Interpersonal skills 101: What is Your Understanding of Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills 101: What is Your Understanding of Interpersonal Skills?

What are interpersonal skills? Interpersonal skills are the skills you use to communicate and interact effectively with others. Do you find it easy to keep a conversation going with open body language? Or would you rather have someone else communicate? The five interpersonal skills you need to master like the back of your hand include: …

Family First

Family First

What exactly is family? Even for a young child, defining a family in terms of what we feel a family should be is simple. However, not every simple image or perception we have of someone is right; what we say about “family” may also be influenced by the experiences or contacts we’ve acquired while dealing…

Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

Effective Prayers for Extraordinary Results by Norman Vincent Peale

In his international bestseller, The POWER of POSITIVE THINKING, Norman Vincent Peale has touched many lives through his unique formula for overcoming a spirit of defeat and inadequacy. Today, we shall look at one of his topics: Effective prayers for extraordinary results. His book radiates a rare sense of optimism and faith that knows no…

Scams on Upwork: My Personal Story about Making Money Online
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Scams on Upwork: My Personal Story about Making Money Online

In one of the blog posts I shared here, I listed a number of ways youths or the unemployed could beat the skyrocketing unemployment levels in Kenya. Well, today, I want to focus on one of the ways listed, namely online jobs, which youths can use to overcome the lack of jobs in Kenya….