Category: Life changing

  • 5 Steps To a Financially Secure 40


    The subject of money is exciting at the same time strikes you with deep thoughts about your financial future.

    In your 20’s life seems like a roller coaster where you want to live a carefree life, make merry and drink yourself silly. However, in your 30’s life ushers in a new set of responsibilities as you begin to settle into family life.

    Some, realize late that at this stage the financial risks you take are more detrimental than when you could have taken them while in your 20’s and single.

    Rather than wait for 40’s to catch up with you, there are simple measures that you can take that will guarantee you a financially secure 40. Read on to know them well.

    #1. Save and Avoid Consumer Loans

    Everyone wants to make their life better. However, this does not mean that you should borrow a loan to take your lifestyle to the next level. Unfortunately, many people get embroiled in consumer loans that make them poorer. Financial institutions are always willing and ready to give you their money anytime you qualify and need the money. Nevertheless, they are not going to be there for you when you are broke and cannot service your consumer debts.

    To be on the safe side borrow money to invest. When your job still gives you the opportunity to borrow a loan, take advantage of the opportunity by putting your money into good investments that are worth your money and sacrifice. Again, ensure to save and invest first before putting all your money into your lifestyle expenses.

    #2. Work Smarter

    Working smarter is totally different from working harder. A person who works hard spends much more time to achieve the same results a smart worker achieves for a far less time.

    There is no rocket science to this but the difference is that the smart worker has realized there is a way he can achieve much more in a far less time.

    For example, an employee who sits at his office from 9-5 pm may be busy yet not making any progress. On the hand, an entrepreneur running his business could be making more money in a day for a lesser time compared to the office worker.

    You need to think forward. What better ways could you use to solve problems today that were never used in the years before? For instance, if you run a company that needs collecting data, what are you better at using? Is it electronic data collection tools such as ODK and commcare or use of manuals like pen and paper to collect data.

    What do you think are the resources that you could leverage on to make your life better? It could be money, time, experience or networks. Find it out.

    #3. Have an additional Source of Income

    If you are like James Mworia, the CEO of Centum Investments who rakes in Ksh 16.9 Million as his monthly salary, or Bob Collymore, CEO Safaricom who takes home Ksh 10 Million per month you can as well focus on your job solely till retirement. If not, then consider having an additional source of income to supplement your main income. If you only depend on your main source of incoming for a living, then you could be brewing trouble in the future.

    If you happen to lose your job, considering that you have a family to take care of, you might get stuck on how you will pay school fees for your kids besides servicing other loans. What is your passion? What skills do you have that you can put to good use for your business? It could be freelance writing, consultancy or blogging.

    #4. Get Medical Cover

    Well, just as it is said that Christ will come back as a thief so is sickness when it strikes. You are better off having a medical cover that can take care of you and your family in emergency situations.

    Most people tend to rely on NHIF cards that are limited in terms of providing a comprehensive medical cover for their clients. Consider getting an additional medical cover that will cover you and your family sufficiently when dire situations come along.

    Also, there are other insurance policies that you could look into such as life insurance, house insurance among others.

    #5. Focus on Both Short-term and Long-term Investments

    Some of the long term investments you could focus on include purchasing land or investing in government eleven-year bonds. However, as much as land increases in value over time, how are they going to help you acquire quick money when you need it most.

    Rather than focus on accumulating properties all over, you could use your money to build systems and businesses that work for you even in your absence. As such, you can be sure of a constant stream of income even in your sleep.

  • Turn the Negatives thrown at You into Positives

    Turn the Negatives thrown at You into Positives

    According to psychology, human beings have a way of defending themselves against negative or bad feelings. Some choose to live in denial; others will use projection, while others will choose to be irrational. Still, others will use misplaced aggression to feel better about themselves.

    For sure, nobody under the sun is immune to life problems and challenges that keep recurring. I need not tell you that they will never stop anytime soon.

    While you may want to know everything that happens, sometimes you are better off not knowing everything. It is not only about being better and sweet but sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet. Have you ever tried picturing your life without challenges?

    Challenges are Necessary

    Visualize yourself waking up one morning to an already set breakfast table. And you do not need to work because the government provides everything for you.

    Yours is to eat, sleep, play and watch TV. Besides, the government is footing all your bills, including your leisurely activities. Now picture yourself living this kind of life for a year.

    Where is the sense of accomplishment or achievement? How can you look at your life and feel proud of yourself? I would say nothing.

    Life is full of both positives and negatives in equal measure. When we encounter positives, we live life to the fullest and celebrate over and over; however, when negatives hit us, many of us do not have the mental stamina to withstand the pressure.

    Overcoming the Negatives

    Therefore, one important skill that will do you well in life is to have a mindset that will shock and absorb the many storms you will need to wither in life.

    For instance, among the common negativities, we experience daily are insults, mockery, and bad news from the people around us.

    Interestingly, the people throwing the negatives at you, in most cases, are hurting too and will project their frustrations on you. He or she could be in a bad relationship and will want to paint a picture of you being the cause of his or her relationship problems.

    At one time, I sat close to a lady who remarked that all men are dogs! Probably, she was hurting from a relationship that turned sour. But you will be surprised to learn that she got into a relationship with a man a few months later. Some men have also called women demons but still live with them under one roof.

    You need not react to such situations whatsoever but respond. When reacting, you will use more of your emotions and are likely to cause yourself and the other person more harm; however, when you respond, you respond with reason and an objective disposition, calming down the situation.

    Misplaced Aggression

    Furthermore, many people use misplaced aggression as a technique to feel better or recover from their bad feelings. For example, Samantha quarrels with her mother for waking up late and therefore getting late to school.

    Samantha does not react or respond to her mother, but when she gets to school, she vents her anger and pain on her desk mate and other schoolmates.

    Did her schoolmates really deserve the treatment? No! But Samantha is feeling better now.

    If you approach the above-mentioned incidence with this knowledge in mind, you will realize there is no point in fighting fire with fire but be objective and understand the other person’s disposition, in this case, Samantha.

    You Have the Power

    Lucia had badly hurt her close friend Eunice with terrible insults about her body. As a result, Eunice was deeply wounded and was sobbing uncontrollably.

    Well, if you have been on the receiving end of any kind of negative words, you know it is not easy to swallow such words. Such words could come from the person you call your best friend, boss, spouse, colleague, or parent.

    However, we have the willpower to choose how we want to feel about the situation. My best shot is to counter such negative attacks with positives rather than shut up and brood later over the negatives thrown at you.

    Personal Experience

    I remember at one point, I was enjoying some good music and singing the song as it played along. But it turned out that my neighbor was not very comfortable with my voice, so he remarked that I should shut up because my voice was hoarse and terrible.

    Well, I responded immediately on a lighter note and told him, “You are wrong! That was a sweet angelic voice you were listening to” We all burst out laughing. Funny enough is that I could neutralize the tense situation as fast as it came.

    As the proverbial quote goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

    Have a positive day.

  • 8 Marks of Humility You Should Embrace

    8 Marks of Humility You Should Embrace

    What is humility? Some say it is accepting who you are. Not thinking highly of yourself. Not putting yourself before others. Being humble.

    The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines humility as having freedom from pride or arrogance.

    But I must say that not many people practice the virtue of humility. More so because they deem it as a weakness, or they feel it as not so important as a virtue to them in getting the good things in life. It is even more fascinating to learn that it is a virtue that we appreciate it more in other people than in ourselves.

    Google Images

    In practicing humility, it is not about thinking very little about yourself, but having a heart that does not only think about itself.

    When you practice humility you will:

    1. Be humble enough to accept that you don’t know something
    2. Be humble enough to do the lowest tasks and lowest duties
    3. Give attention to the lowest in society
    4. Serve others without complaining
    5. Stand to be corrected even when you feel you are right
    6. Lose an argument for the sake of a win for both parties actually
    7. Find it easy helping other people
    8. Be patient enough to wait for something or someone.

    If you do not relate to any of the above, then you need to learn how to practice them for the sake of changing lives and for the good of society.

    What other marks of humility do you think should be added to the list?

    Start an Online Business
  • You Will Change Once You Stop Blaming Everybody but Yourself

    blaming others
    Image Courtesy of Google

    John as his friends call him is a young man born in Busia County. His birth names are Patrick Sitati. Since he finished college, John has been in search of white collar jobs but he is always hitting at a dead end. This is something many young people in Kenya can relate to.

    Unemployment notwithstanding, John’s character is also wanting. He is always complaining about everything and everybody but himself. According to him, there is nothing wrong with him but the people and situations around him. John occasionally goes on a tirade on how the Kenyan economy is bad, how county governments are immersed in corruption and nepotism, how the local church is full of hypocrites and out to do business than cure souls. His vision and future are blocked by a mountain of complaints.

    Well, what John does not realize is that unless he takes responsibility and changes his own self and negativity nothing good is going to come out of his life just yet.

    Mary is a social worker, employed by the local government but she is always complaining about her meager salary and how it is never enough to foot her bills. Unfortunately for Mary, she is blind to the fact that complaining never moved mountains it is only the faith of a mustard seed put into practical action with a positive attitude that can change her life history. Previously, before she got employed, Mary used to put up at her sister’s place and was totally supported by her sister. Not even could she afford money to buy airtime to chat with her friends.

    Six months into her job, Mary stopped being grateful for her job and forgot that before then she could not afford her basic needs. Suddenly, the money has become little, the workplace is boring and she feels she deserves better. And there she was: complaining and into the blame game.

    It is Not about What You Have but What You Can Do With What You Have

    Well, how many of us go through life with this mental condition? We have this sense of entitlement and we always believe that we deserve better than what we already have. It’s my land, my job, my position, my car, my mansion. Come on! Spare me the want and be grateful for once. Okay, hold on! I didn’t say stop being ambitious and pursuing your life goals. But first, be grateful for the little you have and stop whining about everything.

    It is quite unfortunate that quite a few have fallen into the trap of living a superficial life and many are never satisfied. How many of us remember to be grateful every night we put our heads to bed? Many lie confused, disgusted and discouraged about plans that never went through, a deal that turned sour or rewinding the insults we received during the day. Why focus on the negatives and hurt even further?

    Instead, choose to be grateful for life, for the good health, for the three square meals you ate with relish, the good, supportive friends you have, the shoes under your feet, the roof above you and you will count your blessings daily. The little things we take for granted on a daily basis are actually the things God want us to give thanks unto him and thank him also in advance for more that is to come.

    Human beings have a tendency of pointing a finger at many other things that are wrong about them without examining their own selves. Christ was quick to point out this when he mentioned to the Pharisees why they were quick to look aty the speck of sawdust in their brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in their own eye (Matthew 7:3).

    Correct the wrongs in you and see how fast you will change.

  • 5 Amazing Tips to Build Your Body Image

    body image
    A woman

    Before I delve further into this topic, I need to ask, are you comfortable with your body image? Do you love yourself appearance right now at the time of reading this article? If yes, happy you but if not you better tag along for amazing tips on how to improve your body image.

    Firstly, I will define body image by saying that it is how you perceive yourself. It is the mental picture you have of your body. The image you see in front of your mirror is your body image. Do you admire yourself in the mirror or sulk at every moment you have to look at yourself in a mirror? Read on and learn how to improve your body image.

    #1 Exercise

    Without a doubt, exercise is one amazing activity to lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. Different people have different ways of exercising. Some prefer to go for long walks. Others prefer lifting weight while some will go for the morning runs. Well, choose what works best for you and stick to a routine. You will wonderfully feel better about your body and yourself.

    #2 Be Choosy on What You Read on Social Media

    You might feel good or not care at all when people talk ill of someone else appearance, be it on social media or nearby friends. However, when you find yourself on the receiving end of such like a conversation, trust me, you will totally feel wounded.

    To build your body image, avoid social media content that is out to demean and make fun of other peoples body images. You may happen to relate to one of the body image being mocked and you won’t be left with good feelings either. To improve your body image, fill your mind with positivity and realistic body images that are not over glorified. Unfortunately, in this era and age of socialites, many, especially our good ladies would want to pamper their behinds to appear trendy and “socially acceptable”.

    #3 Learn to Admire Yourself

    Once in a while appreciate your image in front of a mirror and stop worshipping the body images of celebrities. You are just as fearfully and wonderfully made as you think they are. Is there something you are proud and would be happy to share it around? You better put your focus on good things about you.

    Rather than frown every other time you stand in front of a mirror, afford a smile and strike a majestic pose. No need to share pictures on social media to get approval from your followers. Your worth and body image are not determined by how many likes and comments you get on social media.

    The less you focus on the things you do not like about your body, the faster you will forget thinking about them. If a body feature on you cannot be changed through proper diet and exercise, better accept and learn to live with it. You will appreciate yourself more.

    #4 Spoil Yourself Once in a Moment

    To build your body image, it matters a lot how you treat yourself. Improve your body image by doing those things you rarely do for yourself. For instance, you could choose to visit a massage parlor and get the best of service for your body if the hearsay behind massage parlors is not anything to go by.

    You could also find yourself a sweet-smelling body splash, cream or make-up (for the ladies) and make yourself the most dazzling bachelor or bachelorette in town. Do not forget to read self-help books that motivate and help you build your self-confidence which works well to improve your body image.

    #5 Surround Yourself with Positivity

    Attract positive things in your life by affirming, believing and anticipating for them. There is no point of wanting to build your body image when all you do is surround yourself with people who only talk about other people body flaws and weaknesses.

    You will improve your body image, once you start appreciating the beauty around you, the beauty in others and being grateful for the many things have and always take for granted. Get to spend more time with people who want to build you and not to destroy you.

    And there you are! the darling of all.

  • 5 Things you Need to Kickstart your Freelancing Career

    Image Courtesy of Google

    Hello guys,

    You must have been surprised after realizing I lost quite some money online. Well, the experience was the best teacher and that’s why I want to share with you the one and twos on what you need to kickstart your freelancing career.

    If you have been working on your regular job from 8 a.m to 5 p.m, this might appear to be difficult for you and almost impossible. But wait, nothing could be further from the truth. You can still juggle between two jobs with proper planning, commitment, and timely communication.

    I do freelancing as a part-time job while still maintaining my daytime job. It is only wise to quit your daytime job when your are sure your freelancing career is stable, and it is already paying you way more than what you make in your regular daytime job.

    So, what do you think you need to kickstart your freelancing career?

    The first on my list would be a desktop /laptop with a good internet connection.

    When I began freelancing 5 months ago, I had no laptop of my own and was using my mother’s mini-laptop. I could as well locate places with public wi-fi and spend there the better part of my day working on freelancing projects if I am not in my regular job.

    Do not be cheated you can freelance with your smartphone. It is close to impossible and even if you were to do it using a smartphone, your work is bound to be poorly done without proper proofreading.

    However, you may be having a laptop but no access to an internet connection or a public wi-fi utility. One more comfortable way to work with your own internet connection is to subscribe to Safaricom or Airtel internet bundles and press the wi-fi hotspot button on your smartphone to make the internet accessible by your personal computer or laptop.

    The upper side of using Safaricom internet bundles is that it is very efficient compared to Airtel. Conversely, the packages get easily depleted with annoying warnings of your bundles being below 2Mbs. I always shift between the two networks depending on the convenience and urgency of my work. Airtel bundles last for a longer time but are slow compared to Safaricom bundles.

    A Proper Chair and Deskop Table

    Really? Is this even a need in the first place? But when was the last time you sat straight in your chair while working on your computer? In most cases, you are always seated in a slanting posture or your seat leaning forward.

    I need not remind you that for the safety and good health of your spinal cord, you better spend some bucks on a good table and seat for your freelancing career.

    Have a Cash Back Up

    Having some cash with you to keep you going when kickstarting your freelance career is of great importance. You will come to realize that freelancing is not like a regular job where you get paid every end of the month, however, this may be subject to your own arrangement with your client.

    Despite these, you also need to realize there are dry spell seasons in freelancing. It gets to a point where you bid for a job endlessly with little or no forthcoming. It is at this point in time that your saved coins will keep you going and get you paying the bills.

    Have an External Computer Storage

    What happens when you wake up one day to find your computer crashed with all the important files and a client’s assignments?

    As much as your internal memory may be large enough like let us say 1TB, you want to ensure that you have an external backup just in case your computer memory losses all the data stored.

    Enroll in a Freelance Course and Learn one or two Technicalities about a Computer

    I understand you may be a pro or skilled in a particular task or responsibility but no one is ever knowledgeable enough to stop learning. For you to be able to kickstart your freelancing career on a higher note, you are better off enrolling in a freelance course like article and SEO writing or transcription depending on your area of interest. Instead of starting off from square one like a novice, a freelance course will help you jumpstart your career as an intermediate or expert writer with well-paying writing and transcription gigs. We offer a freelance writing course for beginners an affordable fee, Click here for more information.

    Some of the above-mentioned life changes might cost you money but you would rather have them and launch your freelancing career with a bang than start off behind the rest.

    Let me know your thoughts and comments below.

    Until next time esteemed reader.

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  • Lose Weight Faster with Our C9 Product


    Hello guys,

    I hope you have woken up to a brilliant morning. Personally, I have. I remember once when traveling to work, the driver of the vehicle I was traveling in had tuned on a popular radio station-Radio Jambo.

    One of the radio presenters popularly known as Gidi in the favorite morning show –Upatanisho decried the rising number of women in Kenya adding abnormal weight in the recent past. Actually, he suggested that this trend seemed to be happening mostly among the married.

    Well, this got me thinking hard and scratching my head for answers. What are some of the factors that could make women add weight at a higher rate? Some of the reasons that came to mind include:

    • The use of contraceptives such as the contraceptive pills and injections
    • Eating junk food
    • Passive lifestyle as a result of too much office work or simply laziness.

    It should be noted that matters regarding the addition and loss of weight do not only affect women but cut across both genders.

    As for the above-mentioned factors, they all boil down to the kind of lifestyle you choose to put up with. For instance, chances are high that if you are used to eating food prepared by most local eateries, you could be consuming junk food. The reason behind it is that most local eateries prepare their food using saturated fats. Not wanting to delve much into the nit and grit of saturated and unsaturated fats, I will say this: it is commonly understood that saturated fats( Chipsy & Kimbo products) are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats tend to be liquid at room temperature. Examples of unsaturated fats in our local supermarkets include Freshfry and Elianto.

    I’m not in anyway on an internet marketing campaign to kill the hotel business. Besides, whether you choose to eat frequently at eateries and hotels that is up to you. However, my advice is you are better off cooking your own food than eating out. It is cost effective too.

    Eating out also increases the chances of eating junk food that is considered unhealthy and low in nutritional value.

    Here is a list of junk food you will find in most fast food restaurants and eateries:

    • Most takeaways and fast foods such as sausages, fried chicken, potato chips, noodles.
    • Soft drinks such as Fanta, Coca-Cola, milkshakes
    • Ice creams
    • Snacks e.g sweets, biscuits and cookies, cornflakes. hot-dog, crisps, popcorn, French fries.
    • Carbonated beverages that contain high sugar levels. More so, there are those drinks that are sugar-free but are made sweet using aspartame which could be harmful to your health when consumed over time.
    • Creamy cakes
    • Beef burgers

    I do not know much about you but I’m sure you know yourself well to know whether you have added weight in the recent past or not. Here are signs you have been adding weight in the recent past:

    • Your waist circumference has ballooned.
    • You have high blood pressure
    • Simple chores and activities get you breathless
    • You snore in your sleep
    • You are always tired
    • You are always hungry or craving for food
    • You have stretch marks
    • You are avoiding physical activity of late. You would rather drive a short distance than walk.

    If you identify with the above-mentioned signs then you are the right candidate for our Clean 9 product. Visit our product page herelive your contacts and we will get in touch ASAP!!

    You can also make an order. Find more instructions on the same on our product page.

    You will lose weight!

  • 5 Ways to Stay Positive Always

    5 Ways to Stay Positive Always

    Can you even stay positive?

    You aren’t even living your dreams yet. How can you?

    We face a pandemic right now that has kept us locked in our homes.

    Can we still embrace positivity?

    You all know the saying that when life hands you a lemon, turn it into a lemonade.

    Well, it is easier said than done. How about the negative situations, behaviors, thoughts and experiences you face in your daily life? Do you turn them into positives or you immerse yourself in a sea of negativity?

    It is very easy and almost natural to be positive when everything in your life is good.

    So, how does a good life look like?

    You’re meeting your goals, your wallet is growing fatter every new day, you are full of health and surrounded by caring loved ones. Right?

    Conversely, being positive in the face of negativity is one hell of a mountain to climb. How are you expected to be positive when you have a sick spouse in the hospital?

    Still, how are you expected to be positive when you are broke, hungry and cannot even afford three square meals in a day?

    It becomes even more difficult to tell a graduate to be positive about life when they have gone round in search of a job for months without success.

    There you are! Trying hard to make your business work but ends somehow just can’t meet. From the lazy and sly staff to poor sales and low profits, negativity snaps the joy of life away from you.

    So how are we expected to be positive when we are being hit left and right with negativity?

    From the negative clergyman to the negative conductor on the road, we also meet people who are outrightly negative and only make us negative. Not at all.

    Actually, no one expects you to be positive or negative. It is none of their damn business, it yours.

    The world is full of negativity in equal measure as positivity and it’s upon us to make the choice on whether to dwell on the positive or negative. Let me not blame the world, you need to look at your own life and you will be surprised to notice the negatives on you. Have you noticed how you belch loudly? What about the large tummy that you don’t enjoy looking at? Okay, you know you are quiet and reserved and you hate yourself for it.

    When we constantly focus on our negatives, we register negative mental states in our subconscious minds.

    Anytime you get confronted with a strange situation or circumstance, you condition your mind to point out the negatives before the positives.

    Have you ever realized how negative people complain about everything? If not, the weather today is bad it will be the waiter was disrespectful. If not, am bored today it will be the food today is tasteless.

    Being mentally positive can be actually hard if you are accustomed to looking at a glass as half empty.

    However, with much practice, perseverance and patience, you could just be on your way to be the most positive person you have ever met.

    For example, let us say you are used to viewing news as always bad news.

    So every news hour you switch off the TV because you have the skewed notion that news is always bad.

    Well, maybe you will need to test your perception and understanding of what makes up bad news? Besides, you could start watching sermons and your favorite music if at all you find them positive.

    What about your negative views towards the current regime? Could you just change your negative mentality a little and start being a fair judge here? It is actually so negative to only point at the ills of an individual institution or government without recognizing their achievements.

    For you to cultivate that positive mentality it is important to make the step of recognizing the good in every opportunity, person or situation you deem bad.

    So how should we handle negativity?

    Just like learning any other virtue, being positive is also a character that you can learn.

    Therefore, the only way out of negativity is to stay positive at all times. One reason is that you will never ever chase all the negative people from your life and neither will you avoid them in totality.

    Somehow the people close to you could be negative. Rather than try to avoid them appreciate the good in them.

    Here are five tips I use to fight negativity

    1. I Accept Who I am

    A long time ago as a teenager I would feel terrible about my muscle size and how short they compared me to my peers. However, I grew into a youth and realized I could just be as sizeable as any other person. This all began when I started accepting myself the way I am.

    So do you feel a flaw in you could make you uncomfortable? To be sincere with you, every single one of us has a flaw. What makes the difference is the fact that some have accepted who they are with their flaws and have moved on to other pertinent issues in life.

    A person who focuses on his/her flaws only magnifies and makes them even more pronounced in their mind.

    Focusing on your flaws only serves to kill yourself-esteem, kill your self-confidence and make you less productive in life. Putting you in not a very good disposition to attract success in your life.

    To be positive in life, stop focusing on your flaws and focus on your strengths. Everyone has strengths. This explains why interviewers usually ask a prospective employee about their strengths because they know they have some.

    1. I Share My Positivity with Others

    Basing on the Law of Cause and Effect, I highly encourage sharing out your positivity with others.

    This law also referred to as Karma states that whatever you send into the universe comes back. If you send out negativity, you get back negativity. Conversely, if you send out positivity, is what you will get.

    I am made to understand that such laws never err. It just the same concept when the Bible talks about reaping what you sow.

    If you sleep more today, you will sleep hungry tomorrow. No shortcuts! No magic! The same concept is clearly showed by an echo sound. It only echoes what you say and nothing else.

    And so how do I share out my positivity with others? I compliment them when they look good. I chat continuously in a Whatsapp group that is always dormant and silent.

    I notice the good things around me and admire them for what they are; the sparkling VX V8 speeding past me, the artistically designed bungalow across the street, the smartly dressed young man nearby. The list is endless.

    Apart from just complimenting, I also share my positivity with others by encouraging those who feel life is over for them or life is unfair, rather. This I do via this blog and the many individuals I interact with.

    You need to realize that by you encouraging others you make them have a positive outlook on life and subsequently you never remain the same but also change to be like them.

    1. I start My Day in Positive Like Let’s Say Listening to My Favorite Music

    Sometimes I may wake up confused and full of fearful thoughts. However, all that changes in an instant when I play my favorite music.

    How you start your day counts a lot in how you will handle the negatives that will get to you during the day.

    Imagine yourself quarreling with your wife as the first thing when you wake up. The rest of the day won’t just flow.

    Your productive energy is already sapped through the quarrel and you will view every other encounter on negative glasses.

    Your subordinates at your place of work could have it rough that day.

    One other way I start my day positive is to start with a morning devotion where I study the word of God and pray. Here are some simple truths about a morning devotion using God’s word:

    1. It builds your faith as a Christian
    2. It heals your physical and emotional pain
    3. It fights the enemies in your life, including works of the devil
    4. It builds your character
    5. It brings hope

    There is no doubt about the positive power of good music and a morning devotion to your life.

    1. I Try as Much as I Possible to Live in the Present

    Living in the present is one sure way of letting go every fear that creeps up on you from failures of the past and anxieties of the future.

    I live in the moments by taking a walk through nature and enjoy the cool breeze and the sound of moving wind. I also live at the moment by appreciating the things I have in life instead of worrying about what I do not have.

    Sadly, a conversation with friends or a TV commercial could kill this disposition in you, such that you become empty and a low achiever when TV commercials project a life of class and wealth that yours does not compare to.

    Adding on to your negative state is when you worry about your future and thinking of the things you do not have and what you are supposed to achieve.

    Too many of us have stolen the joy out of our lives by worrying about our future.

    For instance, you will come across a young person worrying about the man or woman they will get married to. Their health, their finances and many other things.

    Well, not that we should not live in the present but it is healthier, positive and less of an effort to live at the moment than constantly think about your future.

    Some successes in your life happened randomly, without even your planning.

    1. I Choose to be Open-Minded

    By being open-minded means I will consider new ideas. Whether I embrace them depends on my core values as a person and more so as a child of God.

    However, sometimes being narrowly minded can be a big cause of negativity in our lives.

    We value more who we are and what we know to the point of refusing to acknowledge any new idea or information contrary to what we already know.

    For instance, a Christian who firmly believes in the word of God and full of faith might get agitated when he or she meets an atheist who tells him or her there is no God.

    However, they only needed to acknowledge that not everyone is saved and not everyone believes in God.

    That makes a hell lot of a difference and make them feel more positive than negative about the experience.

    To be positive in life, be open-minded and accept that in your journey through life you will meet so many people who will oppose your absolute truth about life and yourself. If you are open-minded you will approach such encounters with positivity rather than negativity.

    Final Thoughts

    What are you negative about?

    1. Is it your current job?
    2. COVID-19 pandemic?
    3. Sickness?
    4. Your spouse?
    5. Your child?
    6. Your mother-in-law?
    7. The government?
    8. Yourself?
    9. Your lack of employment?

    The list is endless. Whatever situation that makes you feel negative train yourself to only see the positive in situations and other people.

    Soon, you will be on your way to being a positive person in life.


  • How to Build a Strong Reading Culture in Your Life


    Two days ago while talking to a sales and marketing acquaintance, he lamented to me how reading culture had waned among the middle working class. Probably, the reason behind this could be the demand that comes with an office job. Besides, their reading culture may not have been developed properly during their tender ages.

    Given his job of marketing and selling books that border on finance, business and self-help he was lost for words when a one female bank manager turned him off for coming to her office with a sales proposal rather than to seek banking services.

    If not turned off, he is either met with queer remarks or empty promises that are meant to appease his eager to sell attitude.

    There is a poor reading culture not only among the middle working class but across the divide in our society. Teens too abhor reading and only want to chat on social media. Reading has been made to appear tedious and only meant for the preparation of an exam.

    Personally, reading and writing is part and parcel of my life. I find relish in reading content in both published books and blogs.

    During school days, I would often be mocked and called a bookworm for reading the Bible, novels, online blogs and journals. At home, relatives would troll in and wonder how one hell of an avid reader I was.

    Well, I developed a reading culture quite at an early age thanks to my great dad Boniface Kiniale Wasike. Every morning when I woke up, he would give me children stories to read out loud to him. Later on, he would give me newspapers to read after he read them through.

    The rest as we always say is history. I picked momentum from such early age experiences and read every material I could find with zeal and interest that knows no bounds.

    Young parents should seek to build a strong reading culture in their children while still young as reading will determine how far they will go in their lives.

    So how do you develop a strong reading culture in your life? Read on and learn more.

    1. Join a Book Club

    Have you ever found yourself yearning to eat something just because you saw your neighbor two seats away eating it? The effect is quite the same when it comes to reading. Once you join a book club, even if reading is not your cup of tea, the book club will gradually build in you the desire to read and be a commoner in their meetings and discussion forums.

    If you know of none, you could team up with like-minded friends and begin your small book club. With consistency, you could grow your membership to a dozen and more.

    1. Have a Reading Goal

    For beginners, you could start with reading one book every new month. Having a reading goal not only helps you build a strong reading culture but it will also be instrumental in making you grow gradually from reading one book every new month to reading three books in a month.

    You could pick particular topics that interest you. This could be about wealth and personal finance, relationships, spirituality, history among others.

    1. Read Everywhere

    Unlike in the past, the digital world is here with us. Gone are the days when you needed to visit a library in the city to access a novel or an interesting book to read. While you can still do this, the digital era we live in has made accessing books easier than ever before. For instance, I recently bought Robert Kiyosaki’s best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad on Amazon. Downloaded it to my Amazon Kindle account on my smartphone which allows me to read it from anywhere and everywhere.

    1. Switch Content When Frustrated

    You just positioned yourself comfortably in your favorite seat to watch a movie with a title you found to be catchy. Ten minutes down the movie you find it to be flat and outright boring. Well, who said you cannot switch to another movie that is more interesting?

    A book could also get frustrating or lose meaning to you along the way. No need to force it on yourself, you can always shift to a more interesting topic of your choice.

    However, for you to build a strong reading culture, it is important to understand that discipline and consistency is key.

    1. Read to Learn

    There is a wealth of information found in books if you would care enough to read them. There is a wide range of books that offer knowledge and solutions to the present day life challenges and problems.

    For example, reading books on real estates and long-term investments will make you a brilliant investor. On the other hand, reading a book about sales and marketing will improve your marketing skills.

    There are also books on personal development such as wealth creation, self-confidence and stress management among others.

    1. Create Time for Reading

    Work, be it office work, field days or house chores can be demanding at times. Hence, there is the need for you to also create a specific time for reading books. It all depends on your schedule, this could be early in the morning when you wake up or late in the evening just before you retire to bed. Setting aside that 20 or 30 minutes to read a book could make a difference between reading and not reading your book at all.

    In my case, I find the most convenient time to read a book is when am waiting for something or someone. I could be sitting in a bank queue waiting to be served. Rather than fantasize about everything, I would rather take out my smartphone and read five or ten pages of a book am reading about.

    Reading books is great. This is because reading gives you the shortcut to learning about the lives, mistakes and ideas of other people that you would have otherwise learned from your own worst experiences or never learned at all. To build a strong reading culture, you should be prepared to fight off the distractions that come with social media and friends. Start with those books you find interesting to read and gradually graduate to other topics. Use the comfort of your smartphone or portable laptop to make easier your reading culture. There you go! You are now a dedicated reader.

  • How to Manage Stress in Everyday Life

    Stress is a natural reaction our body has in situations which are not common in our life. It can be as simple as watching a basketball match or more complexed like stress at work because you have too many tasks you have to do before the deadline.

    The good – the basketball match stress is OK because it raises your adrenaline and it keeps you focused. The bad – is ok in small amounts, but in high amounts, it makes you nervous or even distracted. When the stress reaches elevated amounts you have to deal with it or it will decrease the quality of your life. You won’t be able to focus, you will be in a bad mood and you will fight with people around you.

    So, how can you fight stress in your life? Easy. All you have to do is organize your day so that you can have an hour a day for you. In that hour you can go for a walk, read a book, watch a movie, hang out with your buddies over asmall foosball table, go jogging, go to the gym, play video games, whatever you want. There is only one thing you have to keep in mind – you have to be relaxed after that hour. That hour is your time and you are first. You mustn’t talk about the problem, you mustn’t think about the problem. That hour will recharge your batteries and you will be ready for another day.

    If you aren’t sure that this will work, I want you to take a look at the infographic below the article. That will explain to you what stress is all about and how you can manage it in the best way. Relax!