Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

In his international bestseller, The POWER of POSITIVE THINKING, Norman Vincent Peale has touched many lives through his unique formula for overcoming a spirit of defeat and inadequacy. Today, we shall look at one of his topics: Effective prayers for extraordinary results. His book radiates a rare sense of optimism and faith that knows no…

Overcoming Your Limitations: 5 Powerful Lessons from the First African-American President

Overcoming Your Limitations: 5 Powerful Lessons from the First African-American President

Overcoming your limitations is possible with the right mindset. Under the sun, limitations are inevitable unless you are not moving. The difference between the winners and losers is that winners choose to overcome their limitations while losers reside in fate. The flesh of this article today is predicated on our human limitations and our ability…

25 Positive Thinking Quotes to Catalyze your Positivity in Life

25 Positive Thinking Quotes to Catalyze your Positivity in Life

Is positive thinking an illusion, or is it the secret to living a successful and rewarding life? Can success be linked to a negative mind? I highly doubt that. What about positive thinking quotes? Do you think we should interact with them and to what end? To start with, some believe that positive thinking is…