
  • Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

    Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

    In his international bestseller, The POWER of POSITIVE THINKING, Norman Vincent Peale has touched many lives through his unique formula for overcoming a spirit of defeat and inadequacy.

    Today, we shall look at one of his topics: Effective prayers for extraordinary results. His book radiates a rare sense of optimism and faith that knows no bounds. Many have described him as the father of positive thinking.

    Prominent business leaders have attested their success in business to the positivity principles Norman mentions in his bestseller. Actually, Donald Trump acknowledges the teachings of Norman Vincent Peale to his success in entrepreneurship. Back in the 1990s, the media described Trump as a flamboyant entrepreneur.

    Trump does not fail to recognize the fact that the teachings of Norman Vincent Peale instilled a sense of positivity in him and made him the person he is today.

    Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking

    10 Rules for Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results

    Reading through Norman’s book, he outlines 10 rules for effective prayers for extraordinary results, and you better know them for a success story in your life.

    1. Set aside a few minutes every day. Do not say anything. Simply practice thinking about God. This will make your mind spiritually receptive.
    2. Then pray orally, using simple, natural words. Tell God anything that is on your mind. Do not think you must use stereotyped pious phrases. Talk to God in your own language. He understands it.
    3. Pray as you go about the day’s business, on the subway or bus, or at your desk. Use minute prayers by closing your eyes to shut out the world and concentrating briefly on God’s presence. The more you do this daily, the nearer you will feel God’s presence.
    4. Do not always ask when you pray, but affirm that God’s blessings are being given, and spend most of your prayers giving thanks.
    5. Pray with the belief that sincere prayers can reach out and surround your loved ones with God’s love and protection.
    6. Never use a negative thought in prayer. Only positive thoughts get results.
    7. Always express willingness to accept God’s will. Ask for what you want but be willing to take what God gives you. It may be better than what you ask for.
    8. Practice the attitude of putting everything in God’s hands. Ask for the ability to do your best and leave the results confidently to God.
    9. Pray for people you do not like or who have mistreated you. Resentment is blockade number one of spiritual power.
    10. Make a list of people for whom to pray. The more you pray for other people, especially those not connected with you, the more prayer results will return to you.

    Final Thoughts

    If you really want a productive prayer life, I suggest you read Norman Vincent Peale’s rules on useful results from prayer over and over. Ensure you also get yourself a copy of his international bestseller, The POWER of POSITIVE THINKING, and your life story will be pleasant news to many.

    How is your prayer life? If you want to attain effective prayers for extraordinary results, study more on Norman Vincent Peale’s teachings.

    Share to bless a friend.

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  • How to Land a Job Easily with these 7 Tips

    How to Land a Job Easily with these 7 Tips

    Is landing a job a familiar phrase, or does it arouse feelings of disappointment in you?

    You are now thinking about how much of a loser you have become for not landing that job opportunity as fast?

    Maybe you have been burning the midnight oil drafting CVs, only for them to end up in a dustbin.

    Well, it’s not like I have a job to offer you now, but I’m here to walk you through how to land a job and perhaps, get that dream opportunity. Or, at worse, get a job towards that trajectory.

    Landing a Job: The Status Quo

    More than ever, literacy levels are up and high. Institutions of higher learning are churning graduates in various fields into the job market.

    Unfortunately for them, it’s one of the worst times to seek employment. Corporate Kenya is ailing, and job cuts by companies are a common trend today.

    Neither are the employed any safer. Pay rises and promotions are becoming rare by the day.

    More than ever, literacy levels are up and high, institutions of higher learning are churning out graduates in various fields into the job market. Unfortunately for graduates, it’s one of the worst times to seek employment.

    It’s no longer a surprise to be hit by worrisome newspaper headlines. They are now part of the trending news.

    Why Kenya is trapped in a debt spiral.

    Alarm as 388 Kenyan firms dissolved in 6 months

    Kenyans with Ksh 100,000 in bank fall to thirteen year low

    All these a clear indicators that the Kenyan economy has seen better days.

    Companies are tightening their budgets by the day and making some roles redundant as a measure to stagnate the wage bill. This is also to help safeguard their profit margins.

    The COVID-19 pandemic swept some businesses, and some are still struggling to stay afloat. Brick and mortar corporations and organizations like Posta Kenya are on the brink of extinction.

    The digital era now strides colossally in the communication space.

    Unlike in the ’70s and ’80s, when fresh graduates would be in the payroll system a few days after graduation, the situation today is one to be pitied.

    As the cliche goes, tarmacking and gambling are the norm today as the youth resort to unethical methods of sustaining their livelihoods. How then do you land a job successfully under the status quo?

    If you are still with me, that’s great. It’s time to cut the chase and hit the nail on the head.

    Job Warfare

    You need to understand that this is not a surefire strategy that is guaranteed to land you a job today.

    However, chances are that it will give you a fresh perspective on things and help you towards changing your fortunes.

    The job market today is no longer about sending resumes but building connections through networking. So, the number one secret to landing a job today is to

    1. Network

    Network by building reliable connections that guarantee you results someday.

    A starting point for you: What are your classmates doing, and what opportunities do they have that you could take advantage of?

    Linkedin is a suitable site to try out as well. It’s more or less like an online CV that gives you more visibility. You want to have a strong profile that lists your skill set and work experience that will make potential employers come knocking.

    Some key items to focus on when building your Linkedin profile include:

    • Your skills – highlight them under your experience section,
    • Open to Section found at the heading of your profile. Highlight what roles you can handle remotely or on-site. This is visible to Linkedin Recruiters,
    • The About section – Clearly highlight your professional summary, what you are good at, key results, and achievements.
    • Education,
    • Experience.

    2. Volunteer

    You lose nothing by choosing to volunteer. Some have volunteered for organizations like the RED CROSS and got to land lucrative job opportunities.

    Volunteering can come through several opportunities, such as

    • Mission outreach through your church or Ministry
    • Volunteering for additional tasks in your new role – could easily land you a job promotion.
    • Writing for free over something you have expertise on through medium or a personal blog.
    • Holding career and life talks in schools, churches, and colleges

    Volunteering is one way to land a job without professional experience.

    3. Referrals

    This is more or less like leveraging your connections to sell you to potential employers they know.

    Once you make them aware of your key competencies, selling you to the best opportunity will be easier.

    4. Skill-match your CV

    Tailor-make your resume to suit the skills and experience a potential employer is looking for.

    Sending a blanket cover letter and resume to potential employers is a guaranteed way to ensure you land no job.

    The takeaway here is to make sure you create a resume that matches the skill set an employer is looking for.

    For instance, a banking experience would be irrelevant in the medical field.

    What are the keywords in the job post you intend to apply to? What skills and experience is the employer looking for?

    Make sure to capture them in your CV.

    Contact us via Whatsapp – 0758571500 if you want us to help you with CV writing for free.

    5. Avoid Being Choosy

    Yes, I know you are a computer scientist from a reputable university. But just because someone is offering you a job out of your field is not enough reason to throw it down the drain.

    Often, life will hand you what you don’t want before you get what you want.

    Grab that first opportunity and use it as leverage to network and build meaningful connections.

    Their pay may be meagre, but it’s bound to increase over time. It’s no longer a secret that some top company employees first began as casual workers in their organizations.

    Start with the end goal in mind.

    6. Consider Self-employment

    If you are a technician, chef, plumber, or painter, you can also self-employ yourself and build a business that will help employ other people.

    These skill sets are rarely taught in Kenyan universities but polytechnics and tertiary institutions. Find a skill your hand can do.

    7. Make yourself Valuable

    I know you have a degree or a master’s in a field. You are very proud of it, but hey! Education is just part of the endless learning process.

    You never stop learning and researching unless you want to expire sooner.

    Always make yourself relevant in your field of specialization. You can do this by attending workshops and conferences and studying more.

    Bottom Line

    Searching for a job today is not only about writing the perfect C.V. Focus your energy on building meaningful workplace connections.

    You can be sure this will be a significant investment that will pay off someday.

    Follow the tips we offer you today; it won’t be long before you stop filling a loser. Share this with a friend and encourage someone on the path to landing a job.

  • Dying to Self to Live for Christ

    Dying to Self to Live for Christ

    Hey there, what does the term dying to self mean?

    It means to let go of your old way of life and embrace someone else’s life.

    I want to tickle your mind today with an interesting conversation. Imagine your health has failed you completely. You are on the verge of death. But just as you are about to breathe your last, a stranger comes over and offers to die for you instead.

    If this stranger gives his life for you, it means you can no longer live for yourself. You die to self and live for him.

    This may sound ridiculous and an out-of-this-world conversation. But think for a moment if someone was to offer you his life to redeem yours. Wouldn’t it just be amazing to be given your life back freely?

    And more interesting will be the fact that the stranger who volunteered his life for you never asked for anything in return.

    God’s Salvation Plan

    What you will find out is that there is somebody who died for you already. That somebody has a name, and I refer to him as Jesus Christ. Through his death, he granted you eternal life. Dying to self comes with no sacrifice. All you have to do is believe in the one man who gave his life for you.

    Let me break this down further for you.

    God, the creator, created the first man, Adam, and his companion Eve. He placed them in the garden of Eden and gave them some rules to live by. But because of deception from the devil, Eve was deceived and convinced her husband to eat the fruit from the forbidden fruit.

    The consequence of disobedience was that Adam and Eve lost fellowship with God, and he chased them from the garden of Eden. God, out of his love and mercy, shed blood from a lamb and covered their nakedness with the sheep’s skin.

    Now, every human living on planet earth is a descendant of the fallen state of the first man, Adam. And so, through one man’s disobedience, they made all humans sinners.

    Romans 5:19

    For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

    So man now has a sinful nature, and there is nothing he can do to get rid of that sinful nature. He is dead to himself. He doesn’t have the capacity or wherewithal to get rid of sin. But God is a loving and just God with a plan in place for human failings.

    So God sends his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to restore man back to fellowship with him. We have to understand one thing here. God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.

    John 4:24

    God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

    The first man Adam, before his fall, had always fellowship with God. But after his fall, he became like one dead and lost his fellowship with God. His Spirit lost fellowship with God.

    Great. Up to this point, let’s read the following verse:

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    So man is still a sinner only if he fails to renounce his sins by repenting and believing in the son of God, Jesus Christ. Because why did Christ come?

    Let’s read the following key verse:

    Isaiah 53:5

    But he was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.

    Through his sufferings, death on the cross, and resurrection, all sinners are forgiven of their sins, and their transgressions are remembered no more.

    And so Christ died for the sinner with no life that he may have eternal life. And also, through his death, there is healing, deliverance and justification.

    Dying to Self

    Here is my question. Do you have a desire to know Christ and be in fellowship with him? It calls for dying to self. Repent of your sins today and believe in the finished work of the Cross, and you will be saved.

    Here is what happens when you welcome Christ into your life:

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

    If you have more questions about Jesus and the message of the cross, please contact me via our contact page. Dying to self to embrace mastership to someone can only occur by faith.

    Here is a Prayer of Faith in Jesus Christ

    Heavenly Father,

    I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died on the Cross for all my sins, and you raised him from the dead for my justification.

    Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior. In him, I have everlasting life. All my sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven.

    You have filled me with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. Thank you, Lord Jesus, and from now on, I will live a life where my Spirit and my body will glorify you.

    Keep my body strong. Keep my body healthy. I want to serve you with my body. Keep me young for your glory. In Jesus’ name Amen.

    Celebrate Jesus, for he has purchased you with His precious blood. You have died to self and are now alive in him.

    Keep walking in the Spirit.

  • What Advice Should I Give a New Graduate?

    What Advice Should I Give a New Graduate?

    Advice to a new graduate.

    When you’ve finished your studies, you will face several decisions. One of the biggest is where to work and live.

    It may seem like it’s all over when you finish university or college, but in reality, it’s just the beginning of your professional life. You’ll have to decide where to live and work, but there are ways to make the transition easier for yourself and avoid some common pitfalls.

    Graduates must know what they’re getting themselves into before they start looking for jobs or apartments and other life opportunities. Here are some tips on how best to prepare yourself.

    How soon do you need to start preparing for post-college?

    It would help if you started making plans as soon as possible because it takes time to move away from home and settle in a place of your choice. If, for instance, you’re planning on moving abroad in a couple of months, it might not be worth waiting around because of the few opportunities that come by.

    Advice To Graduates

    I advise new graduates to put in the hard work it takes. The first thing is to learn how to write a good resume; then, you can apply for jobs. The second thing is to get experience, start working and contact people who can help you.

    Another thing is that getting a job is not always easy; it’s not like going to school where you do something for a few years, then getting your degree and going into the job market. But if you work hard and keep learning new things, eventually, your experience will count for something, even if it’s not much at first.

    Another piece of advice to new graduates is they need to be open to new opportunities regardless of their field of study. As the saying goes, opportunities knock once at every man’s door.

    As a graduate, you are a valuable asset to any organization. You’ve been through years of schooling, and your education has prepared you to become a leader in the workplace. A good education can help graduates find new opportunities and a better position in life.

    But what do you need to know as a graduate before you leave the classroom?

    11 Pieces of Advice to New Graduates

    Here’s some advice to new graduates on how to make the transition to becoming a successful graduate:

    1. Be Prepared For The Real World

    As a new graduate, it is your chance to learn what it takes to make the most of life, including how to make money. Don’t expect to get rich quickly, but don’t get discouraged. The real world is a lot tougher than you might think.

    2. Remember That Your Degree Isn’t Everything

    Many jobs require more than just a college education; some people will be better off going to school for something other than their major.

    If you’re not sure what you want to do after graduation, start looking into different careers now. This way, you’ll be better off when it’s time for interviews. You’ll be able to talk about what interests you in an interview rather than having an interviewer ask, “which college did you go to?”

    3. Don’t Worry If You Don’t Have Much Experience In Your Field Of Study

    You don’t need to know everything about your field of study to succeed. Instead, focus on learning more about your specific field and building your knowledge base by researching other related topics that interest you.

    It will allow you to find opportunities for professional growth within your chosen field and help you become more confident about making career choices that align with your interests and values.

    Please take advantage of your resources while in schools, such as internships, student organizations, and extracurricular activities. Such engagements help you build up resumes or help build up job skills which can help later on in life but don’t let them get in the way of being successful.

    4. Put Yourself Out There

    Be proactive about getting involved with groups and organizations relevant to your interests and goals. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people already doing what you want and those who can help guide/advise/support new graduates starting their career paths.

    • Don’t forget that hard work and dedication are important. Still, there are also other ways in which you can contribute to society, such as volunteering or raising money for charity (if this is something that interests you).
    • Don’t forget about networking! Networking is one of the most important things a new graduate can do during this period because it allows you to build relationships with professionals who can provide advice when they need it most and help.

    5. Take On Board Every Piece Of Advice You Can Get

    The first thing I would say is to take advice. It’s easy to think, “I can do anything myself.” But in reality, you can’t. It would help if you accepted that you have limitations and that there are people with more experience than you.

    Trust me; it’s not fun having someone tell you your idea is rubbish when they’ve been doing this for years.

    You will not be able to do everything on your own, so don’t try.

    • Be open to criticism and constructive feedback from those who are more experienced than yourself.
    • The best way to learn how to handle situations is by practicing them regularly until they become second nature. It will help you develop the confidence needed for success in any situation.
    • Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and don’t expect others to provide it.

    6. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings And Other People At Work

    You are in a new environment, so you must learn to be around people different from you. Your job will be more fulfilling if you adapt quickly and become an asset to the company.

    When your boss says something negative about someone else, take it in stride and don’t let it get under your skin or affect your work performance (even if it bothers you).

    Focus on your work, and don’t let others’ opinions bother you too much.

    Be yourself because no matter how much we change from one day to another, who we are at our core will never change; it makes us unique and special.

    7. Don’t Forget About Yourself

    Having fun at work can lead to better productivity and overall health for both team members and employers.

    8. Work Hard

    Another piece of advice I would give to a graduate is to work hard. You mustn’t take this job for granted. Work hard and make sure you’re putting in the extra effort so that you can make your dreams come true.

    You’ll need persistence and dedication if you want to succeed in your career path.

    9. Be Kind And Generous

    Be kind because being kind will help people around you be kinder too, which will benefit everyone in your life.

    Be generous. Being generous means giving up something for someone else without expecting anything in return, like time off work or money for something you’ve done for them.

    10. Be Grateful

    Be grateful for what you have now, and don’t forget the people who helped make your career possible.

    People like your parents, teachers, and mentors are why you’re where you are today – don’t let them down by forgetting them and treating them poorly just because they’re not there physically anymore.

    11. Don’t Be Afraid Of Change

    Change is inevitable, and we need it to continue growing as individuals and as a society (whether we like it or not).

    Don’t be afraid to try something new; remember that everyone starts somewhere.

    Why Should You Take Advice From Fellow Graduates

    There are several reasons a graduate should take advice from their fellow graduates.

    • Firstly, we are all in the same boat, and you will find plenty of people who can help you with your queries. Graduates are generally more experienced than non-graduates, so it is worth taking advice from them as they have been through similar situations and have been to many conferences and events.
    • Secondly, if you’re new to the area or aren’t sure how to set up your business, then looking at what other graduates are doing may give you some ideas. You don’t need to copy them exactly, but it’s always good to know what other businesses are doing to think outside the box when setting up your own business.
    • Thirdly, another benefit is that it will help build up your network of contacts, which will come in handy when you need someone to help out with something or want someone to introduce you to someone else who could be useful in building up your business further.


    If you are graduating or have recently graduated, you may be feeling a bit lost as to what to do next.

    You can use this article to advise others if you are a graduate. Please don’t be shy to share it with your friends and family.

    If you need some help or advice from other people who have gone through the same experience, feel free to post them in the comments section below.

  • 10 Principles & Mind Hacks to Achieve Greatness (Succesful People Rules)

    10 Principles & Mind Hacks to Achieve Greatness (Succesful People Rules)

    The great boxerMuhammad Aliwas asked how many sit-ups he does. He answered that he only starts counting when it starts hurting. That was a man who wanted to achieve great things.

    Similarly, onceBruce Leeplayed a martial art match. Although he defeated his opponent, he was still sad because he had the mindset to defeat him within 3 seconds, but it took 3 minutes to defeat him. Here was a man who had a strong desire to be successful or achieve great things.

    He did lots of practice from that day and introduced a unique martial art technique known as “Jeet Kune Do.” These examples proved that you need an extraordinary effort to achieve great success in any part of life.

    Muhammad Ali Photo By Stanley Weston Archive Photos Getty 482857506

    What Is Achieving Greatness?

    Greatness is the concept of being superior in something. You must have seen a person with extraordinary work in his field. And, you have a dream to be like him.

    You might have read his story of struggle and how he became so successful. This is a person with greatness. Isn’t it said that those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly?

    One thing you need to understand is every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor.

    In simple words, greatness is the quality of standing out from others and being an extraordinary person in whatever you do.

    Achieving greatness is the process or act of becoming great.

    Pre-Greatness Rules

    Before going on the track, you must know that you should prepare for the race. There are some rules to be followed, which I call the “pre-greatness rules.”

    These rules will help you build good habits and warm you up to greatness. Following are some habits that you must build in yourself.

    1. Be Self-Reliant

    Pexels Julia M Cameron 4144923

    This is a fundamental habit of successful people; they are self-reliant because they know that relying on others will make them lazy and keep them away from their destination. Without this pre-greatness rule, only some achieve greatness.

    2. Be Punctual

    Being punctual is the second most important habit that you must have. An average mind but punctual person can leave behind an intelligent but unpunctual person.

    3. Keep Your Promises

    Successful persons keep the promises that they make either with themselves or with others. You would build authority among your community by adopting this rule and making it a habit.

    4. Understand the Worth of Each Minute

    Research on failed persons concluded that they all have a common habit of wasting time on other activities rather than their target.

    You have to release all the irrelevant thoughts from your mind andmake a habit of being focused only on what you want.

    5. Time Management Skill

    Pexels Aphiwat Chuangchoem 359989

    This is the hardest habit to adopt. It will take longer, and you must keep yourself motivated to build this habit. Time is money, and you got to know how to make it count by all means possible.

    How to Achieve Greatness: Rules of Greatness that Succesful People Follow

    Once you have built all the good habits, you can start following the principles of greatness. The ten principles will make you an outstanding personality in your circle of influence.

    There is a belief that some are born great, others achieve greatness. Where do you think you fall? Nevertheless, some ways to achieve greater success will be tied to the following

    1. Build Good Habits

    We have talked a lot about good habits in pre-greatness steps. This is just a reminder. Make sure you have all the necessary habits to achieve greatness.

    2. Have a Road Map

    A life without a direction is not much better than an animal’s life.

    Having principles and a sense of direction in life is the difference between humans and animals.

    If you want to be extraordinary, then first decide what you want to achieve in life and understand this will come at a cost. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers.

    3. Keep Yourself Motivated

    You might be out of track without motivation. You must have an unpleasant event in your life that urged you to become an extraordinary person. So, keep yourself reminded of that unpleasant event, and you’ll be on your way to greater achievement.

    It will always help you to stay motivated.

    4. Treasure Reading Books

    Pexels Andrea Piacquadio 3769981

    After reading the biographies of successful persons, we can conclude that book reading is a compulsory habit to achieve greatness. Here are some books about achieving greatness.

    5. Learn to Ignore the Negative Voices

    People will undoubtedly laugh at you or taunt you when they get to hear about your plans and ideas achieved in life. What should you do?

    Should you start clarifying yourself? Never!

    You will do nothing but waste your energy. Rather than explaining yourself, you have to ignore them. Let them taunt you and answer them by achieving greatness in life.

    6. Have a Plan

    It would be best if you had a plan to achieve your goals in life.

    Smart work is proper planning, building a team, and assigning roles according to their expertise.

    7. Consider yourself a Leader

    Pexels August De Richelieu 4427430

    Yeah, this is my favorite rule of success! Read the biographies of successful persons and great achievers.

    You will notice that when they started the journey of achieving greatness, they considered themselves leaders.

    Thinking of yourself as a leader will force you to build extraordinary qualities, and you will automatically be superior to your peers.

    You also have to remember that a person without the qualities of a leader cannot be a leader for a long time. Believe you are born to achieve great things.

    8. Become a Critical Thinker

    Critical thinking and analysis are vital to your success journey. You have to adopt technical habits.

    Analyze your progress daily and criticize yourself for a bad performance.

    9. Learn How you can Build a Team

    This ability is also crucial. You can never achieve greatness alone. A team of skilled persons will help you move ahead, so; you must have the ability to read people to know their level of mentality and skills.

    10. Be a Multi-skilled Person

    Some crucial skills include leadership, management, communication, negotiation, and so forth. Do you have the requisite skills to make you valuable in the marketplace? Depending on your goals in life, you may need single or multiple skills to get to where you want to be.

    Wrap Up

    Achieving greatness is easier said than done. Many yearn for it, but few have the discipline and the determination to reach the finish line.

    These principles and mind hacks should be enough to get you started in your journey to achieve greatness.

    You must always stay motivated, even when things don’t seem to work out for you. You want to start by first building the good habits for achieving greatness and then follow them through with greatness rules. See you at the top.

  • The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    I do not know much about you, but I can say without a doubt or fear of contradiction that you are always thinking about money.

    Sometimes you want to run to your creditors, who are your only friends when you need them most but become bullies the moment you renege on your end of the bargain.

    How about a marriage on the verge of a breakup because the man, the breadwinner, lost his job, and his spouse wants to hear none of it?

    The world over, people are grappling with the issues of poverty and yearning for riches. Historians have always painted Africa as a dark continent with all the problems in the world. However, the same issues in Africa are the same in Asia, Europe, South America, and other continents. Every country has its own class of the rich and poor.

    10 Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals

    Therefore, it is good for once to deconstruct the subject of wealth and try to find out what are the daily success habits of wealthy individuals that the poor majority have no idea about or simply know but would like a wake-up call from their life slumber.

    1. They are not expecting lottery money from somewhere whatsoever

    While the betting and lottery companies are making quick money on betting diehards, wealthy individuals take pride in putting their money into profitable investment vehicles such as hedge funds, stocks, and bonds.

    In this case, both the gambler and the wealthy individual are taking risks, but the difference is one is gambling while the other is investing.

    Five years later, one is choking with debts while the other owns properties out of his home country. Guess whom between the two.

    2. They Exercise

    In an interview with FourHourBodyPress, Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic Airways billionaire, said, “I definitely can achieve twice as much by keeping it fit,” This, according to him, keeps the brain functioning well.

    Unfortunately, for the lazy majority, exercising to them is like another punishment from the pits of hell.

    Many successful, wealthy individuals are known to maintain a consistent fitness routine that includes morning runs, gym visits, stretching, and swimming, among other exercises.

    Despite their busy schedules that involve a flurry of meetings, reading emails, and inspecting projects, they will always create time to exercise.

    On the contrary, most idlers hardly think about exercising but would rather sleep or daydream all day long.

    3. They control their emotions

    As the old adage goes, -Think before you leap; a key daily success habit of the wealthy individual is to listen before they speak. Furthermore, they do not speak everything they think about.

    While the masses may complain about bad weather, poor roads, a bad economy, and almost everything, the wealthy know how to keep their mouths shut.

    Megan Totka, the author at Small Business Trends, says, “Loose lips are a habit for 69% of those who struggle financially”. Conversely, 94% of the wealthy speak when they are rational, sober, and calm.

    4. Wealthy individuals network

    You have heard the saying, ‘Your network is your net worth” Well, it is the hard truth for you, unfortunately. The wealthy just know how to do that.

    Rather than spend all of their time discussing the match between Chelsea and AC Roma or trending political topics, the wealthy will also talk about their business interests with acquaintances while seeking new opportunities that may come to the front.

    This will likely end with them exchanging contacts and setting up appointments later. Use social events as an opportunity to network instead of wasting it on empty gossip about your neighbor next door filing for a divorce.

    5. They wake up early

    Waking up early is one of the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. They understand that to hit deadlines and outdo long-hour meetings; they have to put their lives in order with proper time management, which means waking up early.

    Waking up early before the sun rises helps you to take control over your day and do one or two things before the daily normal routine sets in, and you have to join the rat race.

    6. Wealthy individuals set aside self-limiting beliefs that hold them back

    What are your self-limiting beliefs? Do you believe that your lack of education denies you riches, or is it your lack of motivation and enthusiasm?

    Whatever your self-limiting beliefs, maybe the wealthy have learned to conquer theirs.

    In one of his best sellers, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says that you do not attract positive things into your life by thinking about their opposites.

    This is certainly true as negative thinking leads to negative feelings, attitudes, and negative behavior. Get out of your self-limiting beliefs by having daily positive affirmations about your life.

    There is great power in listening to yourself uttering such positive words about your life.

    7. They live within their means

    The daily success habits of wealthy individuals involve living within their means. They have learned over time, with a lot of self-discipline, how to master their money.

    By the wealthy mastering their money, it means that they pay themselves first and avoid overspending the remaining amount. For example, a wealthy individual will save 10 or 20% of his net income and live on 80% of their income.

    Regrettably, many of us have failed to be disciplined enough to control our impulses. In a bid to compete with your high-flying neighbor, you cleared your bank account to buy the latest BMW to satisfy your ego or prove your worth.

    Sadly, for you, this takes you several steps back from exercising power and authority over your money. In essence, your money is actually pulling the strings for you.

    8. They spread their beds

    Randall Bell, a socio-economist, studied and analyzed unique characteristics that define the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. Bell concluded that whatever you do on daily basis matters.

    Simple routine tasks such as spreading your bed in the morning could make the difference between a highly successful individual and a loser. Bell says, “Those who do their chores and make their living space tidier tend to make more money.”

    Bell argues that spreading your bed in the morning puts you into a high-performing mindset.

    Another author by the name Charles Duhigg also backs up Bell’s findings. Duhigg in his bestseller “The Power of Habit,” says that making your bed every day in the morning correlates with better productivity and a greater sense of well-being and puts you in a better position to stick with a budget.

    So, do you make your bed every morning? Sounds funny, right? However, it could just make the difference in helping you to get what you have been longing for in life.

    9. Wealthy individuals rarely watch TV but study

    According to a study by Thomas Corley, author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, many high net worth individuals hardly watch TV.

    In fact, only 67% of them watch television utmost 1 hour a day.

    Rather than spend a large share of their day glued to a screen, a wealthy individual will keep himself busy with books. According to Corley’s findings, 88% of wealthy individuals read self-improvement topics for at least 30 minutes daily.

    According to Forbes Magazine, Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, loves to read books and is said to read at least 50 books in a year.

    10. Wealthy individuals set goals and not wishes

    I bet you have many wishes right now. One of them could be to travel overseas may be to the UK or the United States of America. How about goals? Do you have any?

    One of the daily success habits of wealthy individuals is to set goals, unlike many who have mere wishful thinking. They set goals in their minds and put them down in writing. This is the first step of turning their thoughts into what is physical.

    According to John Rampton, an entrepreneur and connector, “95% of the successful achievers I have interviewed practice writing down their goals, plans or visions for success on a regular basis.”

    They do this most preferably at night before the next day.

    Cultivate the habit of setting goals and following them through to completion.

    Wrap Up

    Adapt to the successful habits of the wealthy to change your mindset and routine and kick poverty out of your life. Habits form part of our second nature, and it is good to learn from those who have gone ahead of us and mastered the art of making money.

    No pain, no gain. Carol Burnett talks about change and says, “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” Strive to change your life by adapting to wealthy individuals’ above-given daily success habits for a better financial future.

    Find me in the comments section below.

  • Child Discipline: How should Millennial Parents Discipline their Children?

    Child Discipline: How should Millennial Parents Discipline their Children?

    Child discipline is a key factor that most parents think of when they are raising their kids.

    It is a key factor in that parents can remove obnoxious behavior among children as they grow up.

    Similarly, child discipline also shields society from the chaos that children who did not gain discipline at an early age could cause.

    The debate on child discipline has been common, which are the methods to use when disciplining children.

    Child Discipline Methods

    Guardians and parents give habitual discipline to entrench appropriate social habits among children.

    They may use many discipline methods that fellow parents, teachers, or even grandparents may recommend.

    If you are a parent and you seem to have trouble disciplining your child, you should not worry.

    I will outline various child discipline methods that have worked and enabled children to maintain discipline for the rest of their lives.

    1) Educate yourself on parenting and discipline styles

    Once you gain the skills of disciplining your child, you will have a simple time. Many parents base themselves on the common knowledge of child discipline.

    For example, some parents think the way their mothers and fathers raised them is the way they should raise their kids.

    Even so, this thinking is somehow wrong. Parents should undergo the needed training and pick out the best ways how to discipline their children.

    By educating yourself, you will gain a style that fits your family, and the child can cope with it appropriately.

    2) Reward good listening behaviors

    Listening behavior is a factor that a child learns at a very young age. The child may obey and disobey some rules at that young age.

    If the child has good listening behaviors, you may reward the child with hugs, food that he or she loves, or take them out for a walk.

    By doing so, the child will learn that they will gain nothing from having awful behavior.

    Good listening behavior makes the child learn that good actions result in praise and positive attention.

    3) Respect their need to communicate

    Children have a unique skill of communication. They are not like adults to lay down their issues straight to the point.

    Having respect and creating time to listen to them communicate will help greatly.

    The child will have confidence in themselves, and the parent can address the issues raised by the child.

    You will discipline the child since you respect their need to communicate.

    4) Set clear consequences and limits

    Choices have consequences. If you don’t correct your child at one point, the world will discipline them.

    There are excellent ways to deny them the chance to play video games. This way, the child will learn from the mistakes they made.

    Also, set substantial limits that the child will avoid breaking. This way, you will have played an important role as a parent in instilling discipline.

    Benefits of child discipline

    The benefits are truly rewarding. The child will grow to be a respectable person in the community.

    In school, children will relate well to their peers and teachers. As they grow up, they will become socially and emotionally mature adults.

    Likewise, discipline enables the child to be satisfied and happy, especially in adulthood. All in all, the benefits are of no doubt very gratifying.

    Final Thoughts

    Parents should understand their children and how they relate to the outside world.

    Doing so will manage their child appropriately and monitor them as they grow up.

    Mastering the skill of relating the right way with the child is also crucial to maintaining child discipline. Overall, parents should have a first-class relationship with their children.

  • 5 Financial Lessons to Teenagers

    5 Financial Lessons to Teenagers

    Growing up as a child is fun and full of fond memories that travel years back to when we were just teenagers.

    Children are known to be playful, adventurous and mischievous. They can go the extra mile in pursuit of that thing that will give them joy and pleasure, including swimming naked in a crocodile-infested river.

    However, that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about what money was like to you during childhood. A child or young teenager rarely thinks about money, first because they live comfortably (it could also be uncomfortable) with their parents who provide, have no financial obligations to anybody, and are told to study hard in school.

    The subject of money between teens and their parents is hardly talked about.

    Most of these subjects, when mentioned by teens, most parents usually reprimand them or for instance, ask them what they want money for. Nevertheless, it is written in the good books that train a child how he should go and will not depart from it.

    Most parents shy from the subject of sex in most homes and do not want their children or teens to talk about money either with the assumption that they will love money and not study hard in school. How wrong!!

    As such, we grow up with sketchy and shallow financial knowledge. We learn about saving and investing in our 20’s when years have already flown by.

    Against this backdrop, I want to mention 5 things your parent never told you and should have told you as a teenager.

    1. Have Financial Discpline

    Financial Discpline

    As a child and teenager, you were always reprimanded and whacked for indiscipline and petty mistakes like failing to follow instructions, noise-making, stealing food, fighting e.t.c

    You did all these and were caned because your parent, guardian or teacher loved you and wanted to instill discipline in you.

    However, there is a discipline that many parents usually forget to instill in their children; that is financial discipline. Every time we would hear about money as teenagers were when we were sent to the shops to buy bread.

    Unfortunately, most of our parents were under tough financial burdens and were not themselves happy either to talk about money.

    Subsequently, one grows up to be a good, law-abiding citizen espousing the highest form of integrity and honor. On the other hand, this law-abiding citizen is a reckless spender with no savings or investment.

    This citizen ends up struggling financially simply because no financial virtues of living below your means, saving and investing were ever instilled in him.

    King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 21:20 that he who sets money aside daily saves big money in the long run, but a foolish man spends up everything. Lack of setting aside 10% of our income to save for the future has led to many facing financial walls and struggling with life due to a lack of a cushion to fall back on.

    Secondly, no savings and no investments. Your savings are able to save you on a rainy day, help you start a business or clear a loan.

    2. Learn to Say No

    Say No1

    Parents love their children and want the best for them; therefore, parents protect, guide and provide for their children. They tell them what is considered good behavior and bad.

    Most parents discourage their children from eating in neighbors’ homes; tell them to say no to strangers and bad company.

    Despite their willingness to give better, parents fall short of telling their kids to say no to activities and behaviors that will darken their financial future, such as gambling, alcoholism and casual teen sex.

    Activities such as this will end up enslaving teenagers to behaviors that will or might render them broke, addicted and sick.

    As such, teenagers must be made to understand what is good, what is bad and what is morally acceptable.

    This puts them in a good position to rationalize issues, make informed decisions about anything they want, and say no to whatever is bad and destructive.

    3. Do Not Love Sleep and Pleasure


    Sleep and pleasure are two surefire ways of staying broke and begging. Anyone who has chosen to live above his means because of pleasure does not have the future in mind but only the present.

    The wise in Proverbs 6:5 writes that sluggards should learn from the ants, consider their ways, and they will be wise. Punctuality is an important habit for success.

    Pleasure takes or comes in many forms, including drinking and partying, lying idle, buying expensive shoes and clothing, going for tours, site seeing and vacations to your dream destination.

    However, too much of something is poisonous. Even billionaires go on vacation once in a while, but the rest of the time, they are busy sowing wood.

    Teenagers with lazy parents learn from what they see and hear and pick the cues from their parents.

    Sleep was only made to be understood as a tool for rest and not an enemy of success.

    6 hours are recommended as the minimum a normal human being can rest. Too much sleep kills productivity and prevents one from making financial progress.

    King Solomon says, a little closing of your eyes and folding your arms and poverty will attack like an armed robber. This Christian verse conveys the message that riches and sleep do not go hand in hand.

    4. Walk with People of Substance

    True Friend

    Bill Gates had a Paul Allen; Steve Jobs had a Tim Cook. In life, every single one of us is on a life journey. Destiny is in our own hands, and our daily choices shape destiny.

    What you eat today, friends you have, books you read, and whatever you hear and listen to ultimately determine where you will be 5-10 years later.

    Walker used to walk with a pastor friend who had another pastor friend. 7 years later, Walker became a powerful church minister and is now ordained as a bishop within the church denomination.

    Here is a story you want to hear about,

    27-year-old Martha is a law graduate. She intends to get married to Amos, an accountant. However, Martha’s friends are mostly in their 30’s and most of them are single and divorced. They say a thing like “men are dogs,” “I cannot be a housewife,” and “marriage is terrible.”

    It was not long before Martha broke up with her handsome boyfriend and started singing the same tune as her friends.

    2 years later, Amos was married with a kid, while Martha was still single and whining.

    Birds of the same feather flock together. Who is your best friend?? If all friends you know are losers in one way or another, you would rather walk alone.

    5. Have a Mentor


    Rather than learn from mistakes in your own life, it is prudent to learn from the mistakes of those who have lived ahead of you.

    A mentor is not your biological dad or mum (they could also be); he is like a living parent to you. He guides and takes you through the stages of life with a lot of counsel, wisdom and understanding whenever you fall.

    For us to avoid the many traps and ensnares set before us in our finances, career, relationships and life at large, we need a life coach to see us through.

    Our parents never talked about mentors in our lives, but as one grows into a young adult, life becomes ridden with puzzles that call for wise counsel. In life, it is always important to get good advice from others.

    Add any other thing not mentioned that our parents never told us as teenagers and leave a comment.

    STAY ON TOP!!!

  • How to Wake Up at 4 AM

    How to Wake Up at 4 AM

    The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by two hormones: melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in the body when people sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when you wake up.

    When you are asleep, your body produces higher melatonin levels than when you’re awake. It helps your body to stay asleep and restful for more extended periods.

    When you wake up, cortisol levels increase dramatically as your brain prepares for waking up. This increase in cortisol causes your body to wake up more quickly and efficiently than it would otherwise.

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    Sleep is divided into two stages: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which occurs 90 percent of the time, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which accounts for 10 percent of your total sleep time.

    NREM sleep consists mainly of deep, restful sleep, while REM sleep is characterized by vivid dreams that don’t usually connect with what you have been doing during the day.

    If you are one of those people who have trouble waking up in the morning, then you may want to consider waking up early. There are many benefits associated with waking up early, but first, let’s talk about how to wake up at 4 am.

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    There is nothing more annoying than having trouble getting out of bed. If this happens to you, read on because we have some tips to help you get out of bed on time.

    There are several ways to wake up at 4 am, but they all have pros and cons. This article will discuss how to wake up at 4 am.

    When to Sleep to Wake Up at 4 AM

    You might think this is a silly question, but it makes a lot of sense. When you know when you need to wake up and go to bed, you can make better decisions about what you eat and how much exercise you get.

    First of all, when should we sleep to wake up at 4 am? Well, here is a quick guide:

    When it gets dark outside

    It means that it is time for bed. You will feel tired and sleepy and unable to fall asleep until you go to bed. When this happens, try not to fight it; fall asleep as soon as possible so you can wake up at 4 am without difficulties.

    Sleep early

    The best way to wake up early is to get a good night’s sleep. Studies show that people who go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up at the same time everyday experience much better sleep than those who go to bed late or wake up late.

    If you want to wake up early, try going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. It will help ensure that your body is functioning well when it needs it most: during the night.

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    There are three main reasons why sleeping less than eight hours can cause trouble with your sleep schedule:

    • You’re not getting enough sleep. If you’re getting less than seven hours of sleep per night, it’s time to change. Adjust your sleeping schedule so you get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
    • You don’t know when to go to bed or get up during the day. Try using an alarm clock or another method that wakes you up at a particular time every day (such as sunrise or sunset).
    • You’re not getting enough restful sleep. If you’re getting less than six hours of restful sleep per night, it’s time for a change too.

    When to sleep:

    If you have difficulty waking up at 4 am, then here are some tips that will help you:

    • Wake up at 4 am if you want to be a morning person and have energy throughout the day.
    • Go for a walk or take a bath before bedtime. The exercise will make you more alert, which may help with falling asleep quickly..
    • Try counting backward until you fall asleep (with no snoring involved). This method will increase alertness and help turn off the mind in preparation for sleep.
    • Try not to sleep after 2 am so you can get enough sleep for the next day.
    • Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before going to bed; it will keep you awake longer than usual and make it harder for you to fall asleep in the first place.
    • If possible, try not to go through too much stress before bed because this can also keep you from falling asleep quickly.
    • Avoid eating foods high in sugar and caffeine after midnight because these will make it harder for your body to fall asleep at night or stay asleep during the night, which means that it will take longer than average for you to wake up in the morning.

    Benefits Of Waking Up Early

    These are some of the benefits that you can enjoy if you wake up at 4 am :

    • You will be able to have more energy throughout the day because of getting more rest during the night.
    • People around you may think this behavior is weird, but it helps you feel better about yourself.
    • You will be able to manage your time better and work more efficiently due to the extra energy in your body.
    • Your willpower will be stronger, which will help you make better decisions in your life.
    • You will accomplish more during the day because you’ll be able to get things done in a shorter time than if you woke up later that morning.
    • You’ll be able to save money by not having to spend money on breakfast or breakfast foods for yourself every morning. Instead, if you go out for coffee or something else instead of making breakfast for yourself, you’re saving yourself from having to spend money on food in general!

    How to Wake Up At 4 Am Without An Alarm?

    Have you ever tried to wake up at 4 am? If you have, then you know how hard it is. You want to get up, but your body doesn’t want to cooperate.

    Luckily, a few simple tricks can help you wake up early.

    Waking Up Earlier than Usual

    First of all, try not to go to bed too late. Studies have shown that people who go to bed after 11 pm have a more challenging time waking up in the morning than those who go to bed before 10 pm.

    This is because the second half of our 24-hour cycle is known as REM sleep, when we dream most frequently. When we stay up late and deprive ourselves of REM sleep, it makes us more alert in the morning because our bodies are still trying to dream.

    Get Enough Sleep

    The first thing you need is enough sleep. If you don’t sleep well, it won’t be easy to wake up early in the morning. The body needs time to recover from all the activities that happen during the day to function better the next day.

    When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies feel tired, making us think that we don’t have enough energy left before going back to bed again.

    However, this is not true as long as we have had enough time for sleep to allow our bodies to recover properly from all the activities that happened during the day.

    Wake Up Slowly

    You can wake up slowly by following a few steps.

    • Set a time for yourself to get out of bed.
    • Get up 20 minutes before your set time and get some exercise in.
    • Start with small things like washing your face or brushing your teeth before going through your morning routine.
    • Once you are done with the first step, go back to bed for another 15 minutes before getting up again for another 20 minutes of exercise, followed by another 15 minutes of rest back in bed before getting up again for another 20 minutes of exercise and so on until it is time for you to get out of bed and start your day.


    If you want to wake up at 4 am most of the time, you will have to ensure that your sleep schedule is consistent. If you sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, then chances are you will get used to waking up at this hour.

    However, if you want to wake up at 4 am but do not want to do so consistently, there are other ways. You can try waking up earlier than usual or later than expected.

    The trick is ensuring that your body gets used to waking up at these times without actually going through with it.

    The best way to do this is by gradually increasing the time between when you go to bed and when you wake up until your body eventually gets used to it and starts waking up on its own accord each day.

  • 75 Will Smith Quotes About Money, Success, Love, and Life

    75 Will Smith Quotes About Money, Success, Love, and Life

    Will Smith is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. He has been in over two hundred movies, including Independence Day and Men in Black.

    He also has a successful rap career with his group, Jodeci. He was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Isaac Hayes in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness.

    This article will examine some of Will Smith’s most famous quotes about money, inspiration, love, motivation, and success.

    Will Smith Quotes about Money

    • “The only people who can afford to buy things are those who already have them.”
    • “To me, money is the most important thing in life. I’d rather make $5 million than $5 million and not have any.”
    • “The most important thing is to treat other people the way you want to be treated.”
    • “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.”
    • “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.”

    Will Smith Quotes about Success

    • “Success is taking the first step towards happiness. The rest is all downhill.”
    • “There is no such thing as a single best way to do anything.”
    • “Success is an inside job.”
    • “We don’t know who we are until we know what we’re doing.”
    • “If you have a goal in mind, you are on the right track.”
    • “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right.”
    • “Don’t let what you can’t do keep you from doing what you can.”

    “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

    • “The only way to get rid of your regrets is to do something you would regret not doing.”
    • “I don’t want to be a part of anything that doesn’t make me happy. If I’m not happy, I can’t help anybody else be happy.”
    • “If you love what you’re doing, everything else is easier. Work hard at what you love and enjoy what you are doing.”
    • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
    • “A man’s got to know his limitations.”
    • “You’ve got to be willing to take risks if you want to succeed.”
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    • “You know, I’m not saying that success is something you can buy. Because it’s not, it’s something that you have to build your life around.”
    • “To be successful, you have to be willing to take risks, and sometimes that means making mistakes.”

    Inspiring Will Smith Quotes

    • “If you want to be a great person, you’ve got to live like a little kid.”
    • “I want to be a hero. Not a coward. Not a quitter. But a hero.”
    • “You’ll never know what you can do unless you try.”
    • “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”
    • “I’m not afraid of dying, but I’m afraid of not living.”
    • “I’m so glad I’ve never been born in a time when I could do anything and be nobody. In those days, being nobody would have been the greatest thing in the world.”
    • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
    • “I think the main thing is that you have to love what you do. And if you don’t, then it’s going to show.”
    • “The more I learn, the more I realize that I know nothing.”
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    • “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
    • “You can’t get a cup of coffee at Starbucks until you’re prepared to put in your time, money, and attention to detail.”
    • “Life is always full of surprises, but sometimes that’s a good thing because it means you’re alive and well.”
    • “You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.”
    • “It’s not enough to be told what we should do; we must be shown how to do it too.”
    • “Life isn’t about getting everything right all the time; it’s about learning from mistakes and moving forward in spite of them.”
    • “When life throws us lemons, make lemonade! We have no choice but to laugh at adversity because every adversity has done us some good in disguise.”
    • “If you’re not tired after work, you’re not working hard enough.”
    • “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
    • “When I was a child, my mother used to say that if you planned to sin, you should only do it once. If you got caught, well, so much the better. It was a way of maintaining my innocence.”
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    “I don’t think there’s any doubt about it. If we can make one million people happy in this world, then we’ve succeeded as human beings. And if we can make just one person happy, then all the rest are happy because they know they’re part of it.”

    • “It’s not what happens to me but how I react to it that matters.”
    • “I have never seen a man look so happy and complete as when he is working. He has no time to think of himself.”
    • “The best things in life are free.”
    • “The only thing necessary to triumph evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    • “You cannot stop the sea with a bucket.”
    • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”
    • “Work is love made visible… And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at home and eat bonbons than that you should take the active part in activities of that kind.”

    Quotes from Will Smith on love

    • “Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanos and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You must work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness; it is not excitement, and it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being “in love,” which any fool can do.”
    • “The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to speak.”
    • “If I could be without you for a day without missing you, I would count myself the happiest man alive.”
    • “There are only two rules for life: don’t get too comfortable and always take a chance.”
    • “The more people you meet, the more interesting life becomes.”
    • “I want to live every minute as if it were my last instant on earth because one day it will be.”
    • “Love is not love without sacrifice.”
    • “The only thing that’s certain in life is death and taxes, but I’ll tell you what’s certain: death and love.”
    • “Some people are like a fine wine; they get better with age.”
    • “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
    • “You can’t buy love, but you can pay for it.”
    • “I like women who wear glasses because I think they’re more intelligent than those women who don’t wear glasses. They’re much more likely to use their brains (and not just on the job).”

    Motivational Will Smith Quotes on Life

    • “We all have a choice: to be a survivor or to be a victim.”
    • “There’s no time for time. There’s only now.”
    • “I never forget a face, but in your case, I’ll be glad to make an exception.”
    • “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”
    • “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.”
    • “Real friends are the ones who take you by the hand and never let go, even when you hurt them deeply.”
    • “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours forever.”

    “Don’t be afraid to dream a little bigger than you ever thought possible. It’s not just the size of your dreams that matter, but also where they take you.”

    • “What the world needs now is more love and less paperwork!”
    • “Sometimes, I get lost between where I am and where I want to be.”
    • “I will not apologize for being alive!”
    • “Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan.”
    • “My greatest fear is that I’m not good enough. But then I realized my greatest fear was never being good enough for the people I love.”
    • “I refuse to accept this as my life. No, no, no. I choose to see myself as I want to be.”
    • “If you want something, go get it!”

    Wrap Up

    Will Smith is the star of countless films, but he’s also the star of many motivational quotes. Whether he’s talking about money or being successful, Will Smith has some great things to say. Listed above are 75 Will Smith quotes on life that will inspire you to be better and do better.