topics related to work or an event that happened long ago.
    • Take notes on what the person has said and what they plan to say next. It will help you focus more on what they are saying instead of trying to remember everything from earlier in the conversation.
    • Listen with an open mind. Don’t interrupt or talk over your speakers when they’re talking about their feelings or getting their thoughts out on paper (or screen). Avoid making judgments or offering advice unless asked for help solving a problem or thinking through a difficult situation. Remember that everyone has their style of expressing emotions and may react differently based on how they feel at any given time.
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    Don’t assume that what your partner has said makes sense simply because they said it; listen carefully and ask questions to clarify what they mean if necessary so they’ll feel understood by someone who cares about them.

    • Listen actively. When someone is talking, don’t just listen passively; pay attention to what they’re saying and try to understand why they think or feel the way they do. You might disagree with them or have different experiences, but if you truly understand them, you can empathize with them and make their concerns heard.

    Paying attention instead of interrupting or trying to finish their sentences for them (unless you want to). Interrupting someone can make them uncomfortable because it makes them feel like there is something wrong with how they talk or behave in general (even though there probably isn’t).

    • You should listen from the heart. Many people use empathic listening as a tool for helping others solve their problems or make important decisions; however, it can also be used for self-improvement and growth. When listening with an open heart, your brain will process information more quickly and efficiently than when you listen with an analytical mind. You will understand what the other person is saying better if you listen by connecting with yourself on an emotional level, rather than just using logic or reasoning.


    Ultimately, listening is not a passive act. It requires the active participation of all parties involved, including you. Empathy is a trait that ranges from being something we’re born with to one that can be taught with practice. In any case, it’s essential to understand how to use it and how it can work for you as a designer.

    It’s essential to appreciate the viewpoint of other people. If you can better process why they think and feel the way they do, you’ll be more successful at understanding and communicating with them. Whether this is in a professional or a personal situation, an empathetic attitude will make your interactions with others run much smoother. You’ll save time, energy, and probably even some money. Plus, you’ll go home happier at night.

  • What is Personal Growth and Development?

    What is Personal Growth and Development?

    In our last piece on personal growth, we discovered how our self-growth is related to our psychology. I hope you learned valuable lessons for your next life chapter. We want to explore further personal growth and development and why it matters in your life. If you are ready, let’s get going.

    What are Examples of Personal Growth and Development?

    We will answer this question best by defining and distinguishing between personal growth and personal development.

    What is Personal Development?

    The activities geared towards building your personality and self-awareness are referred to as personal development. Put in other words, these are the tools, processes, and systems you employ as an individual to help you realize personal growth.

    Examples of Personal Development Goals

    • Improving your current skills and developing new ones
    • Improving your self-awareness
    • Improving your relationships
    • Seeking and Improving your spiritual growth
    • Improving physical fitness and overall health
    • Building yourself knowledge

    You will need a personal development plan to achieve your self-growth goals.

    What is Personal Growth?

    After going through its different phases to realize transformation, personal growth is the reward you get. Refer here.

    Some marks of personal growth will include the following.

    • Self-care
    • Personal love
    • Being better at decision making
    • Acceptance of your past
    • Goal-oriented
    • Increased motivation
    • Inner strength
    • Empathy and tolerance
    • Outgrowing habits, ideas, and relationships that have no value to you.

    What is Personal Growth and Development?

    Put together, personal growth and development is a positive, permanent change in your physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social state.

    The desire for personal growth and development is often triggered by a life event, person, or personal experience that inspires you to improve or transform into a better version of yourself.

    Personal growth and development are witnessed in relationships, your self traits such as self-confidence, self-image, your career, and business.

    Why is Personal Growth and Development Important?

    Everyone is always looking to be a better version of themselves. Whether it’s breaking a bad habit, putting your finances in order, overcoming your old mentality, or cutting your connection with losers, there must be something you want to make better for your good.

    This calls for dedicated effort and commitment on your part to get the results you desire. Ultimately, personal growth and development lead you towards being a good partner in a relationship, a good parent, an excellent manager, or a high-flying entrepreneur.

    Thinking of a personal development plan in your business, relationship, or career? Fill out this form for guidance.

    How do you achieve Personal Growth and Development?

    1. Be Intentional About your Self-Growth

    I can’t emphasize this enough. You fall by accident but you don’t rise by one. Making meaningful progress in your relationship, career, or finances requires that you intentionally identify and get rid of the grey areas.

    Identify what is holding you back from moving forward. Is it a series of poor decisions, an old way of thinking, or simply laziness?

    A starting point to being intentional about your self-growth is to work on a personal development plan that is measurable and time-specific.

    2. Set Goals

    A dream without goals is merely a wish. Setting goals is the hallmark of turning your dream into reality. I’m assuming your dream is so big that it may cost you a decade or two to build it.

    If that is so, you won’t sit down doing anything and wait for your guardian angel to bring it to your hands.

    Set a series of small achievable steps daily, weekly, and monthly basis that will link you to your big dream in the future.

    3. Avoid the Triggers that Pull you Back

    This is especially true if trying to break a bad habit. You won’t break it by entertaining the same places, people, experiences, or things that made you form the bad habit.

    You may need to delink yourself from the wrong or negative people in your life to move forward. “No, I know I’m strong. I will manage it.”

    This is a script bound to fail even before it begins. It’s always easy to go down the valley than climb a hill. Think about that.

    4. Pay the Price

    What price are you willing to pay for what end?

    I meet people who desire the sleek machine in town, the excellent food, the high life but ask them about what they are doing to get there, and the conversation becomes shallow and sketchy.

    Most people want the good things in life but lack a road map to get them there. They are always wishing and thinking about a high achievement but sabotage their efforts in taking action. Implementation equals tangible results.

    5. Don’t give up on yourself when things don’t work

    You will fail so many times in your personal growth and development journey. You will lose count.

    But this is no excuse to give up. You need to be mentally strong to absorb the shocks ahead. Be nice to yourself when you fall.

    Take another stab at it with confidence and determination and tell yourself you can do it. Real change is possible.

    6. Work with a coach or Accountability Partner

    No one can change you but you. But this is not to say you should shut all doors to the possibility of working with an accountability partner or a coach.

    Sometimes, all we need is a nudge towards the right direction, and everything falls into place. Is there someone you trust to walk with you in your personal growth and development?

    Swallow your pride and give them a call after reading this. They may just be the person you need to turn your life around.

    7. Change your Mind

    Change your mind, change your life. The six-word statement is simple yet has the potential to change your life for good and forever. Many have been limited because of self-limited beliefs and wrong ways of thinking.

    Much of our progress in life depends on how we think and respond to life. 90% of our stresses or worries come from how we react to life than life itself.

    You can get out of your old ways of thinking by practicing mindfulness and self-awareness. What is your mind constantly thinking about? What do you do when a self-limiting belief or thought crops up in your mind?

    You got to fight! You can’t be passive and let weeds grow in the healthy garden of your mind. Change your mind, change your life.


    Everyone is working hard for a promotion, acquiring wealth, and overcoming the past, or bad behavior. The process and tools you employ to reach the end goal is personal development.

    The result is personal growth, which makes you a better person in your career, relationships, and self-image.

    Personal growth and development is a transformational, multidimensional journey involving your life’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social state.

    If you feel you need guidance towards that end, fill out this form and I’ll be in touch.

  • Personal Growth is Hinged on your Psychology. Here is a Definite Guide to Self-Development

    Personal Growth is Hinged on your Psychology. Here is a Definite Guide to Self-Development

    What is personal growth, and how does it relate to your psychology? Whether you have looked at your personal growth from a psychological perspective or not, it’s vital that you get the gist of how our psychology relates to our personal growth.

    Personal growth occurs over your lifetime, and it involves the deliberate steps you take in your life daily towards a positive change. Primarily, this will include setting personal growth goals in matters concerning your spirit, soul, and body.

    For example, how is your current state of emotions as you read this article, and how do you want them to be in the future? If this sounds like a subject you want to dive deep into, let’s keep sailing and see what we get on the other side.

    Personal Growth and its Relation to Psychology

    Self-development is a synonym for personal growth, which involves physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual growth. On the other hand, psychology is the study of mind and behavior, helping to explain how our mind works to affect our behaviors.

    The known different types of psychology are cognitive, social, forensic, and developmental psychology. While most people set their personal growth goals towards external things, the most worthwhile goals for personal growth focus on a mind shift toward happiness and contentment.

    Let’s face it, having more money in your bank account and driving your dream car is good, but these successes do not necessarily translate into a happy and fulfilled life. Fundamentally, anyone aiming for peak personal growth should focus on building themselves on the inside to respond better to the outside world.

    However, this shouldn’t be misconstrued to mean that we are negating any other articles on this blog about external achievements. A case we may use here for a personal growth example is someone with low-self esteem.

    Low self-esteem doesn’t translate into peak performance. This calls for one to be honest about what is affecting them and how they can fix it. An idea here is to work with or seek the coaching services of a teacher or life coach to enable you to overcome your challenge.

    The other way to look at it is personal growth helps you meet your psychological needs. For some, psychological growth will mean they experience higher levels of freedom to pursue their interests and leave the life they want.

    Some are looking to build their capacities to do new things. Others want to experience more profound meaning in life. The truth is that every human being has been growing psychologically and personally in one way or another.

    Primarily, most struggle to get hold of their basic needs, but there are also aspirations for higher social achievements. However, rather than this personal growth process taking place consciously, it has been experienced more subconsciously due to the uncertainties of life experiences.

    As other subject matter experts highlight, developing our personalities requires a more conscious effort toward understanding our personalities and how they can be altered.

    The Different Stages of Personal Growth

    To achieve their goals for personal growth, an understanding of the different stages of personal growth is essential. Below are the four levels involved in self-growth or personal development.

    1. Social accomplishment
    2. Psychological growth
    3. Spiritual progress &
    4. Transformation

    Let’s break these four stages of personal growth down a bit.

    The basis for these levels of personal growth in human beings is because of their multi-dimensional and complex personalities. Everyone will undergo these four levels at one point in their life, whether through a spiritual experience, a worth-it psychological effort, or a social accomplishment.

    1. Higher Social Accomplishment

    How do you survive as an individual? How effectively do you relate with others, and how do you rate your success in achieving societal expectations that help you realize your personal growth goals? Some goals for personal growth to mention include

    • Being financially self-sufficient
    • Gaining a higher social status
    • Establishing a family or
    • Acquiring education

    Living at the peak of the elements mentioned above will mean that you have nipped your social accomplishment problems in the bud.

    However, living at such a peak comes at a cost you will have to pay through different stages of your life experience. For example, social accomplishment can come through greater knowledge and skill acquired through education or training.

    Your personality needs to develop to experience high levels of social achievement, which calls for great personal effort. Through great individual effort, some things you can accomplish are not limited to the personal growth examples listed below.

    • Knowledge expansion
    • Building our physical and mental skills

    Through such endeavors, individuals maximize their personality by using their developed capacities for higher social accomplishment.

    At this point, it’s vital to mention that the development of an individual’s personality borders more on psychological growth. Most individuals realize higher levels of social accomplishment through training, education, or conscious effort, and these will be enhanced by:

    • Acquiring excellent knowledge of all types
    • Being efficient in the organization of your life and work
    • Having great interpersonal and physical skills
    • Having great expressibility in your physical, social, and organizational values in your actions
    • Releasing high physical energy when responding to opportunities and challenges.

    2. Psychological Growth

    The second stage of personal growth is more about psychological growth. While the first level deals with external behavior, the second stage mainly deals with psychological changes affecting our attitudes and values.

    Psychological growth builds our personalities which helps support a higher social accomplishment. Strictly speaking, psychological growth is the qualitative change in the nature of an individual’s personality via conscious intent and effort.

    Psychological growth helps you be more enlightened, putting you at a vantage point to express higher values, thus becoming a valuable contributor to the wellbeing and welfare of society.

    Marks of a Person Experiencing Psychological Growth

    1. You radiate positivity: you act graciously and generously towards people, you are not jealous of other people’s achievements, you react less to people and avoid putting yourself in a superior position than others,
    2. You aspire for higher accomplishments: Acceptance and recognition by those around you don’t sound appealing to you anymore. You want to live for something more than just survival or social acceptance.
    3. You live for higher levels: This is marked by harmonious relationships, more objective thoughts, acts of honesty, and more truthful words.
    4. You are more self-reliant: You depend more on yourself than waiting for help from others.
    5. You make decisions based on your understanding and not impulses: Your decisions are no longer based on feeling or convenience but on what is right. You reflect more on yourself to understand better who you are. You also reflect on other’s people behavior to get their point of view and tolerate differences in opinion.
    6. You are more responsible: You are in charge of your work and the people around you instead of expecting people to do things for you.
    7. You exhibit higher standards: You don’t fall for social approvals or good status. You strive for more than acceptance.

    If you are consciously making these efforts, you are on a journey towards psychological growth. The changes are pretty difficult to achieve and make permanent, but they lead to the actual growth of your personality.

    3. Spiritual Progress

    While skeptics may hold a contrary opinion, the standard agreement is there exists a spiritual dimension to all existence. Spiritual experiences are not the same and vary from one individual to another.

    These experiences vary in form, experience, depth, direction, permanency, and intensity. Spirituality is quite a broad subject; thus, we shall only focus on a narrow segment of it which locks out other experiences people perceive as spiritual.

    These include occult powers, subtle forces that influence our lives, visions, voices, and subtle sounds.

    Spirituality is about experiencing higher levels of consciousness that are associated with commonly spiritual qualities such as peace, patience, harmony, silence, self-giving, freedom, equality, and compassion, among others.

    Marks of a Person Experiencing Spiritual Growth

    1. Patience and tolerance: You exhibit high levels of these qualities
    2. Goodwill: You are not in competition with others nor harbor feelings of jealousy or resentment but rejoicing
    3. Knowledge: You understand the meaning or significance of the experience you go through. You know how to grow or outlive the need for them.
    4. Peace: You are calm and peaceful amidst an intense activity or with other people.
    5. Equality: You react less to disturbing events and embrace greater equanimity.
    6. Self-giving: You aspire for other people’s fulfillment rather than yours. You identify more with other people.
    7. Silence: Your mind becomes settled and experiences periods of complete stillness.

    4. Transformation

    In our quest to know and understand what personal growth is, we finally arrive at the fourth stage of the process referred to as transformation.

    While spiritual progression has numerous benefits – personal fulfillment, positive personal relations, increase in our capacity for personal accomplishment, inner strength, and security it rarely alters the substance of our personality.

    Both Western psychologists and eastern spiritual traditionalists agree on this fact. Western psychologists argue that the human character is inherited and fixed and therefore can’t be changed.

    Similarly, Eastern spiritual traditionalists believe that the soul remains unchanged through the experience of birth known as Swarupa, where it remains the same in its entire lifetime. Here is the source of knowledge behind the term Karma the Hindus commonly refer to.

    Transformation involves inborn capacity levels that you can’t change solely through conscious individual effort. These levels include

    1. Strength of Personality: Here, the argument is that we each have different characteristic levels of intensity different from our vital and mental energies. This intensity can change or influence the people we relate to and the environment we live in. You will hear of such terms as a ‘towering personality.’
    2. Depth of Personality: To understand the depth of personality, you need an understanding of the stages involved in personality transformation, which follows a given order. Manners – Behaviour – Character – Personality – individuality. Individuals with a depth of personality can be said to achieve a level where their inner feeling is in harmony with their external manners. There are also those individuals that have formed a character of a higher accomplishment. Still, some individuals exhibit a level of personality and individuality that transcends societal limitations and their own upbringing.
    3. Mental, vital, and Physical Consciousness: These refer to the three different levels of consciousness in human beings. From these centers of consciousness, one can be described as
    • A courageous patriot
    • A thinker
    • A man of action
    • An organizer
    • A loyal follower
    • A leader of the people

    Every human being strives to achieve higher levels of consciousness; however, except by spiritual change, one cannot alter the balance of these three elements in their personality.

    This helps explain why one individual can amass wealth but lacks perceptive thinking exhibited by another individual.

    You could be well-educated and trained but lack emotional depth or intellectual acuity shown by another individual.

    Personal Growth Examples: Self Growth Spheres

    The human mind is wired to think linearly. Move from point A to B, then to C, keep following that line. However, this cannot be practical because we are complex and multidimensional by nature.

    We can’t reduce our lives to a single dimension. When we shift from a single dimension to a three small dimension object in space, for example, you can visualize your life developing into a full-blown sphere.

    Look at the small multidimensional object like your undeveloped or limited thoughts, unrealized power or capacity, or limited knowledge. On the flip side, the sphere is the side of these things developed. Infinite joy, capacity, power, and wisdom.

    Choosing to travel in one direction brings you to the end of the road or instead at the end of a line; however, making progress in multiple directions sets you on a path towards the end of a universal sphere.

    Whether you choose to carry out your multidimensional progress simultaneously or successively is up to you.

    Final Thoughts

    Personal Growth is deeply ingrained in our lives whether you choose to pay attention to it or not. Not only does it focus on the superficial qualities of our lives, but it has a deep relation with our psychology.

    There are four levels of personal growth that can enable you to achieve your personal growth goals. From them, you can assess your position in the self-growth journey relative to your past and the future.

    These levels though distinguished, are interdependent and helpful in tracking your personal growth.

    We can all conclude that working on ourselves is not easy and takes a great deal of time. But the sooner you start the journey and be intentional about it, the better for you. With the right strategy and coaching, real change is possible.

  • Entrepreneurship: Side Hustle Vs. Day Job. Should you Quit One or What Way?

    Entrepreneurship: Side Hustle Vs. Day Job. Should you Quit One or What Way?

    This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may receive some coffee if you make a purchase using them.

    Is your life at a crossroads? Maybe you’re wondering whether you should be an entrepreneur or maintain your day job while indulging in entrepreneurship.

    It could be in your career, relationship, business or goals at large. The psychological truth is that you can love two people simultaneously but not with the same intensity.

    Given a choice, would you prefer that arrangement? We are accustomed to being binary and, therefore, must make decisions between A and B. It’s either this or that.

    The Way it is

    I advocate doingthings differently in the digital age, especially regarding our careers. I champion freelancing as opposed to the traditional office arrangement.

    So what’s the deal? Do we jump into the 5-8 arrangement? Where you work less for more, perhaps.

    Here it’s more about the output. It’s more about productivity than sitting in one place for hours on end with output that may not march the hours you spend.

    Entrepreneurship Vs. Day Job

    For a long time, I have been thinking about jumping ship and taking a side between the 5-8 (entrepreneurship) and the 8-5 (career). I shuffle on both currently. This can’t even be a conversation for those already into entrepreneurship full-time. Their question would be, “What are you waiting for?”

    But the bottom line is not everybody wants the same things. However good of a salesperson I might be, I can’t sell my products to everybody because not everybody wants everything. People have different tastes and preferences and only go for what resonates well with them.

    What’s your Goal or Motive?

    Some people want to build a career and reach its peak. In contrast, some prefer to plunge into entrepreneurship.

    Still, some handle both building a career and entrepreneurship together. Neither of these options is better than the other, but we must face some hard facts here.

    If your goal is to be rich, you have three options. You either become one through inheritance, real estate or entrepreneurship. The latter is an option anybody could take, work hard and become massively successful.

    You want to examine your motive to leave the 8-5 before joining the 5-8 full-time.

    The 5-8 Vs the 8-5

    However, before making that lifetime decision, you will need to weigh the pros and cons of taking either route and decide whether to do both for now or to pick aside.

    Here is the good thing about keeping your day job.

    1. Pays the Bills

    Life is getting expensive by the day, and jobs that pay well aren’t easy to come by. Having an 8-5 hustle gives you the benefit of managing your daily and monthly needs well.

    2. Your Paycheck is Guaranteed

    Unlike business, where the input equals the output, a day job is based on a contract that assures you of a monthly payment unless otherwise determined by your employer.

    3. You have an Opportunity to Learn

    Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will you. You won’t grow in one day because learning never stops. There are damn expensive courses that your organization or company can afford, which on your own you wouldn’t. Such an arrangement allows you to learn and build your skills professionally, which could go a long way in giving you the skills you need in your entrepreneurship pursuits.

    4. Your Paycheck Allows you to Borrow a Loan for Business or Investment

    If you are just out of college and starting, banking institutions wouldn’t be willing to give you a loan since you have no collateral or a good repayment plan. However, once you get that payslip, you can leverage it to access huge chunks of credit you could use to build and grow a business. Still, you could opt to invest it and reap the rewards later.

    5. You Have the Opportunity to Network

    Employees can leverage huge brands of their companies or organizations to network and build meaningful and long-term working relationships with other professionals across the divide. A budding entrepreneur may not have this privilege since they still make a name or portfolio for themselves.

    Benefits of the 5-8 (Working Online)

    We are in a digital age, and it’s not only about freelancing but also the aspect of e-commerce. If you are thinking about doing this full-time, here are the advantages.

    1. You are in Control of your Time

    Employees sell their time for a salary. Your employer wants you to see you in the office from 8-5 whether you could be doing something meaningful or not.

    Let’s say your output is only 3-4 hours of your time. The rest gets wasted. A freelancer has the freedom of time and can use this to their advantage.

    2. You can Handle Several Projects/Clients at the Same Time

    You call the shots here. So you decide the breadth of your projects or how many clients you want to handle at one given time, depending on your time.

    Of course, this won’t be a tall order for you since you could build a team.

    3. You Have More Earning Power

    An employee’s lucrative idea in a company could earn them a $200 bonus, as their employer would determine.

    However, if you are an entrepreneur, a lucrative idea to your venture or business could pay you much more and open more room for growth.

    4. A True Sense of Job Security

    As long as the hiring and firing decision is in the hands of someone else, you can’t presume to have job security. Even a permanent and pensionable job could end up in headwinds.

    However, working as a freelancer on anything online or brick and mortar cushions you against your employer’s decisions that they could make against you.

    We can’t downplay the fact that clients could turn you down or forfeit your contracts. But you are in a better position to bounce back than one being fired from their job.

    5. You Have Extra Time to make Other Things, you Love

    You can work less for more if your 5-8 pick up well. This gives you the privilege of allocating your time to more important projects in your life.

    You could be involved in voluntary activities like missions, charity work or spend more time with family.

    Some Signs you are on the Right Path.

    Do you feel confused lately over what direction you should take?

    The good part is that even in that confusion, the universe has an amazing way of giving you pointers to the right path that will ultimately lead you to your destiny.

    These signs don’t only apply to your job, career or business but other areas of your life as well. Take a look.

    1. You encounter tale-tell signs along the Way. It could even be a pop-up on your computer, a road sign or a random notice board somewhere.
    2. You have an overwhelming gut feeling.
    3. You get reassurances from people along the Way
    4. Things unfold with little effort
    5. Your core values align with your choices
    6. Fresh opportunities come to you when you least expect them
    7. You fall in love with a place, a person or a thing
    8. You don’t get bothered by people’s opinions or judgments over your life.

    Wrap Up

    I have chosen not to choose between the two divides until God, and the universe tell me otherwise. I hope you find the best path to your destiny. I will be expounding on the pointers mentioned above later. Whether you are into entrepreneurship, keep your day job or handle both, you are the only person who can best make that decision.

  • Make Money Online: Why it’s the Best Time for You to Get Started

    Make Money Online: Why it’s the Best Time for You to Get Started

    This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may receive some coffee money if you make a purchase using them.

    There are myriad ways to make money online. Freelance writing is the most common. I develop content for small and medium-sized businesses in Europe, North America, and Asian countries. As mentioned earlier in a previous post, content marketing is king.

    Corporations, companies, and online businesses aren’t shy to spend huge budgets to ensure their products and services reach their target market to drive leads and sales. If they find the skill they need, they won’t be afraid to spend as much on you.

    If you have been thinking about improving your earning power lately or have a second or third source of income and spare time, freelance writing should be your next frontier. Yes! You can make money online.

    Why it’s the Best Time to Make Money Online

    • Government supporting online work through Ajira Digital program
    • The internet is affordable and accessible
    • A tech-savvy generation that spends the better part of their time on the internet
    • Formal employment is becoming scarce by the day.
    • Due to the pandemic, many businesses have shifted operations online.

    Schooling and Employment

    Typical promises politicians make when campaigning is the creation of jobs, especially for millions of unemployed youth.

    Unfortunately, such promises always end up being unfulfilled, and if fulfilled, it becomes so much dotted with corruption and tribalism.

    In the public domain, jobs in Kenya are scarce, especially for fresh graduates, and the few you will find won’t pay you much to your satisfaction apart from the many factors that may not even make the job convenient for you.

    You are not a machine. The job you do has to give you some satisfaction, not necessarily in monetary gain but the peace and passion you will find in doing it. It should make you a better, all-rounded person.

    So, what other options do you have left? Start a business? Yes, that sounds good. You couldstart a business onlinewhere you sell merchandise like shoes and clothing.

    This is still good. Okay, where do you get the capital to buy the merchandise? Maybe borrow money from friends, family, or even enemies.

    But this strategy could still backfire on you when friends tell you that’s not an emergency, ati unaeza jipanga polepole.

    The script I’m trying to put across here is, in most cases though not always, having a job is always the first step to building wealth. You will have to sell your time and skills for some bucks before those bucks start working for you.

    And that’s why you went to school in the first place, to get a good education that will give you a good job.

    But don’t settle there. The truth is education should not be about getting you a job. Education is a means to an end; it’s the key to life. It should open the door to other lucrative numerous opportunities in your life.

    The Cashflow Quadrant

    Perhaps the Cashflow quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki could help shed more light on the abovementioned statements.

    The Cashflow quadrant is abbreviated E, S, B, or I. The quadrant categorizes people according to where their money comes from. E stands for Employment. S stands for Self-employed, B stands for Business and I for Investment.

    All people fall into either of the four quadrants, each having unique characteristics. According to Robert Kiyosaki, you can make money in any of the four quadrants.

    However, you can achieve financial freedom much faster in the B and I quadrants. Making money online through freelance writing is an excellent opportunity for you to move from E to S.

    Once you have gotten the gist of S, don’t linger for long because it’s the riskier part. Quickly move into building a system (quadrant B) that will have people work for you while you focus on the growth and strategy of your business.

    The I quadrant is a playground for the rich with solid companies that can survive the unexpected shocks of investing.

    Make Money Online: Freelance Writing

    Co-relating this with freelance writing, you should not feel entitled to a white-collar job because you went to school. I know this sounds like an insult owing to the millions of shillings you pumped into the education system.

    But there is your professional life and your path in life; ultimately, everyone must discover their path in life sooner or later.

    Freelance writing may not seem like a real profession, but telling you that hiring managers prefer working with independent professionals rather than pensionable staff could tilt your mentality a little bit.

    Research conducted in June 2020 by Dr Adam Ozimek, an expert in labour markets, showed that 47% of hiring managers in the US were more comfortable hiring freelancers than permanent staff.

    That should tell you something. It’s said that a good player plays with the ball but a great player moves to where the ball is going.

    As much as you are working or have that job security, have you ever considered working as an independent contractor? Maybe freelance writing could be your starting point.

    You could tailor your brick-and-mortar skills to meet its demand in the online space. I understand if writing isn’t your passion because several online job opportunities aren’t about writing.

    Think about graphic design, Administrative support, Social Media Management, web development, or video editing.

    The Bottom Line

    It’s never too late to start. If you have a passion for writing and want to make money online, you can visit ourcourse page and enrol in a freelance writing course for beginners to set you off on a journey to online content entrepreneurship.