Tag: blog

  • A Letter to my Esteemed Readers

    writer 1
    Image courtesy of Google

    Hi there,

    It gives me much pleasure and joy to pen this letter to you. I must say that your continued support and the courtesy to always stop by has not been in vain but has actually created a strong, positive and forward moving relationship between us.

    As narrated earlier, my journey as a blogger began 3 years ago. Back then, my steps were those of a toddler. But then I would tell myself, I would rather walk with baby steps than make no movement at all.

    Today, though not at the peak like Jon MorrowI must say that I’m heading there sooner than I think.

    Any blogger out there will relate to the fact that it’s never easy to come up with content to post on your blog regularly. And number two, it is never a guarantee that your blog post will go viral and attract more than 1000 visitors within minutes let alone grabbing likes and shares.

    Every single blogger out there is always screaming for traffic which obviously like Rome, cannot be built in one day but through months and years of hard work.

    To my dear readers who happen to be bloggers like me, let us challenge ourselves even more and stretch beyond our limits by going the extra mile each new day.

    To my esteemed readers who feel they should be bloggers by now but haven’t started yet, you should know that the lion that is commonly referred to as the king of the jungle was once a cub. It is never too late for you to join the race.All you need is to identify a particular topic that you feel you are a pro, interests you the most and start cracking.

    The internet is now vibrant like never before and no matter how many blogs you create, you will never miss an audience to build traffic to your blog.

    To my great readers who are neither bloggers nor want to be bloggers, thank you for being supportive of my work and making my blog your home.

    And for this reason, I bring to you the good news that my blog has been nominated for a Bloggers Association of Kenya Award 2018.

    For me to rank top as the winner in my category- Best topical blog, I rally and call for your support over the same. This support entails voting for my blog under the Bake Awards by clicking here. You will be prompted to the BAKE website that has a button for voting- VOTE NOW. Press the button vote now and follow the instructions that will follow.

    One other thing to note is that WordPress engineers have not only been supportive but very helpful in making sure that I get to know one or two about blogging.

    The bottom line is that everyone is destined for success not unless you make the sole decision of dying in mediocrity. However, one important point to put across is that you can always change for the better without envying your neighbor. He or she is not part of your journey and you know not where they could be heading to.

    See you at the peak!!!