Category: Blogging and Writing

  • How Long does it take to Learn Article Writing?

    How Long does it take to Learn Article Writing?

    Affiliate Disclosure:We often use affiliate links in our contentat no extra cost to you.This helps us offset some of the cost of running the website. Thank you for the support.

    If you are gearing up for an article writing career, I’m sure this is among the many questions you will ask yourself.

    But trust me, there is always no ideal time to learn everything. Even your degree is just a percentage of knowledge.

    So you keep building upon it by going for a Master’s, a Ph.D., and later publishing research stuff here and there.

    Article writing is not any better. You will learn the basics quickly, but to satisfy your clients better and understand industry trends, you must keep digging and doing it repeatedly.

    Otherwise, you are going to become archaic.

    Learning Article Writing and Factors Affecting Students

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    I learned the basics of freelance article writing in a month. Learning freelance writing for some could take much less time or more than a month. It depends on a couple of factors I will be showing you below.

    Let’s jump into them.

    1. Your Interests

    If writing has always fascinated you, you will learn freelance article writing much faster than someone with no interest.

    Back in the education system, while in high school, we used to be asked to select courses that we would love to pursue at the university.

    And as fate would have it, the selection could pick your best or your worst choice. Should the latter happen to you and you never get to address it in time, you will struggle through university studying a course you never wanted to pursue.

    Unless you develop grit and resilience, it will be a dead end for you.

    Some students pursue courses in blogging and freelance article writing out of deep interest and passion. Others get on board to experiment or as a last resort.

    Which category do you fall into?

    2. Dedication and Commitment

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    There is a difference between doing something because you have been told to and doing something because you are committed and dedicated.

    You will learn freelance article writing quickly if you commit to studying writing. Students with dedication and commitment learn fast, get good results and outshine others.

    When was the last time you were committed to something? How did you handle it, and what were the results?

    With dedication and commitment to learning article writing, you will make it part of your daily routine. Also, you will want to go the extra mile to learn stuff that is not even part of the course you are trying to study.

    And that is how you become a trailblazer.

    3. You want to Be your Boss / You want Freedom

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    Essentially, freelance article writing is self-employment. You freelance left, right and center without being affiliated with any company.

    And if it happens, you are affiliated with one; you are not tied to it with some Conflict of Interest policy. So you write, finish your assignment and move on to the next client.

    It all boils down to what you want in life. So, if you are this person looking to graduate from an average employee to self-employment and eventually run your own business, this is one of the ways to go about it.

    As a freelance article writer, you will have the flexibility to do other worthwhile stuff in life, like tending to your hobby and spending more time with your loved ones.

    4. How Well Have You Mastered Your Language?

    How good are you at reading and writing? That’s all you need to get started in your journey to becoming a top-notch freelance writer.

    It would be pretty difficult for you to soldier on as a writer if you haven’t mastered your language. So whether it’s French, German, Dutch, or English, you want to have an excellent mastery of it.

    Mastery comes by reading the works of other writers and understanding the typical expressions in your language.

    Can you write grammatically correct sentences? Are your sentence structures making sense? Are you good at spelling or fall for the apparent mistakes? Is your work original? You don’t plagiarize or copy past stuff.

    If you have mastered the above, learning freelance writing will be a breeze for you.

    However, failing to grasp the above sets you on a poor foundation as a freelance writing learner.


    5. Practice

    Some learn, finish and stop. Some learn, finish and keep practicing.

    Five years down the line, we have two distinct groups of writers. Article writing is akin to studying a computer; the more you interact with it, the more you master it. It’s a technical course.

    It would be best if you practiced it; otherwise, you would lose.

    Always have a desire to understand the latest stuff in writing. What are the industry trends? What are top influencers in the space saying about content creation? Are there other avenues or skills I can explore as a writer?

    Practising and being an open-minded writer sets you up for speedy growth and success.

    Wrap Up

    And that is it if you want to know how long it will take you to learn freelance article writing. There is no ideal time.

    You can be a quick learner who will be done in a month or a slow learner who may need more space and time. But the bottom line is that learning for you never stops; it just keeps improving.

    You can enrol in our paid course here, learn the basics of article writing, and start making money online as a writer.

    Click here to enroll.

  • What Does Making Money Online Entail?

    What Does Making Money Online Entail?

    Pexels Andrea Piacquadio 3756679

    In 2013, while still a student, there was some hype about making money online through writing, but I didn’t pay much attention. Well, in 2021, I’m making money online and paying my bills through writing. How did this work?

    Let me explain.

    I started writing out of a passion. That led me to create this blog back in 2015. The thought that one could make money online hadn’t occurred to me yet. My blog was like my personal journal online, where I could document stuff happening in my life from time to time.

    My constant presence in the online space ushered me into academic writing. I did it for a while but stopped. I was still figuring out something worthwhile to do with my four-year horticultural knowledge.

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    That is not to say academic writing is not worth the hassle. I just felt I wasn’t cut out for it.

    Learn freelance writing here for free and start making money online. The offer ends in June.

    Later on, I learned that people, especially students, were doing lots of article writing and making money online. I didn’t believe it. I thought it was the typical hype. Then, a roommate told me about iWriter.

    At the time and even now, iWriter is a site where you can register, send cover letters to jobs posted or bid, win a gig and make money.

    I tried iWriter and miserably failed. I couldn’t keep up with the first deadlines.

    Did I give Up?

    No, I didn’t.

    I didn’t bid for more jobs on iWriter, but I continued posting personal stuff on my blog. Should I mention that I also kept reading avidly on subjects of interest such as horticulture and gardening, governance, politics, and self-help?

    I met a dude who told me he had been making money on Odesk, current Upwork, for a while. I guess I was the laggard who wanted to see before believing. My mind wasn’t much into it and so I didn’t pay attention to the nit and grit of the story.

    In 2017, I joined Upwork.

    Bade for several jobs, sending cover letters to potential clients as frequently as I could.

    Some cons noticed my desperation and pounced on my naivety and desperation.

    The guys sent me several writing jobs with fast deadlines that could hardly allow me to sleep. I ignorantly signed the contract out of Upwork. To cut it short, they slipped away with my $120.

    Did I give up? No.

    I landed another gig with a client from Bangladesh who asked me to write pest control articles for his blog paying me about $6/1000. Again, I was a newbie starting with little pay but happy that making money online became a reality.

    Why my Start and Progress was Slow

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    Life has some basic truths you can’t ignore. However strong or wise you think you are, you will always need a mentor in any facet of life.

    In my case, I didn’t have a guy to walk me through the steps of making money online until later. So I learned things the hard way.

    Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginning Freelance Writer

    • Bidding the wrong clients
    • Failing to know my skill-set and strengths.
    • Trusting people too easily without verifying the facts or contract details. It got me conned.
    • Slow implementation/Procrastination. I could learn something new but take ages to implement or execute.
    • Not bidding and pitching for jobs regularly.
    • Failing to network and work on my skill-set
    • Asking for and settling for too little.

    I will add more of my mistakes when I remember. Haha

    Man! I don’t want you to go through my experience. But, neither should you take long to eat the fruits of your hard work online.

    I realize most people were like me back then. You think you can write and start making money online, but you still feel you don’t measure up to the task yet. I was there when I started.

    Luckily for you, we have a free learn freelance writing course that ends in June. So we are giving it to you for free.

    You only need to visit our product page here, click enrol and follow the prompts.

    You will learn from our 7-year of freelance writing experience. How to get started and pitfalls to avoid.

    Grab the offer while it still lasts.

    Making money online from the comfort of your home is easier done nowadays. Isn’t it fantastic to make lots of money while having a good time with family as you wish? Think about this.

    Enrol here for free.