18 Practical Ways to Lead a Stress-Free Life


If you’re like most people, you get stressed out from time to time. Whether it’s work stress or family stress, we all struggle with the same thing: how to maintain a healthy balance between work and our personal lives.

Stress is not just something that happens to you; it’s something you can control. When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to think clearly. Like most people, the more stressed you are, the harder it is to concentrate.

Stress can make you feel anxious, worried, or frustrated. When stress becomes chronic and affects your health and relationships, it can spiral downward into depression and anxiety.

The good news is that there are many ways to help live a stress-free life and even cure some of its symptoms without relying on medication or therapy.

Hacks to Living Stress-Free

1. Get fit

A healthy lifestyle means being physically active, eating well, and getting enough sleep. All these activities help you lead a stress-free life by reducing the amount of cortisol (a hormone that increases during stressful situations) in your body.

2. Make time for yourself

You’ll feel better if you spend time doing things that make you happy rather than spending all your time working or cleaning up after others around you. It could mean taking a walk or playing with your pets instead of watching TV all day. Minding about yourself is a simple hack to living stress-free.

3. Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water

You want to eat healthy food and drink water every day to stay adequately hydrated throughout the day; this is especially important for people who don’t get much sleep at night and those who work long hours or exercise regularly, such as runners or gym-goers.

4. Get enough sleep

Another way to maintain a stress-free life is getting enough sleep. Sleep helps your body restore itself, which leads to a stress-free life. If you don’t get enough sleep each night, try using an alarm clock that lets you set it so that if you wake up early in the morning (or late at night), it won’t ring until you are up.

5. Avoid overworking and burnout by taking time off to recharge and unplug from work

Delegate if you can and embrace the power of delegating to stay productive and efficient while allowing yourself to grow in a new role or department within your organization or company.

6. Do what is right

If you want to be successful, do what is right instead of what is popular or accessible at the moment because success comes with long-term rewards that will be worth it in the future when everything seems more complicated than it is now.

7. Please don’t compare yourself with others

This involves focusing on how much they have accomplished over their lifetime compared to how far you have come from; where they were at that moment or today compared with where you are at this moment in time today. The key is not just to reach for goals but also for each day to take one step closer to achieving your dreams regardless of what obstacles may show up along the way.

8. Limit screen time

Limit your screen time on TV, computers, tablets, etc., at least two hours before bedtime, and don’t use them to escape the real world during the day (i.e., “Netflix and chill” is not a substitute for exercise).

9. Meditate Daily

Daily meditation for 20 minutes or more will enable you to lead a stress-free life. Meditation is not just about sitting quietly with your eyes closed. It can be anything from being still and observing your breath to doing yoga or tai chi.

10. Limit alcohol consumption

Reduce your drinking to one drink per day for men and two drinks per day for women; drink in moderation so that you don’t abuse alcohol but instead use it as a social lubricant rather than a form of intoxication or escape from reality.

11. Be grateful

Start each day with gratitude for what you have, not what you don’t have! If something good has happened during the day, give thanks before you go to sleep at night. if something terrible has happened during the day, try to remember the good things that came before it so that you can focus on those instead of dwelling on them and what went wrong.

For example, a typical day has morning hours, mid-morning, afternoon, and evenings. If something bad happened in the morning, let it not extend to your mid-morning. The rest of the day can still be good.

12. Believe in yourself

It helps when you’re feeling down or struggling with anxiety or depression because it gives you strength when others would doubt your ability to achieve what they are aiming for too.

13. Eat breakfast every morning

Eating breakfast will help keep your blood sugar level stable throughout the day, which in turn will help you avoid cravings later on in the day that could lead to binging or overeating unhealthy food choices (like junk food or sweets).

14. Set realistic goals

Setting unrealistic goals is a recipe for a stressed life. It’s not helpful to set goals that are too big or too small for what you can accomplish in the time available. Lead a stress-free life by setting realistically attainable goals yet challenging enough to give you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.

15. Have fun with your work

Make your work stress-free by inculcating some fun. Don’t take every job or task so seriously that it ceases to be enjoyable, but also don’t let yourself get distracted by unimportant things like surfing the Internet or watching TV while on the job either.

16. Be realistic about your schedule

You need to ensure you have plenty of free time in your plan to relax and focus on other things besides work if necessary (and especially if it is essential).

17. Get outside more often

Get out for walks or bike rides, hikes, or take up gardening or photography. Anything that gets you away from your desk and into nature will do wonders for your mental health.

18. Take a break every hour or so

It might sound counterintuitive, but working non-stop is not suitable for your mental health; regular intervals are essential, so you don’t burn out entirely by the end of the day (or week). If this means taking a caffeinated drink every hour (or two), then that’s what it means.

Ensure it doesn’t become a habit. The best way to live a stress-free life is to avoid it as much as possible, so take frequent breaks throughout the day and give yourself a mental health day once every week or two, even if it’s just an hour or two away from the office.

Don’t overdo these breaks; they’re just meant to give you a chance to relax and recharge before returning to work again.


Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress can take many forms, including anxiety, depression, anger, or fatigue. Despite the prevalence of stress in your lives, you often do not recognize it as a problem because you cannot see the symptoms.

Stress is a normal part of life. It’s how you cope with the demands of everyday life. However, when stress becomes excessive and chronic, it can have adverse health effects. Stress management is essential to leading a stress-free life and improving mental health.


One response to “18 Practical Ways to Lead a Stress-Free Life”

  1. […] possible, try not to go through too much stress before bed because this can also keep you from falling asleep […]

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