
  • Dying to Self to Live for Christ

    Dying to Self to Live for Christ

    Hey there, what does the term dying to self mean?

    It means to let go of your old way of life and embrace someone else’s life.

    I want to tickle your mind today with an interesting conversation. Imagine your health has failed you completely. You are on the verge of death. But just as you are about to breathe your last, a stranger comes over and offers to die for you instead.

    If this stranger gives his life for you, it means you can no longer live for yourself. You die to self and live for him.

    This may sound ridiculous and an out-of-this-world conversation. But think for a moment if someone was to offer you his life to redeem yours. Wouldn’t it just be amazing to be given your life back freely?

    And more interesting will be the fact that the stranger who volunteered his life for you never asked for anything in return.

    God’s Salvation Plan

    What you will find out is that there is somebody who died for you already. That somebody has a name, and I refer to him as Jesus Christ. Through his death, he granted you eternal life. Dying to self comes with no sacrifice. All you have to do is believe in the one man who gave his life for you.

    Let me break this down further for you.

    God, the creator, created the first man, Adam, and his companion Eve. He placed them in the garden of Eden and gave them some rules to live by. But because of deception from the devil, Eve was deceived and convinced her husband to eat the fruit from the forbidden fruit.

    The consequence of disobedience was that Adam and Eve lost fellowship with God, and he chased them from the garden of Eden. God, out of his love and mercy, shed blood from a lamb and covered their nakedness with the sheep’s skin.

    Now, every human living on planet earth is a descendant of the fallen state of the first man, Adam. And so, through one man’s disobedience, they made all humans sinners.

    Romans 5:19

    For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

    So man now has a sinful nature, and there is nothing he can do to get rid of that sinful nature. He is dead to himself. He doesn’t have the capacity or wherewithal to get rid of sin. But God is a loving and just God with a plan in place for human failings.

    So God sends his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to restore man back to fellowship with him. We have to understand one thing here. God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.

    John 4:24

    God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

    The first man Adam, before his fall, had always fellowship with God. But after his fall, he became like one dead and lost his fellowship with God. His Spirit lost fellowship with God.

    Great. Up to this point, let’s read the following verse:

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    So man is still a sinner only if he fails to renounce his sins by repenting and believing in the son of God, Jesus Christ. Because why did Christ come?

    Let’s read the following key verse:

    Isaiah 53:5

    But he was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.

    Through his sufferings, death on the cross, and resurrection, all sinners are forgiven of their sins, and their transgressions are remembered no more.

    And so Christ died for the sinner with no life that he may have eternal life. And also, through his death, there is healing, deliverance and justification.

    Dying to Self

    Here is my question. Do you have a desire to know Christ and be in fellowship with him? It calls for dying to self. Repent of your sins today and believe in the finished work of the Cross, and you will be saved.

    Here is what happens when you welcome Christ into your life:

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

    If you have more questions about Jesus and the message of the cross, please contact me via our contact page. Dying to self to embrace mastership to someone can only occur by faith.

    Here is a Prayer of Faith in Jesus Christ

    Heavenly Father,

    I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died on the Cross for all my sins, and you raised him from the dead for my justification.

    Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior. In him, I have everlasting life. All my sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven.

    You have filled me with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. Thank you, Lord Jesus, and from now on, I will live a life where my Spirit and my body will glorify you.

    Keep my body strong. Keep my body healthy. I want to serve you with my body. Keep me young for your glory. In Jesus’ name Amen.

    Celebrate Jesus, for he has purchased you with His precious blood. You have died to self and are now alive in him.

    Keep walking in the Spirit.

  • Personal Growth is Hinged on your Psychology. Here is a Definite Guide to Self-Development

    Personal Growth is Hinged on your Psychology. Here is a Definite Guide to Self-Development

    What is personal growth, and how does it relate to your psychology? Whether you have looked at your personal growth from a psychological perspective or not, it’s vital that you get the gist of how our psychology relates to our personal growth.

    Personal growth occurs over your lifetime, and it involves the deliberate steps you take in your life daily towards a positive change. Primarily, this will include setting personal growth goals in matters concerning your spirit, soul, and body.

    For example, how is your current state of emotions as you read this article, and how do you want them to be in the future? If this sounds like a subject you want to dive deep into, let’s keep sailing and see what we get on the other side.

    Personal Growth and its Relation to Psychology

    Self-development is a synonym for personal growth, which involves physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual growth. On the other hand, psychology is the study of mind and behavior, helping to explain how our mind works to affect our behaviors.

    The known different types of psychology are cognitive, social, forensic, and developmental psychology. While most people set their personal growth goals towards external things, the most worthwhile goals for personal growth focus on a mind shift toward happiness and contentment.

    Let’s face it, having more money in your bank account and driving your dream car is good, but these successes do not necessarily translate into a happy and fulfilled life. Fundamentally, anyone aiming for peak personal growth should focus on building themselves on the inside to respond better to the outside world.

    However, this shouldn’t be misconstrued to mean that we are negating any other articles on this blog about external achievements. A case we may use here for a personal growth example is someone with low-self esteem.

    Low self-esteem doesn’t translate into peak performance. This calls for one to be honest about what is affecting them and how they can fix it. An idea here is to work with or seek the coaching services of a teacher or life coach to enable you to overcome your challenge.

    The other way to look at it is personal growth helps you meet your psychological needs. For some, psychological growth will mean they experience higher levels of freedom to pursue their interests and leave the life they want.

    Some are looking to build their capacities to do new things. Others want to experience more profound meaning in life. The truth is that every human being has been growing psychologically and personally in one way or another.

    Primarily, most struggle to get hold of their basic needs, but there are also aspirations for higher social achievements. However, rather than this personal growth process taking place consciously, it has been experienced more subconsciously due to the uncertainties of life experiences.

    As other subject matter experts highlight, developing our personalities requires a more conscious effort toward understanding our personalities and how they can be altered.

    The Different Stages of Personal Growth

    To achieve their goals for personal growth, an understanding of the different stages of personal growth is essential. Below are the four levels involved in self-growth or personal development.

    1. Social accomplishment
    2. Psychological growth
    3. Spiritual progress &
    4. Transformation

    Let’s break these four stages of personal growth down a bit.

    The basis for these levels of personal growth in human beings is because of their multi-dimensional and complex personalities. Everyone will undergo these four levels at one point in their life, whether through a spiritual experience, a worth-it psychological effort, or a social accomplishment.

    1. Higher Social Accomplishment

    How do you survive as an individual? How effectively do you relate with others, and how do you rate your success in achieving societal expectations that help you realize your personal growth goals? Some goals for personal growth to mention include

    • Being financially self-sufficient
    • Gaining a higher social status
    • Establishing a family or
    • Acquiring education

    Living at the peak of the elements mentioned above will mean that you have nipped your social accomplishment problems in the bud.

    However, living at such a peak comes at a cost you will have to pay through different stages of your life experience. For example, social accomplishment can come through greater knowledge and skill acquired through education or training.

    Your personality needs to develop to experience high levels of social achievement, which calls for great personal effort. Through great individual effort, some things you can accomplish are not limited to the personal growth examples listed below.

    • Knowledge expansion
    • Building our physical and mental skills

    Through such endeavors, individuals maximize their personality by using their developed capacities for higher social accomplishment.

    At this point, it’s vital to mention that the development of an individual’s personality borders more on psychological growth. Most individuals realize higher levels of social accomplishment through training, education, or conscious effort, and these will be enhanced by:

    • Acquiring excellent knowledge of all types
    • Being efficient in the organization of your life and work
    • Having great interpersonal and physical skills
    • Having great expressibility in your physical, social, and organizational values in your actions
    • Releasing high physical energy when responding to opportunities and challenges.

    2. Psychological Growth

    The second stage of personal growth is more about psychological growth. While the first level deals with external behavior, the second stage mainly deals with psychological changes affecting our attitudes and values.

    Psychological growth builds our personalities which helps support a higher social accomplishment. Strictly speaking, psychological growth is the qualitative change in the nature of an individual’s personality via conscious intent and effort.

    Psychological growth helps you be more enlightened, putting you at a vantage point to express higher values, thus becoming a valuable contributor to the wellbeing and welfare of society.

    Marks of a Person Experiencing Psychological Growth

    1. You radiate positivity: you act graciously and generously towards people, you are not jealous of other people’s achievements, you react less to people and avoid putting yourself in a superior position than others,
    2. You aspire for higher accomplishments: Acceptance and recognition by those around you don’t sound appealing to you anymore. You want to live for something more than just survival or social acceptance.
    3. You live for higher levels: This is marked by harmonious relationships, more objective thoughts, acts of honesty, and more truthful words.
    4. You are more self-reliant: You depend more on yourself than waiting for help from others.
    5. You make decisions based on your understanding and not impulses: Your decisions are no longer based on feeling or convenience but on what is right. You reflect more on yourself to understand better who you are. You also reflect on other’s people behavior to get their point of view and tolerate differences in opinion.
    6. You are more responsible: You are in charge of your work and the people around you instead of expecting people to do things for you.
    7. You exhibit higher standards: You don’t fall for social approvals or good status. You strive for more than acceptance.

    If you are consciously making these efforts, you are on a journey towards psychological growth. The changes are pretty difficult to achieve and make permanent, but they lead to the actual growth of your personality.

    3. Spiritual Progress

    While skeptics may hold a contrary opinion, the standard agreement is there exists a spiritual dimension to all existence. Spiritual experiences are not the same and vary from one individual to another.

    These experiences vary in form, experience, depth, direction, permanency, and intensity. Spirituality is quite a broad subject; thus, we shall only focus on a narrow segment of it which locks out other experiences people perceive as spiritual.

    These include occult powers, subtle forces that influence our lives, visions, voices, and subtle sounds.

    Spirituality is about experiencing higher levels of consciousness that are associated with commonly spiritual qualities such as peace, patience, harmony, silence, self-giving, freedom, equality, and compassion, among others.

    Marks of a Person Experiencing Spiritual Growth

    1. Patience and tolerance: You exhibit high levels of these qualities
    2. Goodwill: You are not in competition with others nor harbor feelings of jealousy or resentment but rejoicing
    3. Knowledge: You understand the meaning or significance of the experience you go through. You know how to grow or outlive the need for them.
    4. Peace: You are calm and peaceful amidst an intense activity or with other people.
    5. Equality: You react less to disturbing events and embrace greater equanimity.
    6. Self-giving: You aspire for other people’s fulfillment rather than yours. You identify more with other people.
    7. Silence: Your mind becomes settled and experiences periods of complete stillness.

    4. Transformation

    In our quest to know and understand what personal growth is, we finally arrive at the fourth stage of the process referred to as transformation.

    While spiritual progression has numerous benefits – personal fulfillment, positive personal relations, increase in our capacity for personal accomplishment, inner strength, and security it rarely alters the substance of our personality.

    Both Western psychologists and eastern spiritual traditionalists agree on this fact. Western psychologists argue that the human character is inherited and fixed and therefore can’t be changed.

    Similarly, Eastern spiritual traditionalists believe that the soul remains unchanged through the experience of birth known as Swarupa, where it remains the same in its entire lifetime. Here is the source of knowledge behind the term Karma the Hindus commonly refer to.

    Transformation involves inborn capacity levels that you can’t change solely through conscious individual effort. These levels include

    1. Strength of Personality: Here, the argument is that we each have different characteristic levels of intensity different from our vital and mental energies. This intensity can change or influence the people we relate to and the environment we live in. You will hear of such terms as a ‘towering personality.’
    2. Depth of Personality: To understand the depth of personality, you need an understanding of the stages involved in personality transformation, which follows a given order. Manners – Behaviour – Character – Personality – individuality. Individuals with a depth of personality can be said to achieve a level where their inner feeling is in harmony with their external manners. There are also those individuals that have formed a character of a higher accomplishment. Still, some individuals exhibit a level of personality and individuality that transcends societal limitations and their own upbringing.
    3. Mental, vital, and Physical Consciousness: These refer to the three different levels of consciousness in human beings. From these centers of consciousness, one can be described as
    • A courageous patriot
    • A thinker
    • A man of action
    • An organizer
    • A loyal follower
    • A leader of the people

    Every human being strives to achieve higher levels of consciousness; however, except by spiritual change, one cannot alter the balance of these three elements in their personality.

    This helps explain why one individual can amass wealth but lacks perceptive thinking exhibited by another individual.

    You could be well-educated and trained but lack emotional depth or intellectual acuity shown by another individual.

    Personal Growth Examples: Self Growth Spheres

    The human mind is wired to think linearly. Move from point A to B, then to C, keep following that line. However, this cannot be practical because we are complex and multidimensional by nature.

    We can’t reduce our lives to a single dimension. When we shift from a single dimension to a three small dimension object in space, for example, you can visualize your life developing into a full-blown sphere.

    Look at the small multidimensional object like your undeveloped or limited thoughts, unrealized power or capacity, or limited knowledge. On the flip side, the sphere is the side of these things developed. Infinite joy, capacity, power, and wisdom.

    Choosing to travel in one direction brings you to the end of the road or instead at the end of a line; however, making progress in multiple directions sets you on a path towards the end of a universal sphere.

    Whether you choose to carry out your multidimensional progress simultaneously or successively is up to you.

    Final Thoughts

    Personal Growth is deeply ingrained in our lives whether you choose to pay attention to it or not. Not only does it focus on the superficial qualities of our lives, but it has a deep relation with our psychology.

    There are four levels of personal growth that can enable you to achieve your personal growth goals. From them, you can assess your position in the self-growth journey relative to your past and the future.

    These levels though distinguished, are interdependent and helpful in tracking your personal growth.

    We can all conclude that working on ourselves is not easy and takes a great deal of time. But the sooner you start the journey and be intentional about it, the better for you. With the right strategy and coaching, real change is possible.

  • Freelance Writing: 5 Beginner Tips for New Freelance Writers

    Freelance Writing: 5 Beginner Tips for New Freelance Writers

    Affiliate Disclosure: This content contains affiliate links at no extra cost to you to help meet the cost of running the website. Thanks for your support.

    Seven years ago, there was some hype about making money online as a writer. I was a student in college at the time pursuing a BSc in Horticulture.

    Back then, I didn’t pay much attention to freelance writing. I saw it as one of the many distractions I had been warned about when joining college. But who said you couldn’t do some meaningful activity that can make your life easy while a student?

    Against that backdrop, I attempted some writing gigs on a freelancing platform – iWriter but failed miserably. I couldn’t keep up with the writing speed and the short delivery deadlines.

    Well, that’s different today. Besides my formal employment, freelancing writing has become a sensation in my life. This post offers you some valuable lessons in this industry that I have learned through failed experiences. Keep reading.

    1. Drop the Skewed Mentality about Freelance Writing

    Freelance writing is no longer a side-hustle as many people used to believe it is. It’s the main thing. Unfortunately, the side-hustle narrative is still the mentality in this part of the world.

    If you mention that you are a writer, the first thing that comes to your listener’s mind is academic writing.

    Academic writing is getting paid to research and write term papers and class assignments for college students. It’s also freelancing since you work with many different clients.

    I talk about academic writing because this is a sensation among my peers in my country. However, that isn’t the kind of freelance writing I’m talking about.

    I’m talking about writing E-books, blog posts for blogs and websites, product reviews, articles, and white papers. If you mention this in some quarters, you will be asked to get a real job.

    But as usual, people embrace change in different stages, some being the beginners and some the laggards. Check my latest engagement here.

    2. Work on your Skillset

    When I began freelance writing, I had fewer skills than I have today. All I knew much was writing. But even the writing itself wasn’t that polished.

    Come to think of it, any technical skill requires constant practice, without which you lose. Think of a computer programmer or simply having basic knowledge of computers, a car driver, a mechanic; the longer you stay away from doing the job, the sooner you become archaic.

    freelance writing

    On the flip side, I have picked other skills along the way because of my zeal in the industry. A few to mention are

    • formatting and publishing blog posts on WordPress,
    • basic html,
    • website page editing using Elementor and Thrive Architect themes,
    • fact-checking,
    • digital marketing, SEO, and
    • graphic design using canvas.

    These are what I would call technical chops.

    They look trivial but go a long way in positioning you as a person of value in the marketplace, especially as a freelancer. Some of these skills will require some financial investment, which you should be willing to part with. You could also build a free or premium course from whatever you have learned to train other writers.

    3. Embrace the ‘Yes I Can’ Mentality


    The trick about freelance writing is that people think they have to be pros or experts to start. Ditch that right now because you are closing your doors to many freelancing opportunities.

    I wasn’t a pro when I started, and I’m still learning on the job as I write this. Some clients will reach out to you, notice your limitations and offer to train you.

    The critical thing here is your willingness to learn. You should always be open to every new opportunity that comes, whether you have industry knowledge or not.

    But as you get the gist of freelance writing, start identifying topics you love and can narrow down to. Check a niche topic I write about here.

    5. Don’t Be Shy to Ask for Better Compensation

    As a freelance writer, you will be dealing with online clients most of the time. In most cases, if not all, you will never see their faces or even hear their voices.

    The only cues to their personality are their communication via chat or email. This may make it hard for you to relate personally and even ask for what you feel you deserve.

    But that shouldn’t be a concern or worry you.

    The person on the other side chatting with you is basically a human being. Though you may be in different cultures and time zones and bred differently, learn to exercise emotional intelligence and attention to detail as much as possible.

    Some clients will come out as rude and others as very polite. For the polite ones, there will be a lot of thank-yous and please. That being said, if you feel you are being underpaid, never shy off from asking for a raise.

    As sane human beings, they will listen and respond accordingly depending on the budget at hand. I talk more about this in my affordable training.

    5. Build your Writing Portfolio

    As a freelance writer, you must learn to operate as an entrepreneur. Don’t only write but also market your services to win more and better-paying clients.

    As you begin, you may not have much experience building your portfolio.

    Your portfolio is like your resume, which showcases your previous and current writing engagements with potential clients. It highlights your skills, experience, and the kind of services you offer. I have mine here though not quite polished. Looking to build my freelance services website in the new future.

    Wrap Up

    That’s it for today. I will be sharing more freelance writing tips in the coming weeks. Remember to subscribe to the blog to get the latest updates. If you believe you are a writer or can write, type in the comments section below – Yes, I can, and begin your journey in a freelance writing career.

  • 10 Secrets to Overcoming Writer’s Block and Unleashing Your Creativity

    10 Secrets to Overcoming Writer’s Block and Unleashing Your Creativity

    Suffering from writer’s block? Yes, it happens, and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. Some reasons are to blame for it. There are those days you can wake up and find yourself staring at your laptop screen for hours with less writing. What leads to this? And what is writer’s block, exactly?

    Writer’s block is a condition where a writer has trouble creating new work or finding inspiration. It can range from needing help to come up with new ideas to not being able to write for a long time. It’s not just about not writing for a while but about not making progress on what you’re trying to write.

    Any writer could suffer from writer’s block, regardless of how long they have been in the industry. Luckily, it’s possible to overcome writer’s block and unleash your creativity as a writer. With creativity, your writing will become more engaging and refreshing for readers since it fosters the creation of unique and original content.

    Secrets and Writing Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

    It’s possible to overcome writer’s block and get back to peak writing performance. If you want to get going, here is a list of the next steps.

    1. Re-read Your Best Blog Posts / Articles

    Suppose you’re feeling low on writing because of writer’s block; remember you’re not alone, and this could happen to anybody.

    How about flaming back your inspiration by re-reading your old blog posts? In fact, get down to your best blog and read it. Taking this step reminds you of how good you are as a writer.

    All you’re doing is reminding yourself of the best writing skills that still reside within you.

    2. Take Regular Breaks and Change Your Environment

    Sometimes, all you need to overcome writer’s block is a break. Yes, I know you have a deadline to meet, but rushing your busy brain will only make things worse for you.

    Staring at your screen long enough isn’t gonna help you either. That’s why you want to engage in something that will not involve much of your brain. This could range from going for nature walks, going for a jog, or simply watching TV.

    Take regular breaks to recharge.

    Another step you can take is to change the location of your usual writing place. It may sound trivial, but you don’t want to underestimate its effects on your writing productivity.

    You can go anywhere else (in a park or coffee shop) away from your study and see the magic that happens. Your brain relaxes when you break its normal pattern.

    3. Eliminate Distractions

    Life has become digital, and suddenly, you have every app and social site clamoring for your attention. Now, let’s face it! You will not overcome writer’s block and beat a lack of productivity if you continue getting distracted.

    You need to find a way to eliminate distractions when writing, even if that means taking the phone out of your room. Alternatively, you could disable all phone notifications to give ample time to your writing.

    4. Start in the Middle

    I know writing tutors have told you, you need to start from the title, introduction and continue with the sequence when writing. But there is no hard and fast rule to that order.

    You can choose to start in the middle or write from backward towards the front. Whether you’re trying to write a story or blog writing, you’ll feel less obligated to create the first best paragraph.

    It also helps to start writing with an outline to understand better where your writing is heading.

    5. Use Prompts, Freewriting, and Brainstorming

    Writer’s Block Instant Cure | FAST Screenplay

    Using prompts, freewriting, and brainstorming can be effective techniques for overcoming writer’s block. A prompt is a word, phrase, or question that serves as a starting point for writing. It can be used to generate ideas and to get the writing process started.

    Freewriting is a technique in which a writer writes whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar, spelling, or structure. It is a great way to generate ideas and get the creative juices flowing.

    Brainstorming is a technique in which a group of people comes together to generate ideas for a project or problem. It is often used in a business setting but can also be used to generate ideas for writing projects.

    You can use these techniques in combination or separately to overcome your writer’s block.

    6. Know Your Peak Writing Time

    Peak writing time is a personal thing, and that’s why you need to find out what time you write best.

    Some writers write best in the morning when it’s quiet and kids have yet to jump out of bed. (if you’re a family man like me:)) While other writers could do better in the evening.

    As a creative writer, plan to work when your creativity is at its peak.

    7. Get Feedback From Others

    Kelsey Chance ZrhtQyGFG6s Unsplash 1
    Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

    If you’re struggling with writer’s block, why not leverage feedback from editors, your audience, or readers to get a feel of your work?

    Gathering feedback from others will help you identify areas of your writing that are unclear and need improvement. Receiving feedback will also help you generate ideas and find new inspiration for your writing.

    Lastly, consider getting feedback from different sources for an all-rounded view of your work.

    8. Make Writing a Habit

    Instead of waiting for your creativity to peak before you begin writing, why not just start to write? Building a writing routine is essential to overcoming writer’s block.

    It helps you prepare your brain to enter into writing mode on a specific day or time you’ve set. This could be on weekends or a day in the week. The key is to stick to that schedule to build momentum with time.

    Always waiting for inspiration before writing is what could be making you stuck.

    9. Use a Different Writing Tool

    Another secret to overcoming writer’s block is to use a different writing tool. How many writing tools do you know of? Google Docs, Microsoft Word, WordPress?

    It’s vital to have knowledge of the different writing tools so you can regularly shift among them to kill writer’s block.

    Also, shifting your writing fonts helps a great deal. Shift from a serif to a non-serif font. Or you could work with different colors that suit your taste. Additionally, employ different writing styles to make writing look interesting.

    10. Read Widely, Steal Ideas

    Sometimes trying hard to come up with an original idea is what leads to writer’s block. As you read widely, be open to new writing ideas from different sources.

    Here is an idea for you. As you read widely, try to find famous writers with work you love. Maybe it’s the way they do their outlines, headings, or style.

    Snatch those post ideas and make them your own without plagiarizing or copy-pasting anything. That’s how you move ahead and overcome writer’s block.

    The Bottom Line

    Overcoming writer’s block and unleashing your creativity is a process that requires persistence, experimentation, and flexibility.

    Every writer faces writer’s block moments, but with the right mindset and techniques, overcoming it and unleashing your creativity is possible.

    Keep experimenting and be flexible with the writing techniques above; you will find the key to unlocking your creativity.

    Be crazy, go with the flow, and have fun!

  • Why Making Money Online Is Underrated and What You’re Missing Out On?

    Why Making Money Online Is Underrated and What You’re Missing Out On?

    Affiliate Disclosure:This content contains affiliate links at no extra cost to you to help meet the cost of running the website. Thanks for your support.

    Let me introduce you to the game if you have never made money online. Making money online refers to earning money through the internet using various methods, such as creating a website or blog, selling products or services, affiliate marketing, online advertising, and more.

    Some popular ways you can make money online include starting an e-commerce business, creating and selling online courses, becoming a digital nomad, and working remotely. Making money online is underrated, and there are many opportunities out there that people are missing out on.

    The Benefits of Making Money Online

    For starters, one of the best benefits of making money online is that virtually unlimited opportunities are available for just about anyone with a computer and Internet connection. Whether you want to get paid for copywriting, selling products online, or taking surveys, countless options can help you get paid quickly and easily.

    Another great benefit of making money online is that it doesn’t require much effort or investment on your part. You don’t need to get an expensive degree, buy a bunch of equipment, or even get a job in order to make money online. All you really need is some basic knowledge and access to the internet.

    Moreover, making money online has the potential for high earnings. Depending on your work type, you can make more money than you would with a traditional job at an office or store. You get to decide how much you want to get paid for your time, giving you more flexibility and control over the amount of money you make.

    Finally, one of the greatest benefits of making money online is that it can be done virtually anywhere. Whether at home, on vacation, or just running errands, you can make money anytime and anywhere. This means you don’t have to give up other pursuits, such as travel or leisure activities, to make money online.

    You can work part-time or full-time while keeping your current job to get the best of both worlds. This is a great option for those who want to get more money but don’t have the time or resources to get a second job.

    Common Misconceptions About Making Online

    One of the biggest misconceptions about making online money is that it’s a scam and not a legitimate income source. Many people believe that making money online is only for tech-savvy individuals who know how to navigate the internet and deeply understand online platforms and tools. However, this is not the case, as there are many legitimate ways to make money online, as highlighted earlier.

    Another misconception about making money online is that money from the internet cannot be earned passively. This could not be further from the truth! In fact, passive income streams are one of the most popular forms of earning money online. With proper planning and research into various strategies, it is possible to set up passive sources of income and enjoy financial benefits with minimal effort.

    The other myth I need to debunk is that making money online requires special skills or knowledge. While some money-making opportunities require certain qualifications and expertise, plenty of money-making options do not need any prior experience.

    For example, getting paid through surveys, writing articles for money, or selling unwanted items on eBay, and your local e-commerce platform can all be done with just basic computer skills and internet access.

    Finally, some people believe that making money online is only for those already successful in their traditional careers. They think online businesses are only for people with a lot of money or resources to invest.

    However, this is not the case, as there are many ways to make money online that require little to no investment. For example, starting a blog, selling merchandise (e-commerce), creating a social media account, or even taking online surveys can be done with little to no investment. Making money online is open to everyone, regardless of their background or experience.

    The Potential for Growth and Success

    Making money online has the potential for significant growth and success. One of the main advantages of making money online is the ability to turn a hobby or passion into a profitable business.

    Many people have been able to monetize their interests and expertise by creating online courses, writing e-books, starting a YouTube channel, or even selling products related to their hobbies.

    This allows individuals to work on something they enjoy and are knowledgeable about, which can lead to a more fulfilling and successful career.

    Another advantage of making money online is the potential to reach a global audience. The internet has made it possible to connect with people from all over the world, which allows online businesses to expand their customer base and increase their revenue potential. This is particularly true for e-commerce businesses, which can sell products to customers in different countries without the need to set up physical stores.

    Courtesy of Incognito Money

    Moreover, making money online allows individuals to diversify their income streams. This means that they can have multiple sources of income, which can provide a safety net in case one of their income streams dries up.

    For example, a person can have a full-time job or a side business and earn money from affiliate marketing, online advertising, or renting their property. This diversification reduces the financial risk and increases the chances of success.

    In summary, making money online has many potentials for growth and success; it allows individuals to turn their hobby or passion into a profitable business, reach a global audience, and diversify their income streams.


    In conclusion, making money online is an underrated way to earn a living. There are many benefits to making money online, such as the potential for growth and success.

    Despite the common misconceptions about making money online, it is a viable option for anyone willing to do the work.

    If you’re interested in starting your own online business, we offer a freelance writing course and mentorship to help you get started. Enroll today and start earning money from the comfort of your own home!

  • How to Become a Top-notch Writer | Motivation Parlour

    How to Become a Top-notch Writer | Motivation Parlour

    You may be on the hunt for tips on how to become a top-notch writer, whether you are a freelancer, student, or someone who works from home. Writing is an essential skill that can help launch your career and open up opportunities for success. Having excellent writing skills will make writing easier and provide you with many advantages in life.

    But how exactly do you go about becoming a top-notch writer? This blog post aims to answer this question by detailing some of the important steps and techniques necessary to boost your writing prowess and reach new heights!

    The Writing Process

    To morph into one of the best writers, you need to understand that there is what we call the writing process. Below, we break down that process further to make you better understand what it takes.

    Understanding the Writing Process

    The writing process isn’t easy—it requires time, effort, and dedication. Various writing tips and tricks can help you write more effectively.

    For starters, the most important writing tip is to plan ahead and create an outline of your writing project. This helps you stay organized, so you know where to start writing, what points to cover and provide structure for your work.

    A basic writing outline captures the four key elements of

    • Brainstorming
    • Outlining
    • Writing &
    • Revising

    Tips for Improving the Writing Process

    To improve your writing process, set aside time in your daily schedule specifically for writing. Dedicating yourself will allow you to focus on your writing goals without distraction.

    Breaking down large projects into smaller tasks is also key to staying motivated while writing. Chunking big projects into small components makes writing less daunting and more attainable.

    Improve your writing | Benjamin’s English

    Check Your Grammar and Style

    Good writing is essential in any industry, and it’s no surprise that grammar and style are two major components of writing. Knowing how to format your writing properly can make a huge difference in the quality and readability of your writing.

    When writing articles or content pieces, honing in on grammar and style will set you apart from others and make sure that your message comes across clearly. Here are some tips for improving your grammar and style when writing:

    1. Know Your Audience – One important aspect to consider when writing is knowing who you are writing for. Tailoring your writing style to fit different audiences can be beneficial as this will help ensure that all readers easily understand the message.

    2. Read, Read, Read – Just like writing, reading is also an important part of improving grammar and style in your writing. Reading different writing styles can help expand your writing skills and give you ideas for improving yours.

    3. Take Breaks – Taking some time away from writing can be the best way to keep your writing fresh and avoid possible errors or typos.

    4. Use Grammar Tools – Utilizing a grammar checker tool is a great way to ensure that your writing is free of any mistakes before submitting it for publication. Checkers such as Hemingway Editor or Grammarly are two examples of popular tools that can help you find errors quickly and easily. I use them often in my writing to polish my work

    Improving the grammar and style of your writing is an important part of writing. By following these writing tips and focusing on improving your writing, you can ensure that your writing stands out from the rest.

    Research and Fact-Check Your Content

    Research and fact-checking are essential when writing content. Without them, your work may be filled with mistakes or inaccuracies that could damage its credibility. But don’t worry! With these helpful writing tips, you can ensure you get the research part right every time:

    1. Start by searching for books related to your topic. Books are a great source of in-depth information that can enable you to create more accurate and reliable content. When researching from books, make sure to select those written by credible authors and published by reputable publishers.

    2. Use online sources as well! Just like with books, ensure online sources used have been verified and come from trusted websites– after all, anyone can post information online. It’s best to double-check the accuracy of any data you find to ensure you get the right information.

    3. Check for multiple sources when researching content and look for opportunities to cross-reference facts from different websites or books to verify their accuracy. Doing this will help you build a more reliable understanding of what information is true and which is not.

    4. Use your own experience as well! Writing from personal experience can be just as effective as quoting from someone else’s work, so don’t be afraid to include your own opinions or insights into the topic when researching for content.

    With these writing tips, you can ensure that your research and fact-checking are on point and that your content is as accurate and reliable as possible. Don’t forget to be thorough and take your time when researching for content, as this will help you create the most accurate and effective writing possible.

    Build a Writing Routine

    Whether you’re a student or a professional, developing a writing routine can help you become better at it and open up more opportunities for freelance writing.

    Creating a writing routine will require effort and discipline, but the rewards are great. It requires setting up specific goals and sticking to them every day. Here are some tips to help you build an effective writing routine:

    1. Set a Time and Place to Write – This should be the same spot and time each day so that it becomes part of your daily habit. It could be first thing in the morning, after lunch, or late at night when all the distractions disappear; whatever works best for you.

    2. Write a Few Sentences – Start off small and write just a few sentences each day. This will help you build up your writing muscles and become more confident in your work.

    3. Make it Fun – Writing doesn’t have to be dull or boring; liven it up by listening to music, taking breaks for some fresh air, or changing the scenery from time to time.

    4. Set Realistic Goals – If you set yourself demanding goals that seem impossible, you’ll quickly lose motivation to continue writing and feel overwhelmed by the task ahead of you. Instead, start with shorter writing sessions until you can get into a good writing rhythm daily, and start thinking bigger!

    5. Make it a Habit – The best way to form a writing routine is to make it part of your daily habits and stick to them. Write something every day, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at first.

    By building a writing routine, you’ll be able to improve your writing skills and create better content for yourself or others. You’ll also open yourself up to more freelance writer opportunities which can lead to greater success in the future. So get started on creating your own writing routine today!


    If you want to become a top-notch writer, there are certain skills you need to develop and steps you need to follow. The writing process is essential, as it will help you create well-organized and error-free content.

    Always check your grammar and style, research, and fact-check your information to ensure accuracy. Finally, build a writing routine that works for you to stay on track and meet deadlines.

    Subscribe to our freelance writing course and mentorship program today to start making money from your passion for writing.

  • How To Become a Blogger | Motivation Parlour

    How To Become a Blogger | Motivation Parlour

    Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to make extra money and gain valuable experience? With the digital marketing industry booming and more businesses turning to content creation as part of their overall strategy, blogging has emerged as a viable career path with great potential.

    As a blogger, your creative ideas can come to life through stories that capture the imagination of readers who will be eager to share your words. If you’re interested in taking advantage of this opportunity but aren’t sure where to begin, read on!

    In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything from how to create successful blog posts and promote them effectively all the way up until you get paying clients — it’s easier than you might think!

    What is Blogging?

    Blogging is an online form of writing that is shared with the world. People can use blogs to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and experiences to readers. Blogging has grown in popularity due to its accessibility and ability to reach a wide audience.

    If you’re considering blogging, one of the biggest reasons would be to share what you know and what interests you with others. You get to talk about topics or subjects that are important to you or just have fun sharing what’s on your mind. You also gain valuable experience in writing and researching topics related to what you’re blogging about.

    The best part? You don’t need any special skills or qualifications—it’s something anyone can do as long.

    How To Start a Blog?

    Starting a blog is easier than you might think. If you’re blogging for beginners, there are three main components that you need to know about: blogging platforms, domain names, and hosting services.

    Blogging platforms are the foundation of your blog. They provide an easy-to-use interface that allows you to create content quickly and easily without learning complex coding languages or HTML. Some popular blogging platforms include WordPress, Medium, and Wix. Each platform has its own unique features and capabilities, so it’s important to do your research before selecting one.

    Domain names allow visitors to find your blog online by typing in a specific web address (your domain name). When selecting a domain

    How To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas

    If you’re new to blogging and wondering what you should write about, don’t worry – there are plenty of blog writing topics out there! The best way to come up with blog post ideas for beginners is to create a list of topics you feel passionate about or have knowledge of. This will help narrow down your choices and give you unique blog ideas that make the most sense for your blog.

    Once you settle on some general topics, brainstorm specific blog posts within them. To do this, consider questions people may ask related to those topics and answer them in your post. Not only does this provide useful information for readers, it also helps boost SEO as well! Additionally, using tools like Quora can be really helpful in finding blog post topics that are relevant and interesting to your audience.

    Try coming up with posts on hot topics people are talking about or discussing ways to solve common problems within your niche. This will help you create timely and relevant content while providing value to your readers. Finally, don’t forget to use visuals – images and videos can really help liven up a post and make it more engaging for readers.

    Overall, brainstorming blog writing topics may seem intimidating at first, but if you keep these tips in mind, you should be able to come up with unique blog ideas that will please even the pickiest of readers.

    How To Promote Your Blog Posts

    It pays to be creative if you’re looking to get traffic to your blog. There are numerous ways of marketing your blog for free and increasing readership. Here are some ideas:

    1. Social media – Make sure you have a presence on big platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Create posts that will grab people’s attention, share content regularly and set up a hashtag unique to your blog.

    2. Networking – Reach out to other bloggers and influencers in your field or niche, join blogging forums and participate in conversations relevant to your blog topics. Don’t be afraid to ask for guest posts from other bloggers – this can help broaden the reach of your blog even further!

    3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Using keywords, tags and titles can help your blog rank higher up in search engine results. If you’re serious about getting more readers to your blog, then mastering SEO is a great place to start.

    4. Engaging content – You need to create interesting content that appeals to your target readership. Take time over the quality of your posts – make sure to include visuals, videos and polls where appropriate to keep people engaged with what you’re writing about.

    These are just some ideas on how to get traffic for free – ultimately, it comes down to creativity, consistency and dedication if you want your blog noticed!

    How To Make Money From Blogging

    If you’re looking to make money from your writing, then creating a successful blog is one of the best ways to get started. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you create an engaging and profitable blog:

    1. Choose a Niche: Before launching your blog, carefully consider what subjects or topics you plan on covering to target the right audience and maximize your income potential. The more narrow and more focused your niche is, the easier it will be for readers to find content related specifically to them.

    2. Use Free Platforms: You can save yourself a lot of time and money by starting out with free blogging platforms like WordPress or Blogger rather than paying for hosting or web design services. Plus, these platforms offer plenty of features and options that you can use to customize your blog.

    3. Optimize Your Content: To optimize your blog for search engine visibility, make sure to include relevant keywords in the titles and body of your posts, as well as image captions and meta descriptions. Also, don’t forget to post regularly and link to other bloggers in the same niche.

    4. Monetizing Your Blog: Once you’ve created a steady stream of content and have built an audience, consider monetizing your blog by using affiliate programs or selling ads. You may also want to set up a donation option so readers can support your work directly with a one-time or recurring payment.

    By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful blog that will help you make money from your writing. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!


    If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, I hope this article has given you the encouragement and information you need to take that first step. If you have any questions or would like me to cover another topic related to blogging, let me know in the comments below.

    And if you’re already a blogger, I’d love to hear your tips and tricks for fellow writers looking to start their own blogs. Leave your advice in the comments so we can help each other out!

  • How to Become a Copy Writer in 2023

    How to Become a Copy Writer in 2023

    Are you a freelancer, student, or jobless graduate who has been dreaming of becoming a copywriter in 2023? Do you have big goals you want to achieve by the year but feel like the path to success is uncertain?

    You’re not alone—many people in similar situations feel the same way. But don’t give up! Now more than ever, it’s possible for anyone with ambition and determination to make their dreams come true without being held back by traditional paths.

    In this blog post, I’ll outline a step-by-step process for becoming a successful copywriter in 2023 so that you can seize this opportunity and reach your goals.

    1. Start by Reading Books and Articles about Copywriting

    If you’ve been considering copywriting as a career, you’ll benefit from doing some research and reading up on website copywriting tips. Many books and articles available can provide insights into the world of copywriting and offer advice on how to start your own business or land a job at an agency.

    When reading articles and books about copywriting, pay attention to the strategies these professionals use and the tips they provide for writing website copy that is both effective and persuasive. You’ll also find plenty of advice on landing a job in copywriting – look out for tips related to making your application stand out or showcasing your work in the best light possible.

    By doing your research and reading up on website copywriting tips, you can gain valuable insights into the world of copywriting and become better equipped to take on jobs or start your own business.

    You can start with a copywriting book I have been reading here from Amazon by Yordan Kostadinov that will only cost you a few bucks.

    2. Join an Online Course or Community to Learn more about the Craft

    Another way to become a successful copywriter in 2023 is by joining an online community. It’s an excellent way to learn about website copywriting tips and strategies. You’ll find that many members are eager to share their experiences, answer questions, and offer helpful advice on the craft of copywriting.

    Plus, connecting with other copywriters can open up opportunities for jobs! By becoming part of an online community, you can form relationships with like-minded people who understand your journey as a copywriter.

    You have access to mentors who can guide you in writing website content or marketing materials. It’s also a great place to ask questions and get feedback on projects in progress.

    I’m part of a copywriting Facebook group known as Copywriter Cafe. You might want to join as well and learn more about the game.

    3. Take on Small Writing Projects to gain Experience

    Take on small writing projects to gain experience. This could include things like writing website content, crafting blog posts or creating captivating social media posts. By starting off with smaller projects, you can get your feet wet and start building a portfolio that will help you land future gigs.

    Once you’ve built up some experience writing copy, consider taking on larger jobs such as crafting email campaigns or developing in-depth sales pitches. With each new project, think about how you can challenge yourself.

    I’m currently working for a copywriting client on Upwork and the experience with draft revisions isn’t very rosy, but yeah, I love the learnings.

    4. Polish Your Skills by Practising Every Day

    If you want to become a copywriter without having a degree in the field, how do you gain experience? The answer is simple: practice. Developing and honing your copywriting skills doesn’t — just like any other skill or craft — requires dedication and hard work.

    You don’t need to enroll in formal classes or workshops but rather find available tools online to help perfect your skill set. Start by reading up on how to write effective copy that gets results. Learn how to identify target audiences and how best to communicate with them through your words.

    With this knowledge and understanding of how copy works, you can begin writing your own content. Look for opportunities such as volunteer projects or internships where you can gain real-world experience. Over time, try various writing styles and experiment with how to craft the perfect message.

    With each iteration, you’ll become better and better at creating content that resonates with readers. You’ll earn valuable experience and grow as a copywriter by consistently practicing your craft. So what are you waiting for? Start honing your copywriting skills today!

    Remember: practice makes perfect! With hard work and dedication, you can turn yourself into an experienced copywriter in no time.

    I keep honing my copywriting skills on this website by publishing content and copy from time to time. I need to start doing it daily, though😉

    5. Get Feedback from other Writers and Editors to Improve Your Work

    If you’re starting out as a copywriter, getting feedback from other writers and editors is important to help you hone your craft. Having an outside perspective can provide insight into possible areas of improvement you may not have considered. Plus, reviews from industry professionals can give you a better understanding of industry standards and expectations.

    The best place to start looking for feedback is online communities such as Reddit or Quora, where experienced copywriters share their knowledge and advice.

    Networking events are another great way to find people. You don’t have to do it physically to feel you’re networking. Nowadays, we have online networking platforms like Linkedin and Meetup, where you can easily sign up in minutes and get cracking!

    6. Stay up-to-date with the Latest Trends in Copywriting

    As a beginner copywriter, staying up-to-date with the latest trends in copywriting can be an uphill task. But it doesn’t have to be! With the right tips and tools, you’ll be well on your way to crafting creative copy that stands out from the crowd.

    First, knowing what kind of copywriting you’re looking for is important. Copywriting comes in many forms, including web content, article, advertising copywriting, and more. Knowing what type of work you want will help narrow down your choices so you can focus on honing your skills in that area.

    In terms of finding inspiration for ideas, plenty of resources are available online. The world wide web is your oyster for finding new and exciting ways to generate copy, from copywriting ideas generators to blogs and forums dedicated to copywriters.

    Finally, if you don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to writing copy, plenty of templates can help you get started. For example, if you’re looking for a template for the “About Us” page or web copy for a landing page, all it takes is a quick search online and you will find dozens of ready-made templates tailored specifically towards copywriting.

    Heard of ChatGPT? You can use it as a research tool to find great inspiration and writing crisp copy.


    If you’re passionate about writing and want to turn it into a career, there’s no time like the present to start learning how to become a copywriter. The best way to improve your skills is by practicing every day and getting feedback from other writers and editors.

    You can also join many online courses and communities to learn more about copywriting. And finally, ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in copywriting to be at the top of your game. Do you have any tips on becoming a successful writer? Share them with us in the comments below!

    Join our freelance writing and mentorship course to kickstart your journey as an online earning writer in 2023.

  • Make Money Online in 2023: What You Need to Know

    Make Money Online in 2023: What You Need to Know

    The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for people who want to make money online. With the right knowledge and skills, you can make a living from the comfort of your own home. In this blog post, we’ll look at the different ways you can make money online in 2023 and how to get started.

    Suppose you’ve been procrastinating about making money online as a writer or creator in 2022; this isn’t the time to procrastinate anymore.

    The creator economy has become a gold mine, and people are finding it not just a better option than formal employment but the best option.

    I have been doing it myself for the last five years part-time and if you want to get into it full swing, then be committed to it. Don’t dismiss it as a side hustle or a by-the-way option.

    Popular Ways to Make Money Online in 2023

    With the internet in the palms of your hands, making money online should be a no-brainer for you. I have met countless people ekking a leaving out of it, and here is how you can do it too.

    1. Freelancing

    One of the most popular ways to make money online is through freelancing. Freelancing involves offering services such as web design, content writing, SEO optimization, virtual assistance, and more to clients who need help with their projects.

    You can find freelance work by joining platforms like Upwork or Fiverr and creating a profile that showcases your skills and talents.

    On these sites, you can create an account in minutes, list your services or skillset, and earn immediately. The best part about freelance work platforms is that you have the freedom to set your own rates and choose the projects that interest you the most.

    Plus, many of these sites also offer built-in payment protection so that you don’t have to worry about getting paid on time or not getting paid at all.

    2. Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is one other way you can make money online in 2023. It involves promoting other people’s products on your website or social media accounts in exchange for a commission when someone purchases something through your link.

    This is an effective way to monetize your website or social media presence without having to create any products yourself.

    All you need to do is find reputable companies whose products are relevant to your audience and partner with them for affiliate commissions.

    So how does this work?

    You sign up for an affiliate program (such as Amazon Associates), promote the products on your website or blog using special links that track your referrals back to the company’s site, then get paid when someone clicks through one of your links and makes a purchase.

    It may take some time before you start making significant money from affiliate programs but if done correctly, it can be quite lucrative over time!

    3. Selling Digital Products

    Selling digital products is another great way to make money online in 2023. Digital products are digital items like eBooks, courses, or software that customers can purchase and download instantly from anywhere in the world.

    You don’t have to worry about shipping costs or inventory management when selling digital products—all you need is a reliable payment processing solution and an effective sales page setup on your website or third-party marketplaces like Etsy or Shopify.

    For the record, I practice what I preach and here is a digital product I sell that you’ll find it useful in 2023. You can also check out my first e-book on Amazon and refer your friends to purchase it for only $7.

    4. Become a Youtuber

    You can also make money online in 2023 by becoming a creator on Youtube. My friend here has been on the platform for a year now and has already crunched up viewership and subscription numbers. They refer to themselves as the Sabaa family and do shows about marriage.

    To monetize your videos, you will need to enable monetization in your YouTube account settings and link to an AdSense account to receive payment for the ads shown on your videos.

    You can also earn money on YouTube by partnering with brands and promoting their products or services in your videos or by selling merchandise through a branded online store or through a third-party platform such as Etsy or Redbubble.

    It is important to note that earning money on YouTube takes time and consistent effort, as you will need to grow your audience and create high-quality content consistently in order to be successful.


    Making money online in 2023 can be a great opportunity for anyone looking for extra income or even full-time revenue streams from the comfort of their own home.

    Over the next few years, the internet is only going to become more important as a tool for making money. There are sustainable ways to make money online, but many scams are also out there.

    You need to do your research and find something that suits your skills and interests. Be prepared to work hard – making money online takes time and effort.

    Have patience, and don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately. If you’re interested in freelance writing as a way to make money online, enroll in our freelance writing course and mentorship program. We’ll help you get started on the path to financial success!

  • Interpersonal skills 101: What is Your Understanding of Interpersonal Skills?

    Interpersonal skills 101: What is Your Understanding of Interpersonal Skills?

    What are interpersonal skills?

    Interpersonal skills are the skills you use to communicate and interact effectively with others. Do you find it easy to keep a conversation going with open body language? Or would you rather have someone else communicate?

    The five interpersonal skills you need to master like the back of your hand include:

    1. Active listening

      Can you listen and understand what is being verbalized by the other person without wanting to jump in with your response?

      1. Communication

      You need to know how to convey information, whether in writing or speaking to the other person, in a way that you can easily be understood.

      1. Leadership

      Do you take the initiative? Are you a motivated worker who values your work and your team?

      1. Empathy

      Empathy is more about understanding the other person from their perspective. Adding your emotions to your interactions with people enables you to connect with people easily.

      1. Collaborate

      A healthy workplace encourages sharing of ideas and knowledge. Doing this while giving room to ideas and different perspectives of other people is collaborating.

      What is another word for interpersonal skills?

      Pexels Photo 1595386 1
      Photo Credit: Google images

      Interpersonal can also be referred to as

      • People skills
      • Emotional intelligence &
      • Soft skills.

      How do you build interpersonal skills?

      To effectively build your people skills, here is what you should do.

      1. Build Confidence and Self-esteem

      You need to be comfortable in your own skin to excel in your interpersonal skills. Confidence breeds respect and admiration from other people.

      If your self-esteem is down the toilet, you’ll find it hard to interact with people.

      To build confidence, attempt new tasks or roles you have never done before and reward yourself for it when you do it well.

      1. Identify Your Core Values and Stick to Them

      To be effective in your interpersonal skills, you must abide by your personal code of conduct. For instance, if one of your personal values is humble service, you will fail if you start acting entitled before your customers.

      Being principled and sticking to what identifies with your personal style makes you unique and an interesting person who can bring value and a fresh perspective to the table.

      1. Control Your Emotions

      Always being calm and collected goes a long way in ensuring healthy interactions with your peers and colleagues.

      Regardless of what is going on in your personal life that could make you easily irritated, depressed or angry, you need to maintain a positive disposition at work or when interacting with others.

      Keep feelings out of your business or work environment.

      1. Show Genuine Interest in Other People

      Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, it won’t cost much to let other people know you care about them.

      Building solid relationships with other people will make it easier for them to reciprocate their genuine interest back to you.

      1. Find Ways to Practice.

      Practice makes perfect. The more you use a skill, the more you perfect it. For example, you can find someone you trust as a mentor to help you build your interpersonal skills.

      You can do role-plays with them and seek feedback to help you know how you’re fairing.

      1. Be Attentive to Your Body Language

      Your body language could be closed and withdrawn or open and welcoming when interacting with others.

      Negative Communication Symptoms You Should Avoid

      • Looking down when talking to other people or hunched shoulders. Shows a lack of confidence.
      • Folded arms. Shows disinterest in what the other person is saying.

      Improve your interpersonal skills by always keeping an open body language. Some ways to keep your body language open include;

      • Maintain eye contact with the other speaker; you can occasionally look away but never look down.
      • Be keen on the other person’s body language as well. If they struggle to keep theirs open, you may need to adjust yourself.
      • Be aware of what you’re doing physically so that you can pay attention.

      What are interview questions on interpersonal skills?

      If you’re setting yourself up for an interview, you should know that questions on interpersonal skills are quite common during interviews and here are some questions you might want to check out.

      1. “Describe a time when you demonstrated your leadership?”
      2. “What’s your leadership style?”
      3. “How do you handle criticism? Do you think it’s important to criticize colleagues?”
      4. “How did you build relationships after landing your first job?”
      5. “Tell me about a moment when you helped a colleague resolve an issue?”
      6. “Describe a time when you had a conflict with your colleague; how did you resolve it?’
      7. “Tell me about a time you had to work with a coworker you didn’t like or trust?”
      8. “If your best friend should describe you, what should they say?”
      9. “Tell us a time when you demonstrated your problem-solving skills?”
      10. “Describe a time when you struggled to communicate something to your boss, colleague, or to customer. How did you manage to get your message over?”

      What are Interpersonal Skills for Leadership?

      The other way to ask this question would be, who is an interpersonal leader? One of the signs that you’re are a leader with good interpersonal skills is the ability to communicate and motivate the people around you.

      As a leader, your role is tied more to supporting and encouraging others to deliver on their roles. Becoming an effective interpersonal leader requires learning the interpersonal skills that will make you one since they aren’t innate.

      Here are the leadership interpersonal skills you should master like the back of your hand:

      • Active listening

      Refer to the first section about interpersonal skills

      • Feedback

      An interpersonal leader must be able to give constructive feedback to his team or employees. This is necessary to encourage a high level of performance in your staff.

      Companies benefit greatly if they can work with a leader who can pat employees on the areas they are doing well and offer constructive criticism in the areas they should improve.

      • Self-awareness

      An effective interpersonal leader understands their strengths and weaknesses and can adjust according to the situation that best suits them while tapping into the available resources.

      • Communication

      Great leaders know how to communicate effectively with their teams. They can easily morph into different situations that demand various communication styles, such as authoritative or diplomatic.

      Clarity and conciseness are key, so you don’t waste people’s time. The better if you can make your point clear with 200 words instead of 2000 words.

      Be mindful of your non-verbal communication such that you don’t convey the wrong signals to the people you engage with.

      • Compassion and Empathy

      The most effective way to understand other people’s feelings or thoughts is to practice compassion and empathy. The other person isn’t just a working machine but wants to be understood. You build more trust with them when you can understand their feelings.

      • Trust and Honesty

      An indicator that you don’t trust your employees is micromanaging them. You want to put up a trusting and honest disposition as an interpersonal leader so that your team can trust you in moments of crisis. Do you give your team a reason to trust you?

      Is there Interpersonal Skills Training?

      Yes, soft skills can be taught and one needs to identify the right corporate trainers to learn from.

      Interpersonal Vs. Intrapersonal Skills

      Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people. While intrapersonal skills have got more to do with you as an individual, the skills that build you up.

      Interpersonal SkillsIntrapersonal Skills
      CommunicationAbility to overcome distractions
      EmpathyTime management
      Openness to changeResilience
    2. Family First

      Family First

      What exactly is family?

      Even for a young child, defining a family in terms of what we feel a family should be is simple. However, not every simple image or perception we have of someone is right; what we say about “family” may also be influenced by the experiences or contacts we’ve acquired while dealing with identity issues.

      Family can refer to either a social unit or an emotional condition. We define family members as those who are linked to one another by marriage, adoption and blood, but it can be a mystical union with an atmosphere of love, assurance, and harmony.

      Relationships emerge when two or more individuals join their efforts to strive toward or achieve a single goal, which entails affection, coherence, and loyalty. A family is formed through a connection, a mutual relationship between two individuals or parties; it must be binding with goals and aspirations, and each person must understand the other party.

      When people learn that their biological parents abandoned them, I believe they demean themselves. It’s reasonable to wonder, what happened? What prompted him to leave? Was I a nuisance?

      These questions will depress you and prevent you from seeing what lies ahead of you, your own family, your parents and siblings, and you may become even more estranged from your own family.

      In old age, modern times, and postmodern times, we get responsibilities for the family. We work for our family, relocate to find family, sacrifice for family, adjust to change for our family, seek renown to find family, and even conduct crime or kill for our family.

      I believe that relying on our view of family will never help us to overcome racial prejudice, tribalism, or nepotism. Consider yourself a family member that shares economic and resource resources, cares or is concerned about your well-being.

      What’s more, it identifies or recognizes you as family, teaches or educates you, and counsels you to growth and development.

      Many people’s perceptions have been influenced to some extent by the ideology of family as people related by blood or marriage; today, no woman wants to take care of a stepchild, and some may even kill the child; we can never escape domestic violence if we do not try to understand the concept of family; and in most cases, adoption as a form of family occurs not willingly but as the “last option” for us to have a child, why no one?

      Discrimination begins with the belief that family is nothing more than a biological bond.

      For most of us, family comes first, but why and when is that family important to you? For some, family comes after a couple of drinks, or it comes first because of a death in the family, an important family keeps you on your toes to look for it, like you are dependable, and that is meaningful to live for, knowing that I have to do my best for my child (not necessarily by blood).

      Family traits currently have conditions this goes beyond love. True love is unconditional, which means people choose to have a family not out of love but through forming a relationship that has rules, for example, “I need someone who has money or I need a lady who can cook well,”

      How many males are poor? Do you eat? It’s interesting that when we walk down the street, we don’t understand the concept of a family just by looking at the street kids because I assume you can’t live without food, which means you can share and that’s enough to have a sense of belonging.

      Wherever we are, we need to act decently because anyone can be family, not by your plans or intentions but by how you treat others right or appropriately.

      We can never be the same; we need each other to grasp something new, just like our fingers.

      Even when we know the truth, people always defend their families in crisis communication. However, even the affected person can only be considered family if we avoid blood ties codes and stand up for the truth.

      The family is the first line of defence against violence in our societies; our manners, actions, and conversations with our children are the cofactors or determinants of the future society.

      There are best-case scenarios for peace and conflict resolution in society; for example, my family comes first in my provisions, which obliges me to focus on my work without diluting other people’s priorities or activities, and my priority is to feed and support my family.

      On the other hand, speaking or gossiping about a violent neighbour grows the trend among that family generation.

      In accordance with Kenya’s 2010 constitution’s Chapter 4 (the Bills of Rights), our definition of family keeps us vigilant or cautious about how we treat one another at work, at school, on the streets or roads, and in all other public places.

      By providing insight into structural families and society as a whole, we should ensure that our families receive the priority they deserve in society. The elderly who are standing on the bus should not be denied a seat just because they are a stranger; rather, we should set the right examples for societal moral development, keeping in mind that anyone can be a family member.

    3. Is Freelance Writing Worth it? Beginner’s Tips ( Personal Perspective)

      Is Freelance Writing Worth it? Beginner’s Tips ( Personal Perspective)

      Affiliate Disclaimer: The following content contains affiliate links, and I will earn some coffee money when you make a purchase through them at zero cost to you.

      Suppose you’ve been thinking about starting a career in freelance writing; there is never a better time to start. Several websites advertise remote freelance writing jobs, and you may just have a skill you haven’t thought about monetizing yet.

      I have made over 4000 US dollars as a freelance writer on Upwork alone, working part-time, exclusive of other remote freelance writing opportunities I landed via Facebook, Linkedin, and referrals.

      I developed an interest in freelance writing back at University. I shared that experience in one of the posts on this blog. I still make money from writing. A freelance writing side hustle is one easy way to make quick money once you land a good repeatable client.

      Some people stumbled into freelance writing, while others like me deliberately found their way into it.

      There is an old freelance website in Kenya I bumped into owned by the seasoned freelancer and internet marketer Walter Akolo. After much learning and enrolling on one of his freelance writing courses, I entered the freelance writing marketplace via Upwork.

      As any newbie freelancer would attest, my earlier experience on Upwork back in 2017 was extremely tough. I would write cover letters/proposals to numerous clients in vain. The other problem I had was a lack of experience; thus had no killer punch freelance writing samples.

      Luckily, I drafted one during my freelance writing coursework. Actually, this is how to start freelance writing with no experience.

      Join a freelance writing course and work on the assignments provided. That way, you can get a few samples you can use when bidding for a freelance writing contract or job.

      Here is a To-do List for You to Start Your Freelance Writing Side Hustle

      Whether you’ve read about secrets to freelance writing, hacks to being a top-rated writer or entry-level freelancing, you need to read this like you’re reading for the first time.

      1. Invest in your Freelance Writing Training

      The best way to invest in a freelance writing career is to learn from those who are successful in the craft. Which successful freelance writers do you know, and what can you learn from them?

      Second, you can jump at many free courses online and upskill in the shortest time possible with commitment and determination.

      To get you started on paid courses, here are some highlights of the best courses you can explore;

      2. Bid for Jobs on Freelance Writing Websites

      Getting your first freelance writing client will be the hardest, but you must be resilient. When I joined Upwork in 2015, I bade jobs for weeks before landing my first client. You need to be mentally strong and positive at this stage because giving up is the next easy thing.

      Your experience doesn’t have to be similar to mine, but you better be prepared for the long haul. The Upwork marketplace is saturated with low-rate freelancers, and as you start, you might find it hard to land clients with good pay rates.

      That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but you have to fish them in depth.

      I have been making reference to the Upwork freelancing website because it’s the one I’m most familiar with; however, there are several others, like Fiverr freelance writing and a list of others below.

      Top Remote Job Sites

      1. golance
      2. Problogger
      3. Flexjobs
      4. Peopleperhour
      7. Justremote.Co

      3. Leverage Social Media

      In my six years of freelance writing, I have landed some of my best clients via Facebook. I have worked for online business owners in the US and Israel whom I bumped into via social media. My current frontiers are Twitter and Linkedin, where I’m looking to bag my new contracts sooner or later.

      Get freelance writing clients on Facebook by joining local and international freelance writing groups. These are full of writing tips and usually have job promotions by different members from time to time.

      On Twitter, you can follow freelance writing topics, other freelance writers and editors in-chief to get wind of new opportunities in the industry.

      Linkedin is also another good platform to land clients, as attested by freelance writing clients I know about.

      4. Build Your Own Brand Online

      You need to know your words to be a good writer, but to be a great writer, you got to know how to market your services.

      Some top-notch writers out there aren’t known because they haven’t taken the time to invest in marketing for their personal or business brands.

      Here is my positioning on the Linkedin Profinder.

      BuU O5rD7XJGISg1jqvyaapjwyhBLqasrU W9Vn5MUW5Rg5SMJtMPCaWm36SGhsK6 M2WgjPTtx5zsAb3obyEw0LDffaD 85bhvRClMx7FZrf1uWVV Hqa GsW17PaxxorZnov5i2A5IEcY27a3Ul0CU1NyM OrHNveC3IesINuyXB2JAnMgYM97dw

      Here are freelancer tips on marketing and building your personal or business brand on Linkedin profinder.

      You might be good at whatever skill you’re good at, but if people don’t know about it, you’ll have to contend with longer dry spells.

      My good writer friend David Olarinoye has built a huge following as a writer on Medium, and he offers some tips via his short causes online on how you can win the game of brand building.

      You can follow the links below to find out more about some of his offers.

      If you’ve been wondering how to build a portfolio for freelance writing, your online branding sets you up for that. Your online brand enables you to highlight your wealth of experience, skills and abilities to potential clients.

      5. Answer Questions on Quora, Reddit, / Write on Medium

      I’m yet to get established on these fronts, but I have already registered my presence in both of them with some substantial content. I’m a student of David O. when it comes to building a massive online following on a platform.

      Medium is a good platform for you if you’re just starting. You can experiment with different topics and find out which ones your readers will fall in love with. Second, Medium has a ton of great writers that you can learn about writing their craft.

      I haven’t been so active on Medium lately, but you don’t want to miss an opportunity to build your own portfolio and publication.

      The other frontier you need to jump at is Quora. Identify forums or spaces where you can be a subject matter expert or simply share what you know on a particular subject. Once you answer a question, you will keep receiving prompts to answer more that pop up in your space, and that’s how you build your audience and content on Quora.

      Freelance writing on Reddit is also an opportunity for you though I have zero experience here.

      Wrap Up

      So if you have been at crossroads about freelance writing, there is never a better time to get immersed in it.

      Forget about the naysayers telling you online writing isn’t lucrative. I can attest it pays the bills and can give you a mega lifestyle with the right strategy and consistency.

      As shared above, you need to be aggressive in seeking freelance writing jobs remotely. Invest in yourself and buy some of the courses highlighted while you still can.

      The journey to the top requires patience and consistency, and you’ll sooner get there.

    4. If You Want to Be Happy and Contented, Be Happy and Grateful

      If You Want to Be Happy and Contented, Be Happy and Grateful

      Being happy and contented is not an emotion, it’s a state you chose to be in (24/7 if you want).

      You can earn so little yet feel happy and contented.

      Another employee could earn so much yet feel unhappy and empty.

      The two statements above sound contradictory but are a true reflection of what many people go through. Most people seek happiness from life events and things outside them. This is a type of happiness built on quicksand and it won’t stand the test of time.

      I have heard statements like,

      “I read the novel, laughed my ass off, and felt happy for the first time.”


      “Spending time with you makes me happy.”

      I believe the statements were a true reflection of what the speakers felt after going through the experiences. However, in the former’s statement, what happens when the speaker isn’t close to the person who makes them happy?

      Similarly, what is your state of being when you find no novel or movie to tickle your ribs?

      Being happy and contented isn’t so much about who you associate with or what you do but it is mostly about you.

      People who seek happiness from other people, events, or material stuff are seldom happy within because they are trying to seek happiness and contentment from temporal stuff.

      To shift from depending on outside factors for happiness, seek to be contented with what you have and your current state of life.

      I agree you may not be living the life you want or have the dream job you desire, But that is not an excuse not to be happy. If you think this is too hard for you think about my second statement in this article.

      That leads me to quotes on contentment and happiness. Is not like these quotes will make you happy and contented at the end of the day. But you’ll learn something about contentment and happiness.

      25 Quotes on Happiness and Contentment

      Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.


      Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

      Lao Tzu

      Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.

      Benjamin Franklin

      Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.

      Bilal Zahoor

      True contentment is within


      It’s almost impossible to be satisfied in your own life if you’re constantly looking at what someone else has.

      Rachael Cruze

      It’s almost impossible to be satisfied in your own life if you’re constantly looking at what someone else has. – Rachael Cruze

      Make peace with your now moment. Live in this very moment and be happy with what you have. Joy enters when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offering thanks for all the troubles we don’t have. And be aware, you have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

      Angie Karan

      Just become totally content and happy from within. Then you will get all that you want.

      Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

      Many peopel lose the small joys in the hope for the being happiness

      Pearl Buck

      Happiness. Contentment. Inner peace. Have you ever gone looking for something only to realize you had it with you the whole time?


      It’s not so much how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.

      Charles Spurgeon

      You can own everything in the world but if you lack contentment, you’ll never be happy.


      Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

      Abraham Lincoln

      The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are.

      Goldie Hawn

      The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are. – Goldie Hawn

      Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.

      Dale Carnegie

      The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

      Henry Ward Beecher

      To be content doesn’t mean you don’t desire more, it means you’re thankful for what you have and patient for what’s to come.

      Tony Gaskins

      More Contented and Happy Quotes

      Each morning when I open my eyes, I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.

      Groucho Marx

      Just become totally content and happy from within. Then you will get all that you want.

      Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

      I don’t have everything I want but I have everything I need. That’s contentment.

      James MacDonald

      At some point, you gotta let go, and sit still, and allow contentment to come to you.

      Elizabeth Gilbert

      Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.


      Contentment is an attitude that says, I will be satisfied with what God has given me.


      True Humility is Contentment

      Henri Frederic Amiel

      You are only a poor person if you are not happy with what you have.

      Debasich Mridha

      Suppose you are happy and contented, good for you because that is the best disposition to b in. I believe your happiness and contentment is not related to what other people have in relation to them or what they could do for you.

      On the contrary, if you’re not happy and content, I hope these quotes on contentment and happiness can change your mindset to help you realize that you don’t need a well-paying job. a certain kind of lifestyle or relations with specific people to be happy.

      If you want to be in a consistent aura of happiness, deliberately choose to be happy and you’ll be.


      • Happiness and contentment are choices to make not feelings
      • Happiness and contentment are found within.
      • Live in the now.
      • Be grateful

      Your mind is an asset, use it to be happy always.