
  • 100 Thursday Motivation Quotes to Inspire your Day 

    100 Thursday Motivation Quotes to Inspire your Day

    Thursday is a working day, but it’s also a day to start preparing for the weekend and ensure you’re fully equipped for your next big push.

    We’ve found 100 Thursday motivation quotes that inspire you to get up and do just that. Whether you’re trying to finish a project or set yourself up for success in your business, these inspirational quotes will motivate you to keep going.

    Thursday Motivation Quotes

    • “You can’t force yourself to finish something that you don’t want to do.” – Maya Angelou.
    • “In order for a man to achieve his highest and best, he must first be true to himself.” – James Baldwin.
    • “Don’t let your past hold you back. You have a bigger picture to paint.” – Oprah Winfrey.
    • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Political Activist Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).
    • “Friday is for the biggest risk you will ever take.” – Steve Jobs
    • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs
    • “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” –Jim Rohn
    • “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
    • “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” –Mark Twain
    Thursday motivational quotes about life
    • “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” –Mary Anne Radmacher
    • “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
    • “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
    • “Do the thing you fear most, and the death of fear is certain. But not if you call it “learning.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
    • “You are never given a gift without being first given a task.” – Mother Teresa

    “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” – Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) – Author

    • “A man can do all things if he will only believe he can.” – The Bible (Mark 5:30)
    • “I’ve always thought that rest was work that got done before you got paid for it.” – Mark Twain
    • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) – Political Activist
    • “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” – Mark Twain
    • “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Deepak Chopra
    • “If you have come this far, there is no need to fear the end. The end will be something you choose.” – Anonymous
    • “I think the way you treat others is directly related to the state of your own heart.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Thursday Positive Quotes

    • “I believe that if you want something to happen, you’ve got to be willing to do something about it.” -Sara Blakely.
    • “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” -Mark Twain.
    • “A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” -Louisa May Alcott.
    • “We can have a better future. We just have to start thinking differently.” -Walt Disney.
    • “It’s not what I know, it’s what I can prove.” -Benjamin Franklin
    • “You get success by getting out of the way, not by getting in the way.” -Raymond Moley
    • “There is always something more rewarding than working alone.” -John Dewey
    • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” -Mark Twain

    “I have learned that every moment of every day is a school of learning. The lessons are short, but the work is never done.” – Charlotte Mason

    • “It is easy to be happy in a world where there are no problems.” – Albert Schweitzer.
    • “Success is something you see yourself coming close to and then get there.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
    • “The difference between failure and success is that failure comes before the fall, while success comes after it.” – Colin Powell.
    • “Failure teaches us more about ourselves than success ever could.” – Bill Gates.
    • “You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Liz Smith
    • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one before you feel tired.” – Mark Twain
    • “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman.

    Inspiring Quotes

    • “Don’t be afraid to dream a little bigger than you ever imagined. It’s how we get started that determines how far we get.” -Brian Tracy.
    • “To be able to support others, you must first learn to support yourself.” -Anonymous.
    • “Every problem has two sides. The side you like is where the problem began.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
    • “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we fail to see the one that has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller.
    • “When you are seeking inspiration, ask yourself what you would most like to be.” -Walter Anderson.

    “The great thing about being a writer is that you don’t have to worry about people knowing what you know.” -Stephen King.

    • “Nothing will work unless you do.” – Oprah Winfrey
    • “The universe has a way of giving us exactly what we need, but only when we’re ready for it.” -Oprah Winfrey
    • “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein
    • “To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step towards acquiring knowledge.” – Benjamin Franklin
    • “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” – Benjamin Franklin
    • “You can always tell when a man has no imagination. He sees only what is before his nose.” – Henry Ward Beecher
    • “If you have faith in yourself, don’t believe all the nonsense you hear about self-confidence.” – William Arthur Ward
    • “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Benjamin Franklin
    • “Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself!” – John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
    • “There is no such thing as failure; there are only opportunities missed.” – Henry Ford.
    • “The best way of doing good is not merely to speak well, but truly to think well.” -Socrates.
    • “You can do anything you put your mind to, once you decide to do it.” -Dorothy Day.
    • “It’s not what happens to us that shapes our lives, but what we do with what happens.” -Max Lucado.
    • “No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone is fighting a battle worth fighting, and someone somewhere needs your help.” -Barack Obama.
    • “If you want to be successful in life, the secret is to be where the action is.” – Steve Jobs.
    • “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.

    “You can’t succeed without doing what’s right. Success will never come if you simply wait for it. All great achievements require time and perseverance. The milestones along the way may be small, but they are meaningful. Have patience with yourself, and give yourself time.” – Warren Buffet

    • “Every morning when I wake up, I feel as though I am still dreaming.”- Charles M. Schwab.
    • “Do what you can do with what you have where you are.”- Theodore Roosevelt
    • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”- Suzy Kassem

    Thursday Morning Quotes

    • “The only thing that’s important is that you’re comfortable with who you are and what you do. If you’re not, then it doesn’t matter how much money you have.”- Oprah Winfrey.
    • “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”- Charles R. Swindoll.
    • “Never waste a minute being anything but who you are!”- Maya Angelou
    • “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”- Zig Ziglar
    • “I want to be the person who can do all things, and who does not fear to try them.”- J.M. Barrie
    • “It is not enough that we do our best; others must see us do it.”-Helen Keller
    • “When you have a goal, you can see the path to get it. When you don’t have a goal, all you see is the path.” –Tony Robbins
    • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” –Mahatma Gandhi
    • “We become what we think about most of the time. If you want to become important, think about it.” –James Allen

    “That which does not kill us makes us stronger. That which does kill us makes us worse.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

    • “The past is not dead. In fact, it’s not even past.” – William Faulkner
    • “Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.” – Henry Ford
    • “If you want a friend in Washington, don’t hire a lobbyist.” – Harry Truman
    • “It takes courage to grow up and become who we really are…the price is high, but so is the freedom that comes with maturity.”-Eleanor Roosevelt
    • “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”-Barbra Streisand
    • “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft
    • “I don’t want to be perfect; I just want to be perfect at something.” – Unknown
    • “It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.” – Ethel Merman
    • “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

    “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

    • “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at its testing point.” – James Russell Lowell
    • “You can’t change other people. You don’t have their number. If you call their name three times, someone might answer.” – Unknown
    • “My whole life has been a quest for knowledge. I’ve never learned much or enjoyed learning much, but on the few occasions when I have learned something new or enjoyed learning something new, it has always been due to being around people who knew more than I did.” – Richard Feynman
    • “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
    • “The best things in life are not things.”- Dalai Lama
    • “If you want to be successful, you must find the thing that you love and do it so well that people can’t ignore you.”- Albert Einstein
    • “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
    • “Life is measured by those moments of greatest happiness and those of greatest sadness.”- Kash Shaikh
    • “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing; then go ahead and do it.”Theodore Roosevelt
    • “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and affection without expecting anything in return.”- Morrie Schwartz
    • “The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.” – Oscar Wilde.
    • “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true!” – Søren Kierkegaard.
    • “A man who has no imagination has no wings, and a man who has no wings has no imagination either. “- Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
    • “Don’t worry about people stealing an idea from you… If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats. “- Howard Aiken.
    • “When we act without thinking, like a child on a merry-go-round, we’re in constant motion but never get anywhere… when you act on your convictions, even if it means acting alone, you’ll find others who will join you along the way and make things happen for the better for all of us.”- Joss Whedon.
    • “It’s not what we do in life that matters most but how well we do it.” – John Wooden.


    Thursday is the fourth day of the week. It’s a day that celebrates the beginning of the weekend, but it also serves as a reminder that we have an opportunity to make a change in our lives.

    It’s tempting to stay in bed all day on Thursday, but this isn’t necessary. Instead, use this day as an opportunity to get motivated with the above Thursday motivation quotes and start working towards your goals.

    Whether you’re trying to lose weight or earn more money, there are plenty of ways to achieve them on Thursday. All you need to do is find what works best for you and use it every time.

  • Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Ever heard or read Denzel Washington’s quotes? Well, before we get to the quotes, you must have come across the name. Denzel is a popular American actor, producer, and director. He is a mentor and a role model to his viewers.

    Denzel Washington has been one of the most successful actors in Hollywood for over two decades. He’s won an Oscar and received many other honors for his work on screen, including an Emmy nomination and a Golden Globe award.

    He is also an accomplished musician and producer. He’s released three albums with his band, The System, and has also had songs recorded by other artists.

    Denzel Washington is 65 years of age, having been born as Denzel Hayes Washington Junior on December 28th, 1954, in Mount Vernon, New York. Despite a humble beginning, the son of a Pentecostal preacher has won two golden global awards.

    Also, Denzel is well-known for acting as a real-life historical figure.

    Some movies he has featured include Cry Freedom in 1987, featuring Steve Biko. Besides, he has featured as Malcolm X in the movie Malcolm X in 1992.

    If you enjoy watching his movies, you may have watched the Equalizer 1 and 2. Denzel has also portrayed Robert McCall as the main protagonist in the equalizer film series.

    Watching The Equalizer 2 the other day by Denzel Washington, I couldn’t help but marvel at the entertaining nature of Denzel. He is good at shifting between tense and calm situations with ease.

    the equalizer 2 quotes

    In this thriller, Denzel played his role pretty well. While the director may have tried to capture the spirit of the first Equalizer, it turned out slow and predictable.

    That being said, Denzel has never been disappointed in his films. He is a comedian, fighter, orator, mentor and a talented storyteller all rolled into one. This, he captures in his movies perfectly fine.

    Moreso, Denzel is a motivational speaker. He inspires many, including both friends and foes.

    Master Your Money

    Denzel Washington’s quotes can be found throughout his work on screen and in interviews about him as a person. Some of these quotes focus on his career as an actor, but others are more personal.

    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes

    • “I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.”
    • I think a role model is a mentor–someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them.
    • “Faith will get you to a point. Luck will get you to a point. But to achieve the kind of success you dream about, you need to WORK. There are no shortcuts, you can’t cheat life, just get to work and don’t stop until you reach your highest potential.”
    • “If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it.”
    • “You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.”
    • “If you have an enemy, then learn and know your enemy, don’t just be mad at him or her.”
    • “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
    • “Success? I don’t know what that word means. I’m happy. But success, that goes back to what in somebody’s eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me.”
    • “Dreams without goals remain dreams.”
    • “Never help an ungrateful person get on their feet.”
    • “My mother never gave up on me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do”
    • “I’d be more frightened by not using whatever abilities I’d been given. I’d be more frightened by procrastination and laziness.”
    • “Put God first in everything you do. Everything that I have is by the grace of God, I understand that. It’s a gift. I didn’t always stick with Him, but He stuck with me.”
    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Success

    • “I just try to take it one day at a time. That’s how I live my life; that’s how I conduct myself.”
    • “When you do something wrong, if you don’t learn anything from it, then you’re just a fool.”
    • “If you want to be successful, you’ve got to work hard and work smart.”
    • “Success leaves clues, and the only way to find them is to keep looking until you find them. Failure leaves no clues, which is why so many people fail.”
    • “I always thought when I became successful that I would be able to help people. And then when I did become successful, I realized that was not the case.”
    motivation inspirational denzel washington quotes
    • “You want to do it right, but you want to get it done.”
    • “Success is not a journey, and it’s a destination.”
    • “Success has always been my biggest motivator. I was raised by two parents who believed in education and success above all else.”
    • “Success is a result of preparation, not a result of spontaneous combustion.”
    • “A man’s value to the world is in direct proportion to his usefulness to it.”
    • “The only thing that stands between us and success is failure. And there’s no way to avoid that. You can avoid it by not trying, but then you miss all the fun of trying.”
    • “I have learned that success is liking your work and boss.”
    • “I’m not afraid to fail, but I do not like to fail.”
    • “I’ve never lost anything in my life that’s worth holding on to.”

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Work

    • “I’m not a good person. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t sleep around. So if you want to know who doesn’t do drugs and sleeps around, it’s me.”
    • “I’ve worked with many great actors, but nobody has ever said, ‘Oh man, that was so much fun,’ like Denzel Washington did.”
    • “If you have talent and work hard at it, it will come out.”
    • “I’ve always been a hard worker. I’ve never stopped working.”
    • “I’m a workaholic, but it’s good to work hard. It makes you feel good to get things done, accomplish them, and be productive.”
    • “The truth is that the harder you work, the luckier you get.”
    • “When you work hard for something, whether it’s money or respect or education or anything else, when you go after something and fight for it, usually someone will give you what you want because there’s not much of anything in life that isn’t earned by working for it.”
    • “The important thing is not how much wealth we accumulate but how honestly we use it.”
    • “I am not afraid to be who I am.”
    • “If you’re happy with what you have and who you are, then nothing matters too much.”
    • “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
    • “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
    • “I will work with anybody as long as they have a plan and a goal.”
    • “I’m going to keep working hard until I die because I know that if I don’t, somebody else will take my place.”
    love denzel washington quotes
    • “If you want to do something in life, go do it now while you’re young and have the energy to make it happen.”
    • “If you aren’t willing to risk what little you have, nothing can happen in your life.”
    • “I don’t know any other way of being.”
    • “You cannot afford to be mediocre in this world.”
    • “It’s not easy to be humble, but being proud ain’t working either.”
    • “Work is the most important thing in life. I don’t care how good we are at something; if we don’t do it with all our heart, the result will be disappointing.”
    • “I can’t think of any other way to describe it than they were in love with their work. It was a loving thing, you know? It was a very close relationship. And I think that’s what kept them together for so long. They loved each other, and they loved what they did.”
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    Inspirational Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “I think it’s important to have love in your life.”
    • “The only time you’re guaranteed to be happy is when you’re working.”
    • “I hope to inspire people through my work and life.”
    • “The beauty of life is being aware that you have to spend it for yourself.”
    • “I am not just an actor. I am an artist who happens to go into a movie theater.”
    • “I’m not working on anything right now, but I like to create things from scratch.”
    • “I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”
    • “If you ever need a friend to talk to, I’m here.”
    • “I would rather be in the second year of a seven-year sentence than the first year of a three-year sentence.”
    • “Work is the best antidote for stress.”
    inspirational quotes by denzel washington
    • “I’m not too proud to admit that I don’t know what I’m doing. But if you do something, you might as well do it right. And if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
    • “The tougher the challenge you face, the more glory in overcoming it.”
    • “It’s better to be judged by 12 than by six.”
    Master Your Money

    Motivational Quotes Denzel Washington

    • “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved.”
    • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
    • “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”
    • “Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s easier to leave than it is to stay.”
    • “It’s not about how long you say no, but how often.”
    • “I want to be the best man I can be. You’ll never be happy if you can’t do that for yourself.”
    • “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    • “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”
    • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
    • “There are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Everything else is optional.”
    • “You can’t keep your kids safe from trouble if you keep them close.”
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    More Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
    • “The most important thing is to learn how to give. Everything else is just learning how to get.”
    • “I want the world for everyone, but I want them to do it my way.”
    • “I think I can best describe it as a joy. It’s like I’m on a mission, but one that I have complete control over.”
    • “In life, you’ve got to do what you want. And the only way you can get there is by doing it.”
    • “Whenever you’re at your best, it’s because you’re in tune with yourself and not just yourself but also other people and how they can help you be better.”

    At the end of it all, quotes are just quotes. Some may make sense to you, while some may not. Pick what appeals to you best and can change your life.

  • How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed

    How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed

    I get overwhelmed so easily. I’ve been feeling this way for a long time, but it’s gotten worse recently.

    I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because of all the work I’m doing now and the increased responsibility that comes with it. Perhaps it’s because I’m older than most adults and have less time to get things done.

    But whatever the reason, I think it’s time to talk about how to deal with constantly feeling overwhelmed so you can feel better as you go through your day.

    The most common thing I see with people who feel overwhelmed is that they’re letting it control them. They feel like they can’t get anything done, so they give up and let the feeling overwhelm them.

    You’re not alone if you feel this way. It’s a normal part of life, and it doesn’t mean anything wrong about you or your ability to get things done.

    It just means that sometimes we need a break from thinking about our work and how much we have to do.

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to think that the problem is you. But you’re not alone.

    When you feel overwhelmed and stressed, your body releases hormones that make you feel bad, like an overactive thyroid or cortisol levels skyrocketing. It can lead to depression and other mental health issues.

    Stressful situations cause these hormonal changes to happen more often because you can’t turn them off when under pressure.

    But there are ways to help with your stress and overwhelm so that you can feel better and get things done at work or school. Here are some tips:

    • Take a break from work or school every day.
    • Exercise regularly (even just going for a walk)
    • Get enough sleep every night.
    • Don’t surround yourself with people who stress you out (find new friends)

    “I get overwhelmed so easily.”

    It is a common phrase for people who struggle with anxiety and depression. It’s also one of the most overused phrases in psychology, for a good reason.

    We all get overwhelmed sometimes, but it’s not necessarily something to be scared of. Being able to handle your emotions is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health.

    The problem is that many people don’t know how to deal with it when it happens. They try to avoid feeling overwhelmed by focusing on other things (like work or school), which worsens their problems because they are more stressed.

    Luckily there are some simple ways to start dealing with being overwhelmed immediately.

    Why Do I Get Overwhelmed So Easily And Cry?

    The answer to this question is that you are highly sensitive. It means that you have a very high threshold for pain and stress. You are more likely to get overwhelmed when there is a lot of noise, bright lights, or other sensory stimulation in your environment.

    You may also feel overwhelmed when people talk about things that have nothing to do with you.

    Why Do Highly Sensitive People Get Overwhelmed?

    Because we are susceptible people, who have been taught that being overly sensitive is terrible, we have been told that it makes us weak, incapable of handling the world healthily and that we need to toughen up because of problems. We should be able to manage the problems.

    This belief system is toxic and has hurt our ability to live happy lives as susceptible people.

    Susceptible people are easily overwhelmed and have difficulty coping with the world around them. The problem is that these people often don’t know how to cope with the high stress in their lives, which can lead to depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, and more.

    These people need to learn how to manage their emotions better and cope with life’s demands. Here are some tips:

    • Try not to take things personally.
    • Don’t expect people to understand your needs or care about them as much as you do.
    • Take time out for yourself every day, even if it’s just 20 minutes by yourself in a quiet room doing nothing but focusing on your breathing or listening to some music.
    • Focus on what makes you happy (and avoid negative thoughts).
    • Look for ways to reduce your stress level – for example, try meditating or exercising regularly.

    Is Feeling Overwhelmed A symptom of ADHD?

    Being overwhelmed by your work, family, or other responsibilities is a common symptom of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

    Many people experience feelings of “overwhelm” throughout their day, but there are specific signs that can help you recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

    • Do you feel overwhelmed?
    • Do you have trouble saying no to requests?
    • Do people take advantage of the fact that you can’t keep up with their demands?
    • Are you constantly late for appointments and meetings?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have ADHD.

    A diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t mean that you’re a failure or a wrong person. It just means that something in your brain makes it hard for you to control your impulses.

    If this sounds like you, there are many ways to change your behavior and find more balance in your life.

    When you feel overwhelmed, taking a step back and thinking about what’s causing the problem is essential. It could be your ADHD symptoms, poor time management skills, or a lack of self-esteem.

    If you have ADHD and are feeling overwhelmed:

    • Try to identify the cause of your feelings of overwhelm. Is it because of ADHD symptoms, or do you have too much on your plate?
    • It’s normal to feel stressed out at times. If this happens regularly for you, consider seeking professional help from a mental health professional specializing in treating adults with ADHD.

    What Should I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed?

    When you feel overwhelmed by the tasks you need to do, some things can help you.

    1. First, take a break. Don’t be afraid to step away from your work for a few minutes, get some fresh air, or walk around your office and stretch your legs. It will give your brain a chance to reset itself and calm down.
    2. Second, try taking a different approach to tackle the problem or task. You may have tried something similar in the past, but it didn’t work out so well. Now is the time to try something new!
    3. Third, ensure all your resources are ready and available before starting any project or task. If you don’t have all the materials needed for a project, then find them before starting anything else because they could be gone by the time you finish another project.
    4. Fourth, remember that no matter how overwhelmed you feel, things will get better soon and better when they do.
    5. Finally, Eat something good (even if it’s just a snack). Eating something with protein will help keep blood sugar levels stable, so your body doesn’t get stressed out from being overworked.

    If possible, try eating something other than processed carbohydrates like white bread or pasta, which are high in sugar and usually don’t contain much nutritional value (and often make us hungrier anyway).


    When you feel overwhelmed, you’re trying to do too much. You’re trying to do too much because you’re afraid of failing and not being able to do it all. But to succeed at anything, you have to step back, look at the big picture and make decisions that will lead you in the right direction.

    Certain things are out of your control: the weather, other people, habits, etc. What is within your control is how hard you work and how smartly you make decisions.

    If you spend all your time worrying about things that aren’t under your control, then it’s easy for them to overwhelm you and cause stress in your life. But success will come much more straightforward than failure if you focus on what’s within your control and make intelligent decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

  • How to be a Charismatic Leader

    How to be a Charismatic Leader

    A charismatic leader is defined by the ability to inspire others and lead them to greatness. It can be accomplished through charisma, confidence, and competence.

    • Charisma is the quality that makes someone seem magnetic or compelling.
    • Confidence refers to a person’s belief in themselves, their ideas, and their ability to achieve their goals.
    • Competence refers to being able to perform tasks with skill and efficiency.

    To become a charismatic leader, you must have all three qualities: charisma, confidence, and competence. You will need charisma if you want people to follow you without question.

    Without confidence, they won’t follow you; without competence, they will probably look down on your ideas as being too simplistic or silly.

    Charismatic leaders are often seen as charismatic because they exude an air of confidence about them; they know what they want and how to get it done. They also possess a strong sense of purpose that motivates them beyond just money or fame (although those are excellent bonuses).

    A charismatic leader can inspire loyalty from followers because they firmly believe in their cause.

    What is a charismatic leader?

    Charismatic leaders can inspire their followers and have them feel connected with them. They can connect with others more profoundly, where they think they can be one with the leader. It makes charismatic leaders very powerful and successful at what they do.

    Charismatic leaders can connect with others positively, which leads to a better quality of life for all involved. A charismatic leader has many different characteristics, including:

    • A sense of purpose and direction.
    • Uncompromising strength and resolve.
    • Intuition for action.
    • Have an unwavering belief in their cause or idea.

    What defines a charismatic person?

    A charismatic person has a natural ability to connect with others and get them excited about what they are doing. They can feel understood by those around them and know how to communicate their message clearly so that others can understand it too.

    Charismatic leaders are also able to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely, which allows them to get their point across in an effective manner.

    How do I become a charismatic leader?

    You need to understand how your personality relates to your charisma to learn how to harness this natural power within yourself to become more successful in life. There are many ways that you can work on developing your charisma.

    Still, one of the most effective ways is to learn about yourself through self-reflection exercises such as journaling or meditation.

    What qualities make someone charismatic?

    Charisma is a personality trait that can be viewed as the opposite of charisma. While charismatic people are extremely outgoing, friendly, and like to help others, those with charisma dislike being the center of attention and prefer to be in the background.

    Charismatic people are often described as magnetic, engaging, and inspiring. They’re also often charismatic leaders who can communicate their ideas through words and actions.

    Here’s what makes a charismatic leader:

    • He knows how to listen to his people
    • He can connect with others on an emotional level
    • He has a strong belief system that guides him through life
    • He knows how to motivate his team members

    What is charisma?

    Abraham Lincoln April 10 1865 1
    Abraham Lincoln, April-10-1865

    Charisma is more than just being attractive or charming. It’s about working in harmony with your environment and forging strong relationships with others where you inspire them to want to do things for you.

    Charismatic leader enjoys being around people because they know that others feel good when they’re around them.

    They also have an innate ability to connect with other people emotionally, allowing them to connect with their audience in ways no one else can.

    Are charismatic leaders born or made?

    The short answer is both.

    Some people are naturally gifted with charisma, and it’s part of what makes them so special. These people tend to be born with more natural charisma than others.

    They’re more extroverted and outgoing, which helps them connect with others more easily in general.

    Charismatic leaders are usually born with this gift, but it doesn’t just happen overnight. A combination of natural ability and leadership skills can be developed over time for a person to become a good leader.

    For example, suppose someone has good leadership skills but lacks natural charisma. In that case, they will not be able to develop their leadership skills as well as someone who already has both natural charisma and leadership skills.

    People who were born with these abilities are often called natural-born leaders. In contrast, people who learn these skills later in life usually exhibit some charisma.

    It’s important to note that being charismatic isn’t everything: you still need to know what you’re doing and communicate it effectively if you want your followers on board with your plans for change.

    However, charisma can be developed by practicing specific skills in several ways, including through formal training or informal practice on your own time.

    If you’re interested in becoming more charismatic yourself, try adding some of these tips into your daily routine:

    • Be authentic with your communication style. Remember that all humans speak from their hearts, meaning we all have feelings and emotions behind our words. Try not to use clichés, puns, or other pre-written statements when communicating with others (unless you don’t care about maintaining a good relationship).
    • Be Yourself. Don’t try to be someone else. If you’re not comfortable with who you are and what you’ve done, likely, people won’t be too comfortable around you either.
    • Humor. Humor can work wonders when it comes to building rapport with others, so try incorporating some humor into your speech and body language when speaking with others.
    • Listen more than you talk. The best way to lead people is by listening. Research shows that people respond well to a leader who gives them their space, understands their needs, and makes them feel respected.
    • Don’t take yourself too seriously. If your goal is to make other people feel important, don’t worry about being “the smartest in the room.” Everyone has a different level of knowledge and expertise, and what’s important is how you share that knowledge with others so they can grow from it too.
    • Make eye contact when speaking with others. Eye contact is essential to building rapport with others and getting them to connect with you deeper. It’s also a good sign if someone looks away from you when talking; they judge your credibility as a speaker or listener based on your body language instead of what you’re saying or thinking.
    • Practice the Art of Body Language. Body language is a powerful tool for communicating with others.

    It sets the tone for your message and how others perceive it. Your body language can convey confidence, strength, warmth, or anger.

    • Smile. It’s easy to get caught up in the day’s stress and forget to smile. They say a smile is the first thing people notice about you, so make sure you give them one.
    • Charismatic leaders Speak With Confidence. People will always take notice of your confidence level when you speak to them. And when they see that you’re confident in your words, they’ll want to hear more from you. It gives them a sense of security and trust in your ability to lead them through challenging situations. It also makes them feel they can trust their opinions about whatever topic is being discussed.
    • Be Interested in Others. If there’s one thing that people love more than being attractive, it’s interesting for their benefit. Try finding something about their life that sparks your curiosity and ask them questions about it. Suppose they feel like they are having a conversation with an actual human being rather than just a random person on the internet who is only trying to sell them something.

    In that case, they’ll feel much more connected to you. Therefore, they are less likely to run away from the conversation as fast as possible after hearing how much money they could make by becoming an affiliate of whatever product or service they were selling at the time (it happens).

    How do I know if I’m charismatic?

    Charisma is the ability to inspire, motivate and lead others to action. Charisma is an innate trait that can be developed through experience and training.

    A charismatic leader can connect with people emotionally, creating a connection between the leader and their followers that may not exist otherwise.

    You may feel like you’re a natural-born leader, but this doesn’t mean that you will always be successful at leadership. Many things go into being a charismatic leader, and most of them aren’t something you can control.

    You can’t just decide one day that you’re going to be a charismatic leader; it’s something that comes naturally to some people and not others.

    Who are examples of charismatic leaders in the world?

    When we talk about charismatic leaders, we usually think of famous figures such as John F. Kennedy or Barack Obama, people who were able to connect with people on a deeper level than most people could ever imagine.

    However, Charisma isn’t limited by age or gender; anyone can develop it through hard work and practice.

    Other charismatic leaders include Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa. These people were able to inspire their followers with their words and actions, motivating them towards change for the betterment of society.

    Final thought

    Being a charismatic leader is about more than just having a powerful voice or being able to persuade people with your words. It’s also about seeing the world from other people’s eyes and knowing how to inspire them to want the same things you do.

    And that’s not easy. Plenty of people are great at inspiring others but don’t know how to make their own ideas stick, making them less effective leaders.

    The key is understanding how you can use your personality and background in your leadership skills because there are plenty of ways to ensure you’re bringing your unique strengths to the table when it comes time for team meetings or brainstorming sessions.

  • 55 Toni Morrison Quotes on Writing, Success and Life

    55 Toni Morrison Quotes on Writing, Success and Life

    Who was Toni Morrison

    Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in Lorain, Ohio, on February 18, 1931. Her father was a train conductor, and her mother was a maid. She changed her name to Toni in honor of the great Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston.

    She was a noted American writer of African descent who has won numerous awards for her work.

    Her novel The Bluest Eye received the National Book Award in 1970. It was adapted into a movie in 1996 by Mira Nair.

    Life History

    She grew up in Lorain, Ohio, and studied at Howard University, where she graduated with a degree in English Literature. It was during this time that she began to explore her talent for writing and poetry.

    She became interested in African-American history and made trips to archives for research purposes.

    She then moved to New York, working as a teacher for six years before returning to school at Cornell University. She graduated with an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) from Yale University in 1962 and published her first book of short stories entitled “The First Life” (1961).

    After graduating from Yale, Morrison traveled to France, where she worked as an English teacher for five years before returning to New York City, where she began publishing novels.

    Toni Morrison’s first novel, “The Bluest Eye,” appeared in 1970. It won the National Book Award and became one of the most influential novels of its generation. Other novels include “Song of Solomon” (1977), “Beloved” (1987), “Paradise” (1992), “Jazz” (1997), and “Love” (2003).

    In addition to writing novels, Morrison also published poetry collections, including “Sula” (1974), “Tar Baby” (1981), and “The Black Unicorn” (1989).

    Toni Morrison’s writing career spanned decades. In addition to being an author, she was also a professor of English at Princeton University, where she taught courses on African-American literature.

    She also served as an editor at Random House Publishing Group’s division Norton Press (Norton Anthologies).

    Toni Morrison passed on on August 5, 2019, in New York. She was 88 years old at the time of her passing.

    Toni Morrison quotes on writing.

    “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

    “I have always been afraid of the word success, for I think of success as a thing that you get and then get a little bit more of, and then it begins to stink.”

    “What I am concerned with is not so much who adds to the sum of knowledge as who prevents it from decreasing.”

    “The time we spend in this world is too short for us to be serious all the time. So we ought to make the most of our time, whether in the morning or evening, at noon or just before going to bed.”

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

    “The writer’s job is to make the invisible visible. The writer’s job is to give the inarticulate voice a voice and to make the voiceless articulate.”

    “I believe in a revisionary play where you try on different voices and see what happens when you put them together.”

    Only Those Who Risk Going Too Far Can Find Out How Far One Can Go. 1 1

    “Sometimes what we call ‘progress’ means only that we are getting worse and worse at doing the things we were doing better than anyone else had ever done them before.”

    “The writer’s job is not to escape life but to live it. He has no other choice.”

    “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”

    “There’s no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well-written, badly written, or badly translated.”

    “The journey is more important than the destination.”

    “Writing is a way of learning how to live in the world. It’s how we learn how to be people in relationship with others and with ourselves.”

    “If you want to find out who someone is, read their books. If you want to know what they think about things, ask them about them; but if you want to know what kind of person they are at heart, look at what they write.”

    “I believe life is a continuous process of becoming, and living is a process of creating.”

    “The writer is someone who reads to know what he cannot write.”

    “I’m not looking for an easy way out. I’m looking for the place that is going to be interesting.”

    “To find yourself, think for yourself. Don’t wait for other people to do it for you.”

    “A writer writes because he needs to write… and because he still hopes to be able to write someday.”

    “Writing about the unexpurgated truth will always be more courageous than writing about the expurgated version.”

    Toni Morrison quotes about success.

    “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

    “Creativity is the art of realizing possibilities.”

    “The crucial thing about a writer’s life is honesty.”

    “In writing, as in most other things, there is no substitute for hard work.”

    “Writing is the only thing I know how to do really well.”

    “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

    “You must be willing to give yourself up to your work and sacrifice everything else.”

    “The most important thing to remember about writing is that it’s not a talent; you have to work at it. If you’re lucky enough to have a gift for writing, do everything in your power to develop it.”

    “The most important thing about being a writer is knowing how to find what you’re looking for.”

    “I think life would be better if we had fewer regrets and fewer wasted years, but then again, I’m pretty sure that if we had fewer regrets, there wouldn’t be any writers.”

    “It seems like the most painful thing in the world is to lose somebody you love. But then again, real things are worse than dying: like wasting your time.”

    “I’ve always thought that if you want to be a writer, you must be a reader. You can’t be content with what other people write because they’re not going to be your friend.”

    “The line between success and failure is a very narrow one. It’s so fine that it is often invisible. The difference seems like one degree but is as wide as the universe. A person can look at the same situation, see success and failure side by side, and never know which is which because he doesn’t know what’s happening inside himself.”

    “I think we’re all in a race toward something. We don’t know what it is or how long it’ll take us to get there, but we know that we must go somewhere to feel alive. And to not feel dead, I suppose we must travel faster than most people; otherwise, we’d get tired and bored with ourselves before reaching our goal.”

    “Success is not a secret; it’s just the product of rigorous training, a good deal of hard work, and luck.”

    Motivation Parlour 2 1

    “If you know what you’re doing, you don’t have to be afraid to do it. If you know what you’re doing, there’s no need to be embarrassed about asking for help from people who are more experienced than yourself.”

    “No one wants to read a book about somebody who has no problems because they’ll be boring. But if you write about people who have problems and make them real, they can become heroic and interesting.”

    “Writing is like dancing: the more grace notes you play in succession, the better it becomes.”

    Toni Morrison quotes on life.

    “There’s nothing more powerful than a dreamer with a dream.”

    “The first trouble with people is that they don’t know what to do with their lives. They have to be told. Their minds are like parachutes – they work best when they’re not opened up and stretched out.”

    “If you want to tell the truth, the first thing is to pick a simple word that everyone can understand. The second thing is to be careful where you put it.”

    “A woman’s age may not mean much, but her age can always be expressed in years, months, or days.”

    “The only thing that is constant in life is change.”

    “The world is not a place to discover yourself; it’s a place to be yourself.”

    “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

    “It’s not the baby that changes everything. It’s the mother.”

    “It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it.”

    “I want to live in a world where people are free to choose their way of life, and no one has the power to decide for them.”

    “There is no such thing as progress. There are always only changes.”

    “The color line is not a straight line.”

    “To me, as a writer, I think this poem is about how you are trying to deal with your own powerlessness against other people who have power over you.”

    “Success has your name on the side of a bus. Fame has your name on the front of a bus.”

    Im Not Afraid Of Dying Because I Will Be Free From My Pain 1

    “You can’t tell somebody else’s story until you’ve lived it yourself.”

  • Why Am I Such a Failure and How Should I Handle it?

    Why Am I Such a Failure and How Should I Handle it?

    Feeling like a failure is a common experience for many people. It feels like there’s no way to get over it and that you’ll never be successful at anything. Most of the time, you will ask yourself questions like, why am I such a failure?

    However, feeling like a failure is a sign of self-doubt, which can be overcome by learning to manage your emotions.

    First off, we need to understand what it means to feel like a failure. When you feel like a failure, you’ve made mistakes or failed at something and experienced some humiliation or embarrassment.

    Suppose you feel like a failure, you might think about past mistakes or experiences where you felt humiliated. It will make you more likely to make the same mistake again because it makes you fear failure even more.

    If you feel like a failure and keep asking yourself, “why am I such a failure?” If you don’t know how to fix it, here are a few things that might help:

    • The first step in fixing the problem is identifying what you’re doing that might be causing it. For example, if you feel like a failure because you haven’t been able to get into medical school or school of choice yet, one thing to try is to ensure that your application is complete and accurate. If this doesn’t help, then maybe instead of trying so hard, you should relax and enjoy life while trying to make something happen in your career (or perhaps even start a new job).
    • Be honest with yourself. If you’re feeling like a failure, chances are you’re doing something wrong. If so, try to figure out what that is and make changes accordingly.
    • Don’t get too comfortable with being uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is good because it means learning something new and adapting to change. It also means that you have more room for improvement. If you’re failing at something, don’t give up on it just because it’s hard or uncomfortable right now; keep trying until you figure out how to succeed!
    • Stay optimistic about your situation and your plans for success. You will succeed eventually.
    • Don’t beat yourself up over things that happened in the past. Instead, try and learn from them and move on with your life as best as possible.
    • Don’t let yourself get too caught up in worrying about what other people think of your actions or decisions (even if they’re negative). Just focus on trying your best

    What Makes a Person a Failure?

    So what does it mean to be a “failure?” The dictionary defines it as “an unsuccessful person, especially one who has failed at something important.” In other words, if you have failed at something at school, work, or relationships, then you must be a failure.

    But that’s not true! Failure doesn’t always equal being a loser or worthless; it can also be defined as simply doing things differently rather than the way everyone else does them.

    • Maybe you believe in yourself more than others and want to succeed on your terms.
    • Maybe you don’t fit into the mold of what society expects from you.
    • Maybe you’re just having a rough day and need some encouragement (or even an angry tirade!) from someone who understands where you’re coming from.

    You ask yourself, “why am I such a failure?” because you have failed at something or have not succeeded in doing something yet, which makes you think there is nothing to achieve and become successful in your life.

    But there is more than enough room for everyone on this earth; no reason anyone should be judged based on their achievements or lack thereof.

    Everyone has a story about themselves and what makes them who they are today. It does not mean that you have to be just like someone else; it just means that we all come from different backgrounds and experiences that shaped us into the people we are today.

    Why Am I Such a Failure?

    The answer is simple: You are not a failure.

    You may be experiencing low self-esteem or feelings of worthlessness, but that’s not a failure. It’s normal to feel those emotions when things don’t go as planned. Learning to cope with life’s challenges is part of being human.

    Is Failure the End of Life?


    You may ask yourself

    “I’m a failure?”


    Why am I such a failure? “

    “I’m so pathetic.”

    These are some of the most common phrases people use when they feel they have failed. They are used to describe their negative feelings towards themselves and the fact that they did not achieve what they wanted to do.

    But is a failure the end of life?

    Should we give up on our dreams just because we fail?

    According to psychologists and philosophers, failure does not have to be an end for you. There are many other ways to improve your life, even if you fail at something in the past.

    How Do I Stop Being A Failure

    You may be asking yourself. Why am I such a failure?

    The reality is that no one is a failure. We all fail sometimes, but that makes the difference between people who give up and those who get back up. So, don’t give up on your goals because you feel lost, confused, or frustrated.

    Take some time to analyze and understand your mistakes, learn from them and get back on track. Put in the time and effort to better your plans; the only failure you will have is if you quit or look for shortcuts.

    The first thing you should do is accept that you are a failure and take responsibility for it. You need to realize that no matter what you do, there will always be people who judge you and point fingers at your failures.

    When people think of you, they will do so because they feel threatened by your success and want to put you down to feel better about themselves.

    They don’t want someone else taking their place as the best person, so they make sure that everyone knows how much of a loser they are by pointing fingers at those who are succeeding instead of them.

    When someone points fingers at you and calls you names like “loser” or “failure,” ignore them.

    They don’t know what they’re talking about because they have never experienced success in their own lives and therefore cannot relate to how great it feels when one finally gets there after years of hard work and dedication.


    Life can be overwhelming and stressful if you feel like a failure. We do not like to fail, which is the worst feeling ever. But sometimes, we must realize that there is a thin line between success and failure. Sometimes I feel like what happens to me is totally beyond my control.

    However, when I look at these articles about how to deal with a failure, life takes on new hopes and dreams, and I can get back on track again.

    Remember, failure is part of life; it’s a regular thing. But don’t let it dominate your life, and stay away from negative thoughts. Learn from your mistakes, count on the support of others, and be optimistic about your future.

    Your goals will seem more achievable when you’re not letting failure control you and drag you down to its level.

  • 60 Manifestations Quotes to Inspire You to Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance 

    60 Manifestations Quotes to Inspire You to Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance

    In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “You can discover what your duty is by simply finding out what you are.”

    Manifestation quotes are powerful words that can help you to manifest your dreams, goals, and desires into reality.

    There are millions of people out there who are dealing with financial issues and struggles. Many people look for manifestation quotes to help them in their endeavors. They want to be able to manifest their dreams, desires, and goals.

    A manifestation quote can be a powerful tool to help you focus on your goals and attract them into your life. It would help if you had the right mindset to manifest anything you want in life.

    There are thousands of manifestation quotes, but not all work for everyone. This article will give you 60 perfect manifestation quotes to help you start your goal-setting process and attract what you want into your life.

    The Law of Attraction states that everything you think about, feel, or do in your life affects your reality, whether you realize it or not. The law of attraction gets based on the basic principle that if you focus your thoughts on what you want, your subconscious mind will take action to make that happen for you. If we don’t believe anything can change or happen, it won’t!

    We all know how hard it is when we don’t get what we want or need in life, but this article contains some of the best manifestation quotes that can help set you up for success. These are real-life examples of people who have used the law of attraction to attract money, prosperity, and abundance into their lives by focusing on their dreams and goals.

    We’ve compiled a list of manifestation quotes to inspire you to wealth, prosperity, and abundance :

    If we want to change the world, we must do so from within.

    – Abraham Lincoln

    The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

    – Walt Disney.

    We are all here to learn how to become a better version of ourselves. We are all here to take that first step toward realizing our dreams. And by doing so, we will be living the life we have always wanted.

    – Unknown.

    The more you give away, the more you have.


    Anyone can become a success if he is willing to decide to be one.

    -Napoleon Hill

    It is not what you do in life that determines who you are, but what successful do with what you’ve done.

    -Carl Sandburg

    You cannot change your life by holding another person’s hand

    – Tony Robbins

    The greatest wealth is freedom, and the greatest freedom is the freedom to make mistakes

    – Mark Twain

    I believe that all men are created equal, but I cannot help it if they do not behave as they should

    – Mark Twain

    Self-esteem is the greatest self-help book ever written

    Maya Angelou

    If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.

    – George Bernard Shaw

    If we don’t change direction, we may end up where we are headed

    – Lao Tzu

    The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary

    -Vince Lombardi

    Don’t worry about people stealing an idea because the best ideas are the ones that never get used

    – Steve Jobs

    A positive attitude will take you much further than positive thinking alone

    – Zig Ziglar

    Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

    – Winston Churchill

    If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales

    – George Bernard Shaw

    I’m not a good person—but I’ve had some good ideas.

    – Richard Feynman

    A man who has never gone wrong will always find it difficult to do so

    – Confucius

    To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe

    – Anatole France

    Change your thoughts, and you change your world.

    – William James

    If you love life, don’t waste time complaining about it

    – Dolly Parton

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

    – Eleanor Roosevelt

    I believe that life is a game, and you must play it as though your whole being depended on its outcome

    – Theodore Roosevelt

    If you have no structure, people will create it for themselves

    – Bob Proctor

    To do great work in this world, we should all be possessed of two qualities: First, we should be willing to give up our lives; second, we should be willing to pay any price.

    – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Your thoughts create your reality.

    – Napoleon Hill

    The person who doesn’t take any interest in politics is like a fish who has never left the water.

    – Benjamin Disraeli

    I want to be a manifestation of love, and I want others to know that they are also manifestations of love.

    – Anonymous

    The secret of getting what you want is getting what you value.

    – Earl Nightingale

    More Manifestation Quotes

    If we could change ourselves, the events of history would change around us.

    – Mahatma Gandhi

    Manifestation contains nothing more than the sum total of all one’s thoughts.

    – Napoleon Hill.

    Manifestation is about drawing into our lives what we want, experiencing joy, abundance, and success in all areas of our lives!

    – Unknown Author.

    Our destiny is not written for us; we write it through every thought and action we take.

    – Anthony Robbins.

    You have a choice: either to let go of what is not working or to let go of what is working.

    – Mollie Parnis.

    When you have surrendered all control over your thoughts, you will begin to create a life of your design based on your highest values and ideals. You will attract into your life those things that support these values and ideals so that they become the foundation upon which your life becomes built. This is called manifesting success with all areas of life!

    – Unknown Author.

    The most powerful force in the universe is manifestation.

    – Rhonda Byrne

    We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.

    – Buddha

    The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

    – Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

    – Willa Cather

    Poverty is not a situation; it is a state of mind.

    – Maya Angelou

    Manifesting your dreams takes work and patience, but it’s worth it! When you begin seeing the manifestation of your dreams, you’ll feel the weight of all that has been holding you back lift off of your shoulders and off of your heart.

    – Louise Hay

    The first step in taking a journey is to decide which way you want to go.

    -Don Quixote

    You are a manifesting machine.

    – Napoleon Hill

    If you want to attract money and abundance into your life, make the decision today to start manifesting the things that you want in your life.

    – Oprah Winfrey.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

    -Lao Tzu

    You need only believe that you can create something out of nothing; simply believe in your power to manifest anything from a tiny seed idea up to an entire universe!

    – Napoleon Hill

    Inspiration is the essential condition for success.

    -Thomas Edison

    The individual is useless without creation.

    -Walt Disney

    An ounce of action is worth a pound of talk.


    The only way to get better at something is to do it.


    Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

    -John C. Maxwell

    You don’t have to be good at something in order to be great at it.

    -Bette Midler

    The wise man looks before and after, and escapes the trouble ahead of him.

    -Francis Bacon

    In our lifetime, we will have many opportunities to make money. And while every one of us must decide which ones we’ll take, each of us has a unique ability to manifest wealth, prosperity, and abundance into his or her life.

    – Brian Tracy

    The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

    -Oscar Wilde

    If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.

    -Henry David Thoreau

    We are all born for love. When we discover this, life becomes a beautiful adventure.

    -Oscar Wilde

    There are no failures, only lessons.

    -Henry Ford

    I did it my way!

    -Frank Sinatra


    Manifestation quotes are powerful. They can inspire you to succeed, help you find your purpose, and help you make the most of your life.

    It’s important to remember that these quotes are meant to be used as inspiration, not a replacement for positive thinking or meditation. It’s okay to read them when feeling down or negative, but they shouldn’t be used as an excuse to dwell on the negative in your life.

    They should be used when you need a boost of positivity and inspiration to stay on track with your goals and dreams.

  • How to Listen with Empathy

    How to Listen with Empathy

    When you’re listening to someone, what do you want to happen?

    You want to understand.

    You want to connect with them.

    You want them to feel heard and understood.

    Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes or imagine what they might be feeling. It is the ability to understand and relate to another person on a deep level, even if you don’t agree with them or understand what they’re saying.

    Empathy is not just about listening; it’s about being present, paying attention, and reflecting on what you hear to connect with the other person.

    Listening involves more than just hearing what someone says. It also requires that you tune in so that your body and mind fully engage in what they’re saying without distractions or interruptions.

    Listening is a skill that can be learned and practiced like any other. It’s one of the essential skills in the world.

    We all love to talk, but we gain much more when listening. We learn something new and essential about ourselves through our listening.

    When you listen with empathy, you get to know what your friend or family member needs from you and how they feel about their circumstances. You also learn something about yourself as well. You see this as an opportunity to help them get through whatever is troubling them and maybe even make a positive difference in their life. The best part about listening with compassion is that it always feels good.

    Empathy requires paying attention to a person’s non-verbal signals and words. It can be not easy if we always seem focused on our thoughts and feelings instead of those of others around us.

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    How do you listen with empathy?

    • Be present: Don’t multitask or check your phone during the conversation. If you’re doing something else, like texting or playing a game, be sure to put it down and focus on the person you’re talking to. It means making eye contact and being present at the moment, focusing on their feelings and needs.
    • Check-in with them throughout the conversation: If they seem distracted or don’t seem engaged in what you’re talking about; ask them if they need a break or if there’s something else that might be distracting them from following along with what you’re saying (or even interrupting the conversation). If they seem annoyed or upset by something gone wrong during the interaction, let them know that it’s okay if this happens again so long as it doesn’t occur frequently or repeatedly.
    • Show interest, curiosity, and compassion: Show that you care by being open and receptive to their story, feelings, and values. Ask questions that show that you understand where they are coming from or are interested in hearing more about what they say. Don’t interrupt or talk over them unless necessary to ensure that both parties have a chance to speak their piece.
    • Speak with kindness and respect: Be patient and not judgmental. Listen with your whole heart. Give the person talking the time to speak and let them know it’s okay to stop talking if needed.
    • Don’t interrupt or talk over them: Let the person finish their thoughts before you respond. It will give them a chance to consider what they are saying and allow them to get back on track if needed.
    • Be an active listener: ask questions that show that you are genuinely interested in what the person is saying (and not just what you want to hear). Try to understand their perspective as well – try not to agree or disagree too quickly.

    What Are The Four Stages Of Emphatic Listening

    The four stages of listening with empathy are:

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    1. Observation: This is the stage where you listen to what the other person has to say and what they mean by it. You then try to understand their emotions and motivations behind their actions or words.

    2. Understand: Here, you try to determine what your partner means by something he said or did. You also attempt to understand his context and environment so that you can relate to him better.

    3. Assertion: In this stage, you state your understanding of the conversation topic and how it relates to yours. You then assert that what you said earlier is right, even though it might differ from what your partner believes in or thinks about the topic.

    4. Agreement: It is when both parties agree on something in this conversation or dialogue session that they have been having over time together as a couple or a family unit; it could be an issue or problem that one member of a family has brought up about another member of their family members or even about friends/acquaintances in general.

    What does it mean to listen with empathy?

    Listening with empathy means understanding what the other person is saying without judging or assuming anything about them. You don’t have to agree with their ideas or find them valid, but you can still accept them as an essential part of who they are.

    Empathy means that you hear what someone else is saying, and you understand it. You can’t just hear words; you have to listen with empathy. Your brain processes information from their words when listening to someone and hearing what they’re saying.

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    Then your brain makes up stories about what those words mean. It is what happens when you listen without empathy: Your brain hears words, but it doesn’t make up stories about them.

    To be more empathetic, you must learn to listen more deeply. You can do this by practicing “active listening,” which involves taking notes on what You hear to remember later what your listener said and why they said it the way they did.

    Active listening also helps us understand the speaker’s emotions and motivations behind what they’re saying, which will help us have more empathy in our responses.”

    How Can You Practice Listening With Empathy

    You can practice listening with empathy by:

    • Try observing someone’s body language while they speak. Look at the speaker’s facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures, and posture. Try to see if there is a change in any of these things when they talk about something personal or emotional rather than just talking about topics related to work or an event that happened long ago.
    • Take notes on what the person has said and what they plan to say next. It will help you focus more on what they are saying instead of trying to remember everything from earlier in the conversation.
    • Listen with an open mind. Don’t interrupt or talk over your speakers when they’re talking about their feelings or getting their thoughts out on paper (or screen). Avoid making judgments or offering advice unless asked for help solving a problem or thinking through a difficult situation. Remember that everyone has their style of expressing emotions and may react differently based on how they feel at any given time.
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    Don’t assume that what your partner has said makes sense simply because they said it; listen carefully and ask questions to clarify what they mean if necessary so they’ll feel understood by someone who cares about them.

    • Listen actively. When someone is talking, don’t just listen passively; pay attention to what they’re saying and try to understand why they think or feel the way they do. You might disagree with them or have different experiences, but if you truly understand them, you can empathize with them and make their concerns heard.

    Paying attention instead of interrupting or trying to finish their sentences for them (unless you want to). Interrupting someone can make them uncomfortable because it makes them feel like there is something wrong with how they talk or behave in general (even though there probably isn’t).

    • You should listen from the heart. Many people use empathic listening as a tool for helping others solve their problems or make important decisions; however, it can also be used for self-improvement and growth. When listening with an open heart, your brain will process information more quickly and efficiently than when you listen with an analytical mind. You will understand what the other person is saying better if you listen by connecting with yourself on an emotional level, rather than just using logic or reasoning.


    Ultimately, listening is not a passive act. It requires the active participation of all parties involved, including you. Empathy is a trait that ranges from being something we’re born with to one that can be taught with practice. In any case, it’s essential to understand how to use it and how it can work for you as a designer.

    It’s essential to appreciate the viewpoint of other people. If you can better process why they think and feel the way they do, you’ll be more successful at understanding and communicating with them. Whether this is in a professional or a personal situation, an empathetic attitude will make your interactions with others run much smoother. You’ll save time, energy, and probably even some money. Plus, you’ll go home happier at night.

  • How to Walk Out of a Toxic Relationship if You Still Love them

    How to Walk Out of a Toxic Relationship if You Still Love them

    What does it mean to walk out of a toxic relationship?

    A toxic relationship is one in which one person comes to dominate the other with severe consequences.”

    “A toxic relationship is a destructive, self-defeating and abusive situation in which you feel trapped and unable to leave.”

    When someone you love is abusive to you, it’s tough to walk away. You may be scared, confused, and unsure of how to respond. You might think that leaving will cause more harm than good.

    It can be hard to let go of someone who has meant so much in your life, perhaps even more so than your parents or siblings. However, staying in a toxic relationship can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

    You may have tried everything possible to make things work between you, but nothing seems to help. Perhaps every time something happens, it’s your fault or another issue that needs fixing before things improve again.”If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my tendency not to get angry when things don’t go right.”

    It’s easy to romanticize the idea of walking away from a bad one. It’s easier to believe that you can fix things, turn back time, and improve everything. But the reality is that trying to salvage a toxic relationship is often worse than ending it in the first place.

    Trauma bonds people together in ways that mere friendship can’t match. When you’ve been traumatized, your brain responds as if you were experiencing the trauma again, even when you’re not. For some people, this means they need someone who’ll be there for them when they’re having an episode and who will care enough about them to help them out of it when they’re having one.

    The problem with trying to rescue a toxic relationship is that most people have no idea what they’re dealing with until it’s too late. If you’ve put up with abuse for years before realizing how bad things have gotten, the chances are that your partner won’t either unless some significant changes occur first, which might take years or even decades for some couples.

    Toxic relationships are often characterized by:

    • A sense of entitlement in one person or both partners
    • Controlling behaviors that force victims into submission and make them feel powerless
    • Unreasonable expectations for perfectionism in all areas of life (e.g., work)
    • Criticism and blame when things go wrong
    • Constant criticizing or blaming of others.

    How To Let Go Of A Toxic Partner After Break Up

    The first thing to do when you’re in a toxic relationship is to recognize that it’s unhealthy.

    You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells, but it’s time to get out if your partner constantly pushes your buttons.

    You don’t have to be in a relationship with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself or makes your life miserable. You deserve better than that.

    Walking away from a toxic relationship can feel like walking into the unknown. But this is not the case. You can walk away from a toxic relationship and be just fine.

    The first step to ending a toxic relationship is recognizing it for what it is. Toxic relationships cause psychological damage, emotional harm, and even physical danger. They often start with minor signs of trouble but grow much worse over time until the victim has no other option but to leave.

    The hardest part about breaking up with someone is knowing when to say goodbye. You want to leave as cleanly as possible without hurting your partner’s feelings or making them suffer. We’ve all been there; the person you love can be so toxic that it’s sometimes difficult to see past their negative energy and act on your happiness.

    But how do you know when it’s time to cut ties? There are many signs and symptoms of someone toxic in your life, whether they’re the person who constantly nags you, the one who always cheats on you, or even the one who doesn’t believe in monogamy.

    Top Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

    Knowing how to spot a toxic relationship is essential, so you don’t stay in one for too long. Here are some signs:

    • You get jealous easily
    • You always put yourself down
    • You don’t trust your intuition
    • You feel like you’re not good enough
    • You feel like you’re being taken advantage of or used by your partner
    • Your partner puts other people before you
    • Your partner constantly belittles or criticizes you or blames other people for their problems
    • Your partner doesn’t respect your boundaries, for example; they won’t listen when you ask them not to contact someone who’s been bothering them
    • Your partner encourages aggressive behavior from others (such as denial or aggression)
    • Your partner belittles your talents or abilities

    What To Do If You Are Having Trouble Leaving A Toxic Relationship

    If you are in a toxic relationship, it can be tough to leave. You may feel like you are trapped and have no way out. If you do decide to go, there are some things that you should know about how to break up with someone toxic.

    1. Don’t try to break up with them yourself

    You don’t want to do this on your own; this will only cause more drama for yourself, which will make it more difficult for you to move on. Please talk with your partner first and ensure they understand that this is what needs to happen before doing anything else.

    2. Please don’t get mad at them

    You need to understand that they may not know better than you or intend to change their behavior or attitude towards you if they don’t feel like it’s going well between you. It means that if your partner doesn’t want out of the relationship either, there is nothing much you can do about it without causing unnecessary stress on both sides of the equation (especially if the person is an addict).

    3. Make sure they understand why things aren’t working out

    Communicate honestly and openly with your partner, even when you don’t feel like doing so. Your partner may not be willing or able to do this at first, but with time and patience, they’ll come around and understand that honesty is key to maintaining a healthy relationship.

    4. Be honest with yourself about what’s wrong in the relationship.

    If you can’t bring yourself to confront your partner about the problems in their behavior, then bring it up with someone outside of the relationship who has no stake in seeing things improve. Don’t keep things bottled up inside; it’ll only worsen things.

    5. Don’t try to fix the person.

    It is unlikely that your partner will change if you are in a toxic relationship. You may think you can fix them, but this will only worsen things. Instead of trying to change your partner, focus on yourself and what you need from the relationship.

    6. Don’t be afraid to get help.

    If you are in a toxic relationship with someone else, it’s okay to ask for help from friends and family members. They can help you decide how to move forward with your life and break up with someone toxic.

    7. Focus on yourself first.

    To be successful at breaking up with someone toxic, there needs to be a strong foundation built first: self-love and self-care. These are essential to leaving an unhealthy relationship or situation without feeling hurt or taking things personally.

    Is It Bad To Walk Out Of A Toxic Relationship

    There are many reasons why it’s important to walk out of a toxic relationship, and the first is that it’s never too late. You may even be in one right now! We’ve all heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm” or “the second mouse gets the cheese.” The same principle applies to toxic relationships: The sooner you leave, the better off you’ll be.

    Another reason why it’s okay to walk out of a toxic relationship is that you’re not obligated to stay anyway. If your partner is abusive or verbally abusive, it’s beautiful to say “no” and walk away. If they’re emotionally abusive (calling you names), they might even have difficulty recovering from their behavior once they know they’ve crossed the line.

    Finally, there are several reasons why walking out of a toxic relationship can help your mental and physical health. Such as by leaving an unhealthy relationship early on, you can avoid becoming emotionally involved with someone who doesn’t deserve that kind of attention from you.


    Realize that everyone deserves a chance and a future. Instead of tearing you down, no matter how much or how little that person has been there for you in the past, let them be and give them the freedom to find their happiness. You’re made for better things than to die loving someone incapable of loving you. Remember, it’s not what you love about the other person; it’s who you love. It’s okay to let that person go; for however much they deserve any happiness, so do you.

    I’m not sure what the moral of this story is, but I know that it is essential to be open to all the possibilities in life and not be afraid to let go of what you think is ‘the one.’ The grass really can be greener on the other side. Relationships are about growth and change, so embrace them for your greater good.

  • 18 Practical Ways to Lead a Stress-Free Life

    18 Practical Ways to Lead a Stress-Free Life

    If you’re like most people, you get stressed out from time to time. Whether it’s work stress or family stress, we all struggle with the same thing: how to maintain a healthy balance between work and our personal lives.

    Stress is not just something that happens to you; it’s something you can control. When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to think clearly. Like most people, the more stressed you are, the harder it is to concentrate.

    Stress can make you feel anxious, worried, or frustrated. When stress becomes chronic and affects your health and relationships, it can spiral downward into depression and anxiety.

    The good news is that there are many ways to help live a stress-free life and even cure some of its symptoms without relying on medication or therapy.

    Hacks to Living Stress-Free

    1. Get fit

    A healthy lifestyle means being physically active, eating well, and getting enough sleep. All these activities help you lead a stress-free life by reducing the amount of cortisol (a hormone that increases during stressful situations) in your body.

    2. Make time for yourself

    You’ll feel better if you spend time doing things that make you happy rather than spending all your time working or cleaning up after others around you. It could mean taking a walk or playing with your pets instead of watching TV all day. Minding about yourself is a simple hack to living stress-free.

    3. Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water

    You want to eat healthy food and drink water every day to stay adequately hydrated throughout the day; this is especially important for people who don’t get much sleep at night and those who work long hours or exercise regularly, such as runners or gym-goers.

    4. Get enough sleep

    Another way to maintain a stress-free life is getting enough sleep. Sleep helps your body restore itself, which leads to a stress-free life. If you don’t get enough sleep each night, try using an alarm clock that lets you set it so that if you wake up early in the morning (or late at night), it won’t ring until you are up.

    5. Avoid overworking and burnout by taking time off to recharge and unplug from work

    Delegate if you can and embrace the power of delegating to stay productive and efficient while allowing yourself to grow in a new role or department within your organization or company.

    6. Do what is right

    If you want to be successful, do what is right instead of what is popular or accessible at the moment because success comes with long-term rewards that will be worth it in the future when everything seems more complicated than it is now.

    7. Please don’t compare yourself with others

    This involves focusing on how much they have accomplished over their lifetime compared to how far you have come from; where they were at that moment or today compared with where you are at this moment in time today. The key is not just to reach for goals but also for each day to take one step closer to achieving your dreams regardless of what obstacles may show up along the way.

    8. Limit screen time

    Limit your screen time on TV, computers, tablets, etc., at least two hours before bedtime, and don’t use them to escape the real world during the day (i.e., “Netflix and chill” is not a substitute for exercise).

    9. Meditate Daily

    Daily meditation for 20 minutes or more will enable you to lead a stress-free life. Meditation is not just about sitting quietly with your eyes closed. It can be anything from being still and observing your breath to doing yoga or tai chi.

    10. Limit alcohol consumption

    Reduce your drinking to one drink per day for men and two drinks per day for women; drink in moderation so that you don’t abuse alcohol but instead use it as a social lubricant rather than a form of intoxication or escape from reality.

    11. Be grateful

    Start each day with gratitude for what you have, not what you don’t have! If something good has happened during the day, give thanks before you go to sleep at night. if something terrible has happened during the day, try to remember the good things that came before it so that you can focus on those instead of dwelling on them and what went wrong.

    For example, a typical day has morning hours, mid-morning, afternoon, and evenings. If something bad happened in the morning, let it not extend to your mid-morning. The rest of the day can still be good.

    12. Believe in yourself

    It helps when you’re feeling down or struggling with anxiety or depression because it gives you strength when others would doubt your ability to achieve what they are aiming for too.

    13. Eat breakfast every morning

    Eating breakfast will help keep your blood sugar level stable throughout the day, which in turn will help you avoid cravings later on in the day that could lead to binging or overeating unhealthy food choices (like junk food or sweets).

    14. Set realistic goals

    Setting unrealistic goals is a recipe for a stressed life. It’s not helpful to set goals that are too big or too small for what you can accomplish in the time available. Lead a stress-free life by setting realistically attainable goals yet challenging enough to give you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.

    15. Have fun with your work

    Make your work stress-free by inculcating some fun. Don’t take every job or task so seriously that it ceases to be enjoyable, but also don’t let yourself get distracted by unimportant things like surfing the Internet or watching TV while on the job either.

    16. Be realistic about your schedule

    You need to ensure you have plenty of free time in your plan to relax and focus on other things besides work if necessary (and especially if it is essential).

    17. Get outside more often

    Get out for walks or bike rides, hikes, or take up gardening or photography. Anything that gets you away from your desk and into nature will do wonders for your mental health.

    18. Take a break every hour or so

    It might sound counterintuitive, but working non-stop is not suitable for your mental health; regular intervals are essential, so you don’t burn out entirely by the end of the day (or week). If this means taking a caffeinated drink every hour (or two), then that’s what it means.

    Ensure it doesn’t become a habit. The best way to live a stress-free life is to avoid it as much as possible, so take frequent breaks throughout the day and give yourself a mental health day once every week or two, even if it’s just an hour or two away from the office.

    Don’t overdo these breaks; they’re just meant to give you a chance to relax and recharge before returning to work again.


    Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress can take many forms, including anxiety, depression, anger, or fatigue. Despite the prevalence of stress in your lives, you often do not recognize it as a problem because you cannot see the symptoms.

    Stress is a normal part of life. It’s how you cope with the demands of everyday life. However, when stress becomes excessive and chronic, it can have adverse health effects. Stress management is essential to leading a stress-free life and improving mental health.