
  • Overcoming Your Limitations: 5 Powerful Lessons from the First African-American President

    Overcoming Your Limitations: 5 Powerful Lessons from the First African-American President

    Overcoming your limitations is possible with the right mindset. Under the sun, limitations are inevitable unless you are not moving. The difference between the winners and losers is that winners choose to overcome their limitations while losers reside in fate.

    The flesh of this article today is predicated on our human limitations and our ability to overcome them. Come to think of it; our limitations kick off right from the time we are born. You don’t choose where you are born and whether you came from a rich or a dysfunctional family; it’s upon you to handle every limitation as it comes in the journey of life.

    An inspiring figure that we can draw some lessons from is the first African-American President, Barack Obama.

    A Sneak Peek at His Life

    • Born in a multi-racial family -He had to deal with social perceptions.
    • His parents divorced a few years after he was born, and he had to live with a step-father – Lacked parental love at some point.
    • The power couple suffered a miscarriage in their young marriage – Michelle had to conceive her daughters via in-vitro fertilization.
    • The young Obama struggled with a smoking habit – Michelle later confessed he quit.
    • Barack Obama wasn’t raised in a religious household. – He is a devout Christian today
    • Despite his racial background, he was elected the first black President of the United States.

    That being said, not everyone is born or destined to be President. Still, you can decide to overcome your limitations today and be an agent of change in your community or society. Barrack’s life gives us a taste of what it feels like being at the bottom low and rising to the mountain peak.

    Do you know your limitations, and have you purposed to overcome them? Whether it’s a limitation in your education, health, or a bad habit, you have the willpower to give yourself a better life.

    5 Lessons About Overcoming your Limitations from the Obama’s

    1. Obama was Born in Multi-racial Set-up but Overcame Them

    Barrack Obama I

    Born in a country known to have a history of racism, it is clear that Obama had to fight the social perceptions that come with being born to an African father and a white woman.

    Like Obama, you could be facing a family limitation today, regardless of which part of the world you live in. Yours could not necessarily be a case of different races, but maybe you truly know that you could be facing some limitations in a close to a dysfunctional family. Society always has typical stereotypes about such situations.

    Take solace in the fact that we don’t choose our parents, but we can choose to overcome our family limitations.

    2. Raised with a Step-Father

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    Young Obama and family I

    The harrowing tales of children in the hands of their step-parents don’t portray anything good from such a family setup. However, your case could be different. This is an encouragement to children living with step-parents; you happened to be raised in such a family or facing the ripple effects of divorce.

    Additionally, there is a rapid increase of children being raised by single mothers who may not be comfortable revealing the identity of their children’s fathers to their kids for reasons they know best. That is a limitation you will need to overcome not to hinder your progress in life. Of course, it’s disheartening and disturbing knowing that your father is walking across the face of the earth, yet you don’t know them.

    Face life with optimism and refuse to be limited by your family setup. It’s one thing to have a parent and lose them, and it’s another to have them, yet you don’t know about them. On the positive side of things, you could get that lost parental love from a guardian, mentor, or father figure in your life.

    3. Struggled with a Bad Habit and Overcame it Eventually

    It’s said that Obama had a bad smoking habit. It isn’t clear how long he wallowed in smoking. Bad habits enslave and could make you miserable in the long run, not to mention their long-term effects.

    If you are struggling with a bad habit today, you need to know that it’s quittable. The power to do that rests in your mind. I’m not privy to how exactly he went about quitting smoking, but the truth is, he made that deliberate change to be a better version of himself.

    Think about what becomes of you in the next decade if you continue encouraging your bad habits. You, too, can make a change for the better.

    4. The Power Couple Had to Overcome their Limitations to Child Bearing

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    Obama and family I

    The knowledge that you cannot sustain a pregnancy or sire children is devastating. But how exactly do you overcome this? Luckily for the power couple, they could fix their situation.

    Someone once said no problem has no solution. And if it has no solution, it can be managed. The inability to raise children does not hinder you from showing your parental love to children or rather enjoying the warmth and love of a family setup.

    This has been made possible through the possibilities of adopting children and raising them as your own. I may not have the best answer here, but with faith, hope and optimism, you can choose to live above your current limitation in light of this context.

    5. Overcame Racial Barriers to Become President of the Super Power Country

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    Barack Obama’s inauguration as the 44th President of U.S I

    I can’t describe this any better than the headlines that captured the euphoric victory of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. Yes, he had developed the muscles for the presidency through his political career as a senator.

    But even with that, the office he was running for needed grit, courage, and enormous resources to pull through. In his own words, Barrack says, ‘Yes you Can.’ And if you keep the audacity of hope high, your joy is bound to come in the morning.

    I didn’t say you should run for the presidency in your country, even if you aren’t a politician 😁. But there is something you want, maybe in the line of your career, calling, or business, you keep feeling is bigger than you. What is so bigger than you that you feel you don’t even stand a slim chance to get there?

    You can achieve it if you believe in yourself and put your mind to it. What you conceive, you achieve. Overcoming your limitations is doable.

  • 7 Practical Things to Do to Increase your Productivity

    7 Practical Things to Do to Increase your Productivity

    We use affiliate links on our content at no extra cost to you. Thanks for the support.

    Do you feel your productivity has been down lately? Maybe you are looking for some pointers to boost your low-energy levels and do more in your business, career, or calling. If this is you, we have some practical tips that could give you the output you need. Stay put as we take you on a path to increase your productivity.

    This blog post lists seven things you can start doing to increase your productivity levels. Please don’t wait until next week to implement them. After reading this piece, it would help you much if you start acting on them. As Tim Ferriss puts it, ‘Focus on being productive instead of busy’ Let’s get moving.

    How to Increase Your Productivity

    1. Wake Up Early

    I know the night owls are going to put a fight here. You are entitled to your lifestyle. But time and again, starting your day early gives you space to get done with your important stuff before the world starts running helter-skelter.

    Early mornings are quiet, serene, and solemn giving you the conducive environment to immerse yourself deep in your core work.

    If you have been sluggish and dragging yourself lately in almost everything, consider getting done with your most important stuff early in the morning.

    Whether it’s the morning run, house chores, reading a book, or attending an online class, you can get done with these things early in the morning. I must mention that sleeping early enough is key to waking up early. Your body needs enough rest to function optimally.

    2. Increase your Productivity by Reducing your Social Media Time

    We are in a digital era, and social media apps compete for your time and attention for the better part of your waking day. For you to be productive, you must regulate your social media time.

    Memes are suitable for light moments but don’t add value to your life. I’m not lost because many online businesses have used social media apps to market their products.

    Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

    Boutiques, equipment, and merchandise selling ventures and individuals are now getting most of their buyers via social media, which is a good thing.

    In fact, e-commerce is the other hype. But if you are on social media for other reasons, you should spend less time there to focus on doing more productive stuff.

    3. Take Short Breaks

    increase your productivity

    Work is the best antidote to overthinking. However, there are limits to how long and how much you can do at a time to avoid burnout. We used to have breaks in class timetables for unwinding and basking in the sun at school.

    That should be a typical routine with you to promote your work-life balance. Overworking doesn’t improve your productivity but kills it. Conversely, choosing to work between breaks re-energizes you for more cycles of productive output.

    4. Have an Accountability Partner

    You can be accountable to yourself if you have the discipline to do so. However, if you find this challenging, the best way would be to seek an accountability partner who can account for what you have done and what you intend to do in a given period. Trust me, it works.

    You may procrastinate and blame many things that denied you the opportunity to meet your goals but not your accountability partner. They will be there to make sure you achieve your goals or meet your targets.

    You could also join an accountability group where you meet weekly or bi-weekly to assess what worked, what didn’t, and what could increase your odds of success.

    5. Set SMART Goals

    The rule with goals is that they have to be SMART. The problem is not just in having goals but also in setting realistic SMART goals. If you have never been intentional about this, maybe it’s time you started.

    What are your weekly, monthly, and year goals? What are you doing daily or monthly to ensure you meet your five-year goal? Nothing falls from the heavens; you have to merit whatever you earn in life. As we advance, start being intentional about goal setting.

    “The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.”Benjamin E. Mays, American civil rights leader

    Photo by Renáta-Adrienn on Unsplash

    Avoid living life on autopilot, expecting miracles to happen. Think about your personal development, business, career, or humanitarian activities. What is your vision around them, and what SMART goals are you setting to ensure you realize your vision?

    If your goal is to be financially independent in the next five years, you need to do something today, whether spending less, earning or saving, and investing more to ensure you achieve it.

    Don’t beat yourself down if you don’t meet your goals. You can constantly shift the goal post, but you should always strive to realize them.

    6. Have a Routine

    Being spontaneous is a good thing and can sometimes make you fall for opportunities you never expected. Think about this: Your friend passes by your house and asks you to accompany them to an event. You had other things to do, but somehow you chose to be good to them.

    You attend the event, and it ends up giving you your next job or business deal through so and so. But the truth is, the odds of success are also relatively low. It’s not a guarantee that every act of spontaneity will bring a difference.

    Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

    Successful people have a routine and stick to it. Like habits, routines become our second nature and make us peak performers, especially if it borders productivity.

    A typical routine could be waking up at 5 am, meditating/jogging/exercising, taking a shower, making breakfast, reading for 30 mins, and moving on to your next assignment.

    Yes, routines can be boring sometimes, and that’s why I began by mentioning spontaneity. That being said, a routine makes you increase your productivity and sets you up for success.

    7. Live your Dream

    Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

    There is more to life than your daily job, business, eating, sleeping, and drinking. What fuels you up? What drives you to get out of your bed every morning even when you don’t want to?

    Don’t tell me money because money is a means to an end. You need to have a dream. As Theodore Roosevelt puts it, ‘ Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.’

    You need to aim at something more significant than your reality and strive to achieve it. That’s how you increase your productivity.

    Wrap Up

    I’m not a productivity guru, but I thought it wise to share these productivity tips that I’m implementing myself with you and possibly spur you to increase your productivity. Do you have more productivity tips you want to share? Would you mind leaving a comment below and joining the discourse?

  • Freelance Writing: 5 Beginner Tips for New Freelance Writers

    Freelance Writing: 5 Beginner Tips for New Freelance Writers

    Affiliate Disclosure: This content contains affiliate links at no extra cost to you to help meet the cost of running the website. Thanks for your support.

    Seven years ago, there was some hype about making money online as a writer. I was a student in college at the time pursuing a BSc in Horticulture.

    Back then, I didn’t pay much attention to freelance writing. I saw it as one of the many distractions I had been warned about when joining college. But who said you couldn’t do some meaningful activity that can make your life easy while a student?

    Against that backdrop, I attempted some writing gigs on a freelancing platform – iWriter but failed miserably. I couldn’t keep up with the writing speed and the short delivery deadlines.

    Well, that’s different today. Besides my formal employment, freelancing writing has become a sensation in my life. This post offers you some valuable lessons in this industry that I have learned through failed experiences. Keep reading.

    1. Drop the Skewed Mentality about Freelance Writing

    Freelance writing is no longer a side-hustle as many people used to believe it is. It’s the main thing. Unfortunately, the side-hustle narrative is still the mentality in this part of the world.

    If you mention that you are a writer, the first thing that comes to your listener’s mind is academic writing.

    Academic writing is getting paid to research and write term papers and class assignments for college students. It’s also freelancing since you work with many different clients.

    I talk about academic writing because this is a sensation among my peers in my country. However, that isn’t the kind of freelance writing I’m talking about.

    I’m talking about writing E-books, blog posts for blogs and websites, product reviews, articles, and white papers. If you mention this in some quarters, you will be asked to get a real job.

    But as usual, people embrace change in different stages, some being the beginners and some the laggards. Check my latest engagement here.

    2. Work on your Skillset

    When I began freelance writing, I had fewer skills than I have today. All I knew much was writing. But even the writing itself wasn’t that polished.

    Come to think of it, any technical skill requires constant practice, without which you lose. Think of a computer programmer or simply having basic knowledge of computers, a car driver, a mechanic; the longer you stay away from doing the job, the sooner you become archaic.

    freelance writing

    On the flip side, I have picked other skills along the way because of my zeal in the industry. A few to mention are

    • formatting and publishing blog posts on WordPress,
    • basic html,
    • website page editing using Elementor and Thrive Architect themes,
    • fact-checking,
    • digital marketing, SEO, and
    • graphic design using canvas.

    These are what I would call technical chops.

    They look trivial but go a long way in positioning you as a person of value in the marketplace, especially as a freelancer. Some of these skills will require some financial investment, which you should be willing to part with. You could also build a free or premium course from whatever you have learned to train other writers.

    3. Embrace the ‘Yes I Can’ Mentality


    The trick about freelance writing is that people think they have to be pros or experts to start. Ditch that right now because you are closing your doors to many freelancing opportunities.

    I wasn’t a pro when I started, and I’m still learning on the job as I write this. Some clients will reach out to you, notice your limitations and offer to train you.

    The critical thing here is your willingness to learn. You should always be open to every new opportunity that comes, whether you have industry knowledge or not.

    But as you get the gist of freelance writing, start identifying topics you love and can narrow down to. Check a niche topic I write about here.

    5. Don’t Be Shy to Ask for Better Compensation

    As a freelance writer, you will be dealing with online clients most of the time. In most cases, if not all, you will never see their faces or even hear their voices.

    The only cues to their personality are their communication via chat or email. This may make it hard for you to relate personally and even ask for what you feel you deserve.

    But that shouldn’t be a concern or worry you.

    The person on the other side chatting with you is basically a human being. Though you may be in different cultures and time zones and bred differently, learn to exercise emotional intelligence and attention to detail as much as possible.

    Some clients will come out as rude and others as very polite. For the polite ones, there will be a lot of thank-yous and please. That being said, if you feel you are being underpaid, never shy off from asking for a raise.

    As sane human beings, they will listen and respond accordingly depending on the budget at hand. I talk more about this in my affordable training.

    5. Build your Writing Portfolio

    As a freelance writer, you must learn to operate as an entrepreneur. Don’t only write but also market your services to win more and better-paying clients.

    As you begin, you may not have much experience building your portfolio.

    Your portfolio is like your resume, which showcases your previous and current writing engagements with potential clients. It highlights your skills, experience, and the kind of services you offer. I have mine here though not quite polished. Looking to build my freelance services website in the new future.

    Wrap Up

    That’s it for today. I will be sharing more freelance writing tips in the coming weeks. Remember to subscribe to the blog to get the latest updates. If you believe you are a writer or can write, type in the comments section below – Yes, I can, and begin your journey in a freelance writing career.

  • It’s Disastrous! Men Talk is Becoming Rare. We need to get to the Bottom of This

    It’s Disastrous! Men Talk is Becoming Rare. We need to get to the Bottom of This

    Affiliate Disclosure:We often use affiliate links in our contentat no extra cost to you.This helps us offset some of the cost of running the website. Thank you for the support.

    Yes! Men talk is becoming rare and there is little we are doing about it. People don’t want to share their scars, which I know is hard but it’s what brings healing.

    Three days ago, I reached out to a college mate and an acquaintance I had met in my line of duty. I didn’t call them; It was a normal chat via the popular social media chat app: Whatsapp.

    This is coming against a backdrop of social restrictions due to the pandemic. People rarely see each other eye to eye, making people use Whatsapp and text as an easy way to keep in touch. Let me not mention the recently added call charges by Safaricom – My main network provider

    Back to my story, I was checking on these guys. For one, a meme he had posted on Whatsapp drove me to his inbox. For the other, I opted to be courteous and drop a Hi to kick off a conversation.

    To my disappointment, we didn’t have much to talk about in both scenarios. After the normal pleasantries, one guy trailed off, leaving me with grey ticks. A worst-case yet is the one who blue-ticks and hardly bothers to reply to your question or pleasantries. This sets the background to what we want to discuss today: Men talk!

    For my college mate, we had a light chat for about a minute and wrapped it up. Should we conclude that men are poor at chatting or too busy to create meaningful conversations and relationships?

    Men Talk and Work-Life Balance

    It’s a fact that age comes with responsibility. As men age and settle down into careers, marriages, and families, the pressure to be the best version of themselves keeps mounting. Your family, friends, and society expect you to be a winner if not setting yourself up for success. The men talk syndrome takes precedence.

    Some men also perceive men talk as an avenue to air out their personal challenges and hurdles as weak and would rather suffer in silence. Unfortunately, the consequences of this stand are dire.

    With a vision, determination, and hard work, you can realize your dreams. The problem is men, in their pursuit of success, are risking their friendships and social life. Men with an entrepreneurial spirit are the epitome of an anti-social life thanks to their crazy ambitions and valid dreams.

    You are racing against your SMART goals, and some weekends could go by as you spend time in your projects holed up somewhere by yourself or your team.

    Unfortunately, this could be disastrous for you in the long run. If all turns out good, your hard work will pay off, making you the millionaire next door. On the flip side, life at the peak could be quite lonely for you in that you neglected to invest in meaningful human relationships.

    For example, if you are an entrepreneur, the only people you may have kept around you are other entrepreneurs who also had little time for themselves, their families, and their friends. The bottom is lonely but so can be the top if men won’t talk and find it important to build valuable relationships.

    It can be scary listening to your footsteps in a bungalow because you invested too much in your business or work and forgot the other aspects of life.

    Social Media

    I like social media – Facebook, Whatsapp, and the Gram but for isolated reasons and not for the entire purpose of sharing memes and making friends. Most businesses are going digital, and using social media handles to generate leads and create conversions for their products or service is of the essence.

     Social Media I

    On the contrary, social media is creating zombies out of us. Add a Smart gadget to the mix, and you have got real social relationships in a survival mode. With the pandemic in place, there is reduced social interaction and more social media interactions.

    There is an extreme attachment to the smartphone thanks to social media. The addiction to social media today is like the one for drugs. All you need is to tap into your Whatsapp and check a hilarious meme. There you have your dopamine rush, and the cycle continues.

    The Danger that Lies Within

    Unfortunately, the kind of life teens and youth live on social media does not receive applause. We are raising young people with poor social skills and etiquette.

    Before the hype of social media, men were quiet, and now, it’s hype men are talking less. How are we going to solve this moving forward?

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    So, What’s The Solution to the Men Talk Syndrome

    We need to cultivate a culture of open talk, especially among men. This is what I call men talk. I call this talk therapy. Men, you will forgive me for being brutal with you today. But unfortunately, when it comes to talking therapy, we can’t compare with women. Men talk is lacking unfortunately to our detriment. Women are more open to each other and would freely open up about underlying issues bedeviling them.

    men talk

    I’m married, and I can attest to the number of women who open up to my wife about a myriad of issues. Statistics time and again have proven that women live longer than men.

    How so? The common cliche that a problem shared is a problem solved adds weight to the statement mentioned above. Women share their stress levels and problems with their lady friends. And they do this so frequently, unlike men who may hardly do this or share their issues with fellow men once in a blue moon.

    Men don’t want to show their scars but only what looks good for the camera. A happy family, nice car, nice pet, flying places, and all that social media hype.

    At some point in my life, I was struggling with addiction issues. I took a bold step and became vulnerable with a peer knowing he was the right person to share my pains with. My guts told me he was the guy who could give me the advice I very much needed.

    Sadly, the guy freaked out and muted. You don’t want to be that person who shares their deep stuff only for someone to go silent on you. Somebody ran away with your secret :).

    Grab the Challenge

    That being said, I welcome you to take this challenge with me. Join the conversation. We encourage men to suggest a couple of topics that they would find worthwhile engaging in to help them talk more.

    If you are with me on this, follow the link below and fill out the form that pops up to register for a man talk conference meet-up. Take the step and share wide and large. Men must talk with fellow men, not about Arsenal 🙂 but real-life issues. Men talk is of the essence.

    Register here

  • Elon Musk: 8 Great Lessons to Learn from His Life

    Elon Musk: 8 Great Lessons to Learn from His Life

    Affiliate Disclosure: We often use affiliate links in our content at no extra cost to you. This helps us offset some of the cost of running the website. Thank you for the support.

    If you think Elon Musk is your ordinary entrepreneur, think again. The New York Times described him as “arguably the most successful and important entrepreneur in the world.” I couldn’t agree more. We have compiled Elon Musk’s lesson for your inspiration.

    Elon Musk has built seven successful companies behind his back that some have since sold out: The Boring Company, Solar City, Tesla Motors, PayPal (formerly, an online bank, SpaceX, Neuralink, and Hyperloop. Indeed, you wouldn’t convince me there’s nothing you can’t learn from such a massively successful person.

    But at the center of all this, Elon doesn’t see himself as a business magnate or entrepreneur. Thanks to his background in engineering, science, and self-learning computer programming, he sees himself as more of a technologist.

    Elon is a gifted engineer, and at one of his numerous interview sessions, this is what he had to say about his engineering skills, “I’m a naturally gifted engineer because I inherited it from my father.” So apart from his natural talent and abilities, is there anything in Elon’s life that could inspire you?

    We draw some of Elon Musk’s lessons you could find helpful in your entrepreneurial pursuits. Keep reading:

    Elon Musk’s Lessons

    In life, we read books written by intelligent people, but we also study their lives. Luckily, we have living examples of successful people in their fields.

    We could learn a thing or two from their successes. Let’s delve deeper into Elon Musk’s lessons.

    1. Avoid Wishful Thinking

    According to Elon Musk, most people engage in wishful thinking instead of approaching problems and solving them logically.

    Though you may not be a scientist yourself like him, you could use his scientific method of coming up with an idea, starting a business, or simply solving a problem. In his pursuits, here is how Elon uses his scientific approach some in his own words

    • Pause a question
    • Gather as much evidence around the question
    • Develop hypotheses and assign a probability of truth to each piece of evidence.
    • Draw a conclusion based on cogency: Delve deeper logically, clearly, and convincingly regarding your axioms to draw a conclusion.
    • Attempt to disprove the conclusion.
    • You are probably right if nobody is invalidating your conclusion but not absolutely correct.

    According to Musk, most people make conclusions based on what others are doing or aren’t doing, which isn’t the right approach. His maxim is that you should always start on a clean slate, and you shouldn’t accept any standards or practices just because other people are doing them. To Elon, it’s not about reinvention but creating the best.

    2. Elon Musk’s Lessons: Our Personalities are 80% Nature and 20% Nurture.

    Elon Musk was born to a South African Engineer father, Errol Musk, and a Canadian-born model and dietician mother, Maye Musk.

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    Elon Musk and his mother I

    Elon Musk admits he rarely saw his parents around in his childhood years. All he had around was a housekeeper who was to watch him against breaking stuff in the home.

    At this stage, Elon began devouring lots of books, making explosives, and building rockets. At the age of 10, Elon was reading books that would fuel his passion for SpaceX today.

    Later on, Elon’s parents split, and he and his siblings went to live with their mother. But later on, Mark felt sorry for his dad and decided to offer him company in Lone Hills, Johannesburg. He later regrets this decision.

    Elon said this of his father, “He was such a terrible human being.”

    Elon was the youngest and smallest kid in class for quite a long time because of being a late bloomer. This didn’t go well with the school bullies who always targeted him. According to Musk, gangs in school could literally hunt him down for a taste of what they love doing.

    Elon had to learn to fight back. He enrolled in Karate and Judo classes for self-defense and went on to take the bullies down. At 17, Elon moved to Canada, his mother’s home country, and later organized for his mother and siblings to join him, But it seems this didn’t go well with his father.

    The latter, as Elon recalls, “He said rather contentiously that I’d be back in three months, that I’m never going to make it, that I’m never going to make anything of myself. He called me an idiot all the time. That’s the tip of the iceberg, by the way.”

    3. Know what you want and Pursue it

    Elon Musk as boy I

    Elon Musk graduated in 1997 from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and a B.A. degree in Physics. He later joined Stanford University for a Doctorate in Materials science but dropped it two days later.

    Having been fascinated by the tech innovations at Silicon Valley, Elon decided to launch an internet startup. The rest is history. It became clear that Elon was set for other essential things, including the internet, artificial intelligence, Space exploration, and renewable energy.

    His fears of human extinction and a lonely childhood contributed immensely to his entrepreneurial interests. In one interview, Elon had this to say about making the world a better place, “It would be better if we mitigated the effects of global warming and had cleaner air in our cities and weren’t drilling for vast amounts of coal, oil, and gas in parts of the world that are problematic and will run out anyway.

    “And if we were a multiplanetary species, that would reduce the possibility of some single event, man-made or natural, taking out civilization as we know it, as it did the dinosaurs. There have been five mass-extinction events in the fossil record. People have no comprehension of these things. Unless you’re a cockroach or a mushroom – or a sponge – you’re fucked.” He goes on, “It’s insurance of life as we know it, and it makes the future far more inspiring if we are out there among the stars and you could move to another planet if you wanted to.”

    3. Work hard and Work Very Smart

    Elon Musk Young
    Elon Musk young I

    Here is one of Elon Musk’s quotes in 2015, “Work like Hell. I mean you just have to put in 80-to-100 hour weeks every week. This improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you are putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you are doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.”

    The truth is, Elon Musk’s lessons, like in the quote, seem superhuman. The traditional work hours for most companies is 8-10 hrs. If we break 100-hour workweeks into workdays, we talk about 14-16 hours of hard work daily.

    This is no mean feat to anyone, considering that life isn’t all about working.

    On the contrary, you will be way ahead of so many people should you choose this path. The gist of this is that you don’t need to do what Elon Musk recommends, but you can go the extra mile above the average Joe.

    That in itself sets you up for entrepreneurial success.

    5. Connect Ideas

    If you want to know where the future is headed, watch Elon Musk. Right from Space exploration, electric cars, and computers in the human brain, you can feel his energy and innovativeness.

    Elon is not only intelligent but incredibly good at connecting ideas. Even though sometimes we may feel all our ideas have been explored in the past, that’s not the Elon Musk Spirit.

    As said earlier, he starts everything on a clean slate. Add to this his creative ability to connect ideas. For instance, he connects traveling around the world with space exploration and renewable energy.

    Talk about what he is doing at Neuralink. His ideas are off the books but worth exploring. Sometimes, all you need is to connect ideas and come up with something meaningful.

    Even the craziest of ideas could turn you into a million-dollar business in the years to come. For instance, if you want to start a business or invest, there are many investment vehicles and business opportunities to consider.

    See how to connect ideas to get yourself what you want.

    6. Work with the Best People you can Find

    There is no doubt in your skills and ability to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. However, having a great team to help you accomplish your goal is of the essence.

    That’s another one of Elon Musk’s lessons. You want to make sure that you get the best talent to drive your vision and goals forward. Not doing this right could cost you a lot in terms of time and resources.

    At SpaceX HQ in California, Elon Musk has a team of the best engineers who help him execute his space exploration ambitions. Occasionally, his aerospace engineers sync up with him on the latest projects that Elon has to offer his final thoughts on.

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    Elon Musk family I

    If you are an entrepreneur or business leader, you want to have the best team in place. This will even mean doing the interviews yourself to get the best team on board.

    Your friends and loved ones are important people to you, but you need to assess whether they are the right people for your business or entrepreneurial endeavors.

    7. Keep Learning

    Elon Musk is one human being with a crazy thirst for knowledge. Forget about your college degree for a moment. This is about adding value to your life so that you can be more valuable in the marketplace.

    Here is one of Elon Musk’s quotes that I find inspiring. “I read books and talked to people. I mean, that’s kind of how one learns anything. There’s a lot of great books out there and lots of smart people.”

    Elon is ever experimenting with ideas about technology from the many books he reads. Finishing school doesn’t limit you from expanding your knowledge. Reading is how you get ahead of the masses by helping you acquire first-hand knowledge.

    Do you have a reading habit or a personal study program? Start your journey to personal growth by equipping yourself with knowledge.

    One of Elon’s Musk formulas is, “build things upwards based off the deepest and most simple physics concepts.” Sometimes, to solve complex problems, you need to go through the basics of concepts that people are running away from in the manuals.

    8. Dream Big and Think Outside the Box

    This Is Not The First Time The Spacex Ceo Has Complained About An Apple Product 1 1
    Elon Musk I

    You need to look at companies Elon Musk has built and established over the years. They have revolutionized life in one way or the other.

    His billion-dollar products have had a lasting impact on the industries they are created in. PayPal, for example, revolutionized the way we transact money, taking the financial sector to a digital level.

    You can quickly transfer money to any part of the world via PayPal. While people were still talking about fuel vehicles, Elon brought up Tesla motor vehicles that entirely rely on electricity.

    Sooner or later, shuttling to space will be a thing of the past, courtesy of his big dreams and thinking out of the box.

    For the record, he decided to fund the SpaceX project using his money after investors dismissed the idea terming it a daydream. Even worse, everyone around him dismissed the project, but he chose to believe in his dreams.

    Final Thoughts

    That is Elon Musk in a few words, but there is a lot that could be written about the successful entrepreneur.

    We hope Elon Musk’s lessons fuel you up to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and be a great person and achiever like him or even better.

    If you find this post useful, share it with the one person you care about most, and also remember to subscribe to our blog for more inspirational content. See you at the peak!

  • 30 Inspirational Quotes on Hard work and Perseverance

    30 Inspirational Quotes on Hard work and Perseverance

    Can quotes change your life? Well, that may not necessarily be the case, but inspirational quotes could serve to spur you to work hard or persevere through pain and discomfort for a greater reward in the future.

    We dug deep into quote archives to find words written by men and women of old that could fire you up for greater action. Keep reading.

    Inspirational Quotes on Hard Work and Perseverance

    Hard work is what it is; hard work. Anybody telling you something else will be lying to your face. It’s never easy, especially when you don’t see the results coming in as fast as you want.

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    If you’re going to morph into a successful entrepreneur or build a successful business, hard work is a do without. Also, not everything will work in your favor.

    Occasionally, you will need to look at the bright side of things and persevere when things don’t seem to be working.

    Passing by an inspirational quote on social media, the web, or a book sometimes helps you see things differently. That in itself fuels you to work harder than before.

    Take a look at our list of hard work and perseverance motivational quotes.

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    1. “An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan”. – Warren Buffet

    2. Be valuable not Available

    3. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners

    4. “Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds” – Gordon B. Hinkley

    5. “Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they are making to win.” – Lou Holtz

    6. “Hard work compounds like interest, and the earlier you do it, the more time you have for the benefits to pay off.” – Sam Altman

    7. “Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work.” – David Ogilvy

    8. “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary– Vince Lombardi

    9. “The only thing standing in the way between you and your goal is the BS story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

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    10. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Rea Lakwatsera

    11. No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder – Elon Musk

    12. I attribute my success to this; I never took or gave an excuse – Florence Nightingale

    13. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up – Thomas A. Edison

    14. “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” – Oscar Wilde

    15. Long live the reckless and the brave

    The reckless and the brave

    16. Make money not girlfriends

    17. “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” ~ Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame coach

    18. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” -T.S. Eliot

    19. “No one succeeds without effort. Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.” -Ramana Maharshi

    20. “Go to the ant O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” – Proverbs 6:6

    21. “Talent means nothing while, while experience acquired with humility and with hard work means everything.” – Patrick Suskind

    22. “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” – Thomas Jefferson

    23. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill

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    24. “It’s always too soon to quit!” – Norman Vincent Peale

    25. “Failure is the only opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” – Henry Ford

    26. “Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No Excuses” – Kobe Bryant

    27. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road….unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller

    28. “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” – Walter Elliot

    29. “Fall seven times and stand up eight” – Japanese proverb

    30. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

    That is what we have on our list of inspirational quotes today. I hope you have gotten some inspiration to soldier on in your life pursuits.

  • Your Motivation Down? Here are 12 Things to Do to Stay Motivated

    Your Motivation Down? Here are 12 Things to Do to Stay Motivated

    You know it’s not easy. It takes effort to wake up each day and decide to do something meaningful. But now you feel like you have hit a wall, and you don’t have the motivation to do anything.

    All you want to do is sleep on the couch and watch a comedy or silly videos all day.

    Worse yet, the feeling that you are supposed to be productive gnaws at you, leaving you with guilty feelings. You are bombarded with social media posts about success stories from neighbors and friends which doesn’t help solve the situation either.

    What even nails you down further is the uncertainty around the global health crisis that has massively affected today’s way we live.

    So what do successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and captains of industries do each day to stay motivated? We offer you some practical hacks to get you started. Keep reading!

    1. Be Kind to Yourself

    We all have our bad days. Being down for a day or two shouldn’t make you be so hard on yourself. It’s not the end of life.

    You should be the kindest person to yourself when hurting or struggling with low energy levels. Tell yourself tomorrow will be better than today.

    If you are a go-getter, you are likely to see yourself as not a good fit for success, but that shouldn’t be the case. What you want to avoid is judging or putting yourself down.

    2. Replenish Yourself

    If you have no motivation, you are depleted and what you need is to replenish yourself. Instead of looking at what you haven’t done or what you need to be doing, use the opportunity to refuel.

    You will need to work not only on your mind but your spirit and body as well. How are you taking care of your nutrition needs lately? Are you exercising and sleeping well enough?

    What books or videos are you interacting with recently? How you feel determines how you do anything.

    3. Trust the Process

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    You have always been told to focus on your goals. No wonder you are always looking at the results, forgetting to enjoy the process.

    Of course, the process won’t always be rosy. There will be the typical ups and downs making you sulk some days, but you need to cherish every step of the way.

    During the down days, take a break to replenish and capacity-build yourself.

    4. Take Inspired Action

    Low energy levels with idleness are what I would call the quickest route to inaction and stagnation. Even when you feel there isn’t much you can do, you can choose to take inspired action.

    You want to focus on simple tasks that don’t require much energy to accomplish. This helps kill the inaction and the anxiety that arises as a result of your inactivity.

    To make this easy for you, break down your goals into simple, actionable tasks and identify the three most important tasks you want to accomplish.

    Doing away with the tasks and ticking them off gives you the impression you are making some progress.

    5. Practice Positivity

    Practicing positivity means doing the things that will put you in a positive attitude toward life. Here are some positivity techniques you could practice to set you off on a good path.

    Practicing positivity will help you see the possibilities that lie ahead instead of focusing on what’s not working.

    Sometimes escaping from the heat of the moment with a movie or your favorite TV show is what you may need to bring back your motivation.

    6. Cut off Negative Influencers

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    A lack of motivation requires that you give some thought to your inner self. Listening or spending time with negative influencers pulls you down the gutter further.

    This is the time to disengage from every voice around you and interact with your thoughts to understand what’s best for you.

    Avoid negative people who want to put you down instead of helping you come out of your inertia state.

    7. Employ Burn the Boat Technique

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you would rather swim or sink? If that’s so, that was a motivation to spur you to action.

    Sometimes, a little trouble around is the antidote to your inactivity. However, no one wishes trouble for anyone; it’s just that life has no guarantees, and you have to face this reality often.

    How are you going to sleep on your couch watching a movie, yet you barely afforded dinner last night, and your house rent is in 3 months’ arrears?

    Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador and explorer who lived in the 16th century. At one point, he and his men moved onto an island only to find a group of five hundred other men who didn’t want them there.

    Hernán ordered his men to burn down their boats. That tells you one thing: Hernán made the island conquest a matter of life and death. It was either they take over the island or die on the battlefield.

    Of course, this isn’t a pleasant situation to find yourself in, but it’s for your good. More insights are in the video below.

    Motivate yourself into action

    8. Choose Purpose over Pleasure

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    Sometimes the child in you wants to play and pleasure all the time, but that’s not how life works. There has to be some sacrifice that precedes the glory.

    And sometimes, the only thing you have left to wake you up from your inertia is your purpose. Purpose transcends every other thing in your life because it’s what you would rather die for than living.

    Purpose transcends every other thing in your life because it’s what you would rather die for living.

    Murunga Kiniale

    If you have been living on autopilot or simply being a copycat, that will not work for long because the true you will get restless.

    What you want to do is take a step back and have a lesser focus on your purpose. Start thinking about what value or how better the world will be when you fulfill your purpose.

    It’s never about the fame or the status, and sometimes you need to ask the people who have been there already. They will tell you that’s not the answer.

    9. Have some Boundaries

    Are you the type of guy who says yes to everything? You’re always the guy who wants things to work out for you and everybody around you.

    That’s a good disposition but not the best thing for you. You are accustomed to saying yes to this request or that without giving yourself enough time to process your feelings around the things you say yes to.

    You’re now in full action mode, but your emotional state is wanting. This is a recipe for potential burnout and a lack of motivation. Sure, this can be a common trend at the workplace sometimes.

    A common sign of burnout is finding no joy in the things you used to find pleasure doing them. You need to find time to recuperate by having some boundaries that give you self-time.

    Sometimes saying no or a polite decline is the best answer. Guarding your energy and having that feeling of control is what keeps you going.

    10. Connect with your Goals

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    It’s good you want to be a space explorer like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, but does that connect with your big why? Part of the reason you lack the motivation to do anything is failing to have a personal connection with what you want to become.

    Maybe you want to be a doctor to make your parents and society happy. But have you thought about whether this is something you like?

    Do you find meaning in it? If not, you could be setting yourself up for demotivation in the future. Waking up daily to a job you find no sense of fulfillment is not the best way to live life.

    Whatever goals you make, seek to ensure they connect with you at a personal level.

    11. Do Something that Gives you a Sense of Value

    If you have no motivation to do anything, maybe a good starting point would be to attempt doing something that gives you some sense of value.

    If drawing or singing is what makes you feel great and a valuable contributor, by all means, do it.

    Gradually, you’re moving away from your state of inertia to action. Do your thing to get the motivation to do other things in life.

    12. Stop the Pessimism

    Have you heard someone say,’ I feel like I’m not going to make it.’ If everybody was to act or respond based on how they feel, I don’t think there would have been much to celebrate in the world.

    You are your own greatest cheerleader, and how you speak about yourself matters. You also need to look into the future with optimism instead of seeing things not working in your favor.

    We find ourselves immobilized because we refuse to believe in ourselves and have the confidence that we can do something worthwhile with our lives.

    I know the point on feelings seem to contradict point 2, but you can’t leave life entirely based on your feelings.

    Wrap Up

    That’s the magical list we got for you today to spur you to some tangible action. We hope it helps kill your lack of motivation and keep you going to achieve your goals.

    If you found the post helpful, please share and tag a friend. I would also be happy to answer your questions in the comments section below.

  • Using Setbacks to Accelerate your Self Growth 100+%

    Using Setbacks to Accelerate your Self Growth 100+%

    Setbacks are inevitable in life. Your prayer should not only be never to experience them but to emerge stronger whenever you face them. It’s easy to talk or write about pain, but it isn’t easy to go through it. That’s why I want to talk about accelerated self growth.

    Soldiers at war don’t always expect to lose the battle, but sometimes the worst happens. They may not only lose the battle but suffer a severe injury that could cost a part of their limb or body.

    Start an online business

    A Life Experience of Using Setbacks for Self Growth

    Kionte is one of many such cases. He served as a US Marine soldier and suffered an injury that left him no right foot after stepping on an IED. Not only had he suffered the pain, but he had a lot to regret. But later on, he found relief by opening up to a friend and sharing his story with a therapist. Watch the video below for more.

    Using setbacks for personal growth

    Think about the last time you went through hell on earth. I mean anything that could have made you miserable or reduced your quality of life. How did you handle it, and what lessons did you learn that you feel made you the person you are today?

    Maybe you haven’t overcome that setback, and you’re still taking a beating from life. It could be the loss of a job. A business deal went sour, making you lose lots of money; a toxic or abusive relationship that left you in tatters; struggling with trauma or bad past experiences.

    It’s important to mention that you are the best candidate for accelerated self growth. Sometimes all you need to catalyze your personal development is pain, suffering, or regret.

    If sleeping on the floor for years will be your motivator for accelerated self growth, so be it. Pain or suffering shouldn’t put you in a cocoon of shame and self-pity. On the flip side, it should catapult you to greater heights.

    Accelerated Self Growth

    Are there ways to accelerate personal growth? Let’s take a deeper dive into this.

    Personal development is a prerequisite to achieving any success in life. There are no two ways or shortcuts to it. Your success in life is directly related to how valuable you are in the marketplace. Here are some pointers to accelerate your self growth.

    1. Be Intentional About Accelerating your Self Growth

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    Handle your personal growth like a baby. If you don’t take care of it, the little being won’t grow.

    That means your every action will be geared towards the baby’s growth. Being intentional about your self growth helps you pay attention to your progress and make the necessary adjustments.

    For example, if your current goal is financial freedom, you will want to watch your spending and saving habits to avoid losing money.

    2. Accept when you are Wrong

    I find this is almost always the hardest thing to do; accepting that you are wrong. People always think accepting you’re wrong will make you look weak and good for nothing.

    But the fact is that it is the start point of accelerated self growth.

    You seldom grow by leaving in denial. Accepting that you are wrong is a strength of character. You are not doing anyone a favor but you because that is the moment you start changing for the better.

    3. Constantly Seek Knowledge

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    Knowledge is power. You have read that before and even heard it being said.

    Making money without investing is not making money at all. You can invest the money you make in yourself, a business, or buy stocks or assets. Unfortunately, many make money to pay bills, and that’s where everything stops.

    One easy way to accelerate your self growth is to invest yourself in constant study and knowledge seeking. Success comes when you make yourself more valuable than the average Joe.

    Read books, attend webinars and enroll in courses that add value to your business or career growth.

    4. Enjoying Doing the Uncomfortable

    Things like watching your favorite Netflix show, going for a nature walk, or spending time on social media are enjoyable. You don’t sweat over them, but they hardly add significant value to your life.

    Fun stuff kills your boredom for a while but keeps you at the same level of life for ages. Conversely, activities like writing a book, waking up early for a morning run, doing a work assignment, or reviewing your goals aren’t enjoyable.

    The absolute truth is that they will make you uncomfortable over and over. But accelerated self growth is not about being comfortable. It’s about learning to live with intentional discomfort today so that you can make a living with problems easier tomorrow.

    Growth is about living with intentional discomfort today so that you can make a fortune tomorrow.

    Murunga Kiniale

    5. Give More than What You Take

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    Smile at the world, and it will smile back at you. In other words, what you give out is what you get back. Many people always play the victim or play needy even when they have it all to get whatever they want in an opportunity.

    This is contrary to walking and living with an abundant mindset. You can choose to be different. Accelerating your self growth starts from a mind of abundance and not scarcity.

    Even in your lack or limitations, always see what value you can add to people’s lives to improve them. Don’t always be the one receiving year in and year out. You need to ask yourself right now: What are you giving back to your family, church, and society?

    Start an online business

    Take the example of a business owner or an entrepreneur who chooses to train and build their team free of charge to be valuable to him or her in the future. Everyone is learning something in the process and growing. I’m reminded of a quote by Bob Marley, “Live for yourself and you will live in vain – Live for others and you will leave again. ”

    Live for yourself and you will live in vain – Live for others and you will leave again

    Bob Marley

    6. Join a High-Performance Group

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    Human beings need one another to spur their growth and personal development. If you feel you are slow on performance or productivity, it’s time to find out what high-performing peers or people are doing and whether you can join their train.

    Preferably, enter a high-performance team or group and learn from their wins and failures. You will be able to sync up with their energy in many areas and move forward together.

    Imagine being with highly ambitious and proactive people in a room. Sooner or later, you will also be bubbling in that energy and ambition. As a team, you can accelerate your self-growth at the team and individual levels.

    Great minds are put together to solve more significant problems than a single demotivated mind.

    7. Narrow Down

    Sometimes one of the major killers to our productivity and accelerated self growth is wanting to do everything and anything. You may be doing this out of ambition or urgency, but this could give you the opposite results of what you expect.

    The next thing you will be experiencing is burnout, demotivation, and wanting to quit. How about narrowing it down to one or two essential things instead of doing ten things simultaneously?

    According to the 80/20 principle, 80% of what we do produces 20% results. It’s way more productive to have a laser focus on what you choose to do with your 80%.

    Decide to handle one thing at a time until you feel things can stand independently as you also focus on other projects.

    8. Develop an Effective Morning Routine

    How to start your day highly determines how the rest of your day will be. If you started your day late and rushed, you could mess up it entirely.

    It is said that highly successful people spend 3-5 hours of their early mornings getting done with the important stuff before the rest of the world wakes up. You want to be deliberate about how you start your day.

    Yours could be a devotion, a workout, or reading 20 pages of an investment book. The critical thing to note here is you need to wake up with a purpose, a predetermined set of goals, or to-do lists you want to achieve for the day.

    Waking up early with no plan on how you intend to spend your early morning is a waste of time. Have a plan the evening before and wake up to do what you planned to handle.

    9. Remove Distractions from your Productive Environment

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    Perhaps the pandemic has taught us the hard way how to work from home. This didn’t come easy for anyone. If you have worked from home, you know that productivity killers are all over, which could significantly hamper your self growth.

    Distractions create a low-energy environment that doesn’t work in sync with your high-energy levels. According to science, your biology and your psychology are shaped according to your external conditions.

    A biologist named Bruce Lipton puts it this way, “The environment determined the fate of the cells, not the genetic pattern. So if cells are in a healthy environment, they are healthy. If they’re in an unhealthy environment, they get sick.”

    The environment determined the fate of the cells, not the genetic pattern. So if cells are in a healthy environment, they are healthy. If they’re in an unhealthy environment, they get sick.

    Bruce Lipton

    10. Know your Why

    Your ‘Why’ is the primary reason you want to do or achieve something. For you to realize accelerated self growth, you need to make your way crystal clear.

    This should be the drive or fuel that will keep you going for a long time. Your why is like having a purpose behind your goals. Here is an example of a why:

    Example: I want to save and invest because I want to achieve financial freedom.

    You could deepen this further by mentioning how financial freedom will change your life and others around you.

    Wrap Up

    If you have suffered severe setbacks before or are currently undergoing them, this isn’t the time to stop and give up on life. Use your setbacks for accelerated self growth. We hope the pointers above will help you be a better person tomorrow by achieving your life goals and living a happier life.

  • How Not to Give Up When You Want to and Be 5x Better

    How Not to Give Up When You Want to and Be 5x Better

    If you asked me whether life has a manual, I would have answered you with a yes. It’s that just people don’t give heed to guidance sometimes. There’s never a one size fits all kind of experience. One guy tries doing business today; it picks up within months. Another tries the same business and closes it within the first year. But do me a favor, regardless, never give up.

    And that’s why you are better off learning from your own failed experiences because it will be foolhardy to repeat the same mistakes twice.

    What I mean to drive home is you should be more afraid of comfort zones than taking risks. How would you love your script to be: Play safe today and die poor tomorrow or take risks today and die rich or trying to be.

    The words ” Never give up” have always rung in our ears for the longest time we can remember. But just how do you resist the temptation to give up, pack your bags and leave. We talk about this today, showing you how not to give up and be a 5x better person.

    How not to Give Up When you Want to

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    1. Take a Break

    We’ve all been there. Where everything you touch seems to have conspired with the universe not to work when in your hands.

    By this time, your confidence is down the toilet, you’re cash-strapped, and the little left of your project seems not to be going anywhere. Motivation gurus have told you to be consistent.

    But the more you push, the more the hurdles. If you feel you are at this point, stop and disengage yourself from whatever you are trying to do. Take a break, however long you want, if at all it will help you feel better and in control again.

    Preferably, you shouldn’t take a break to sleep. You could listen to your favorite music, go camping or take a road trip for some days. Jump at your hobby or even attend a seminar or constructive workshop.

    2. Note Down What’s Working and What’s Not. Focus on What Works

    Companies, small businesses, and organizations often undergo restructuring and change their growth strategies either to cut costs, expand their client base, be more efficient, or both.

    It’s something that companies must face time and again, or else they could go out of business. Similarly, you should also take stock periodically of what’s working and what’s not.

    Success doesn’t come on autopilot mode. You have to be intentional and strategic, or otherwise, you won’t cut it. If action A doesn’t produce the results you need, how about trying action B.

    Still, if nothing seems to change, how about combining both routes. There has to be a way around your current problem in business, relationship, or career.

    No going back.

    No calling it quits

    No, you aren’t going to give up!

    3. Focus on the Process, Not the Goal

    Many times we are told to have SMART goals. This is a good thing because having goals keeps you on your toes, working hard to meet them. However, come to think of it, we rarely meet our goals 99% of the time.

    And that in itself could be discouraging, especially when the % could be way lower. How about focusing on the process and not the goal.

    Give yourself room for failure and adjust your goals but more importantly, learn something through the process. Let’s say your goal was to make your business global by the end of 2020. But because of other bottlenecks that were out of your control, you weren’t able to hit your goal.

    See, you are learning something through the process, which puts you in a position to make better and more informed decisions next time.

    Or your goal could’ve been to walk down the aisle before the year ends, but as things turn out, you realize the man who was to walk you down the aisle is a liar and not the person you thought you knew.

    The relationship will end, but that’s not the end of your story. You are learning something through the process.

    4. Seek Help when you Need It

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    Even the smartest or most intelligent people in the world need people or a team to work with them. Bill Gates never built Microsoft alone. Mark Zuckerberg had many other geeks who helped him build Facebook into the behemoth it is today.

    Their team insights, ideas, and intelligence helped drive their companies’ visions to greater heights. In life, you will need help from lots of people.

    Such people could be your peers, colleagues, a business partner; even your ex-somebody could come around amazingly.

    One way not to give up in life or endeavor is to seek help when you really need it. Maybe you just needed one word from a friend for that eureka moment.

    5. Keep Doing what you Do Best

    During Pilot training on safety rules, one of the main things they are always told to do is keep flying the plane no matter what happens. Imagine a pilot stops flying the plane in midair.

    What happens next will be more disastrous. That should tell you something. Always keep doing what you do best. You will suck at some point and even be laughed at, but that is always part of growth.

    Fix your eyes on what you can do best and keep moving forward. At the end of it all, you will be far much better than the person who decided to stop and listen to what every ingrate is saying around them.

    If praying is what you do best, keep praying no matter the pain. If it’s singing, keep singing, even if you don’t seem to get the traction and likes you expect on social media.

    Don’t give up because of what’s happening around you. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions that people give up when success is just around the corner. You don’t want to be that kind of person.

    6. Detach Yourself from Negativity

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    It takes great mental strength to keep looking at the positive side of things when they seem to go the other way. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, is a good person to mention here.

    Referred to as the emancipator of slaves, he rose from humble beginnings and went through a troubled childhood where he lost his mother. It’s always refreshing to read his biography.

    Sure, he was the perfect candidate to give up in life and mention all kinds of excuses for his failures, but he didn’t.

    If your negativity stems from your past life experiences, make peace with your past and let go as fast as possible. Similarly, if you have a negative circle, drop it because it’s not doing you any good.

    A positive outlook on life is key to your success and where you want to go next.

    How to Bounce Back and be 5x Better

    It has been mentioned before that there are no problems but only a shortage of ideas. With better ideas, life is made easier and manageable.

    So, your not giving up and bouncing back will be premised on the following:

    1. Taking Responsibility

    If looking to be a better version of yourself, you need to own your problems. Blame games aren’t part of the success script. Nothing works until you decide to make them.

    Whether it was your uncle you feel made you never marry the man of your dreams, or your business partner who ran down your business, take responsibility for your decision and avoid blaming other people who might have been involved.

    You only get better when you take charge of your pain points.

    2. Learning from your Bad Experiences

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    Your experience must have been painful and disastrous. Probably, there might have been poor decisions you made that gave you bad results and made you want to give up in life.

    Your experience also served as an eye-opener to the things you shouldn’t have done. On the flip side, this is good for you because it means you won’t repeat your mistakes.

    3. Learning to Accept What Happened

    If you ask me, this is hard but a vital process to come to terms with. Many choose to live in denial after going through a setback.

    But this isn’t sustainable. A good way to go through your pain or low point is to accept everything that happened. That is how you begin to bounce back to becoming a better person.

    4. Practicing Emotional Intelligence

    When you are at your lowest point, emotions always run high, making you bitter and toxic to the poor innocent chaps around you. That shouldn’t be you.

    Learn to manage the damaging flood of emotions that lurk around and keep your head sober because things will get better eventually.

    Emotional intelligence is all about managing your emotions and those of the people around you. You will bounce back faster this way. Yes! I hope you haven’t given up yet.

    5. Don’t Stop Dreaming

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    The fact that you wanted to give up before shouldn’t make you stop pursuing your dreams. The difference between where you are today and where you will be tomorrow is time.

    Take one step at a time and use the power of your imagination to visualize a great future before you. What you can conceive you can achieve if you commit your time to execution.

    Wrap Up

    Life is a journey with several chapters. Some chapters will leave you cursing and blaming everybody, while others will make you feel happier and a winner.

    How you handle the low moments is what determines how you move forward. The easiest thing to do when at the lowest point is to give up.

    Unfortunately, this is never the best option for you. Use the tips above to bounce from any setback that will make you want to give up in life.

    Before you live, you may want to subscribe to our blog so that you don’t miss the latest posts.

  • Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money

    Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money

    Affiliate Disclosure: We often use affiliate links in our contentat no extra cost to you.This helps us offset some of the cost of running the website. Thank you for the support.

    Were you aware you could make good money out of unprofessional writing?

    I say this with professional writing in hindsight.

    Forget about academic qualifications and career titles for a while.

    I’m not saying they don’t matter. And that’s why I have an academic qualification. But looking at it technically, it’s not about the certificate but what you can deliver. It’s about performance.

    What’s the point of having an academic certificate yet lacking the requisite skills mentioned in the certificate to deliver on a given job?

    What if I told you I have the formula to solve your current inconsistencies with money regardless of whether you have that academic certificate or not?

    What if I could teach you to be an independent contractor working for multiple companies in the comfort of your home and having more time to spend with family and friends; and enough time to focus on your hobbies and interests?

    If that is not a positive and fulfilling life, then what is?

    Here is what We have for you

    So what do we have in store? We are giving you this freelance writing course for free. Everything you need to know about getting started and making money as a freelance writer is covered in depth.

    Before the global health crisis, beating the morning traffic to arrive at your 9-5 workplace was the norm.

    Today, it’s a whole new world. Employees are changing company metrics by working even more than 10 hours in the comfort of their homes.

    I’m not going to give you a job, but I’m going to teach you how to fish for jobs as an independent contractor. It’s one of the ways I make a living. So that moving forward, you don’t walk with the attitude of asking for permission to do anything.

    I’m saying you need no approval from anyone to showcase your skills to the world. Your skills to the world mean you are solving a specific problem that requires what you got.

    Do you ask for permission or space to do that? No! You simply step into the arena and execute like no man’s business.

    Unfortunately, schooling has always taught us this way. To seek permission or approval to put our skills into good use instead of stepping up and showing that we matter.

    Freelance Writing is one of the avenues to kickstart your self-employment journey and grow a business or agency out of it.

    In this regard, I’m addressing these three kinds of people:

    1. The unemployed with no skills at all.
    2. The employee with skill but are looking forward to building a side hustle.
    3. The employed are looking forward to using their skills as independent contractors and leaving the 9-5 routine.

    Freelance Writing Demystified

    In some quarters, writing has been taunted as a side hustle for people struggling to gain permanent employment. But nothing could be further from the truth.

    I’m not talking about being contracted to do assignments and term papers for college students, typically referred to as academic writing.

    I’m not in either way underrating academic writing. But our focus is more on article writing and, by extension, other forms of content on the web such as blog posts, copywriting, case studies, B2Bs, whitepapers, and so forth.

    With some jobs, you get into one, and the title follows you left and right. But that is not always the case with writing. You could be a writer and do many other things.

    In fact! Writers are technically online entrepreneurs because they need the basic skills entrepreneurs need to win contracts and keep their clients happy.

    In most cases, entrepreneurs always work alone and for quite a long time before they get noticed. You get what I’m talking about.

    Writing is no longer just a hobby; it is a well-paying career.

    So if you were told that writing is a hobby to get things out of your chest, think twice.

    Yes, writing is also therapeutic. I agree.

    But here is the thing you are likely missing out on.

    Smart people worldwide are making big money out of content marketing, working at their own pace and convenience.

    You need no Midas touch to transition into this reality.

    To get a sneak peek of what I’m talking about, simply head over to Google at type terms like “Upwork,” “,” and navigate the sites.

    It’s less about sitting at an office desk with your name tag and more about making killer money working out of nowhere.

    You can step into this reality and make some of your money problems disappear.

    Join our learn freelance writing course and learn the basics of article writing and content creation online that pays.

    See you on the other side, buddy.

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