Tag: greatness

  • 10 Principles & Mind Hacks to Achieve Greatness (Succesful People Rules)

    10 Principles & Mind Hacks to Achieve Greatness (Succesful People Rules)

    The great boxerMuhammad Aliwas asked how many sit-ups he does. He answered that he only starts counting when it starts hurting. That was a man who wanted to achieve great things.

    Similarly, onceBruce Leeplayed a martial art match. Although he defeated his opponent, he was still sad because he had the mindset to defeat him within 3 seconds, but it took 3 minutes to defeat him. Here was a man who had a strong desire to be successful or achieve great things.

    He did lots of practice from that day and introduced a unique martial art technique known as “Jeet Kune Do.” These examples proved that you need an extraordinary effort to achieve great success in any part of life.

    Muhammad Ali Photo By Stanley Weston Archive Photos Getty 482857506

    What Is Achieving Greatness?

    Greatness is the concept of being superior in something. You must have seen a person with extraordinary work in his field. And, you have a dream to be like him.

    You might have read his story of struggle and how he became so successful. This is a person with greatness. Isn’t it said that those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly?

    One thing you need to understand is every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor.

    In simple words, greatness is the quality of standing out from others and being an extraordinary person in whatever you do.

    Achieving greatness is the process or act of becoming great.

    Pre-Greatness Rules

    Before going on the track, you must know that you should prepare for the race. There are some rules to be followed, which I call the “pre-greatness rules.”

    These rules will help you build good habits and warm you up to greatness. Following are some habits that you must build in yourself.

    1. Be Self-Reliant

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    This is a fundamental habit of successful people; they are self-reliant because they know that relying on others will make them lazy and keep them away from their destination. Without this pre-greatness rule, only some achieve greatness.

    2. Be Punctual

    Being punctual is the second most important habit that you must have. An average mind but punctual person can leave behind an intelligent but unpunctual person.

    3. Keep Your Promises

    Successful persons keep the promises that they make either with themselves or with others. You would build authority among your community by adopting this rule and making it a habit.

    4. Understand the Worth of Each Minute

    Research on failed persons concluded that they all have a common habit of wasting time on other activities rather than their target.

    You have to release all the irrelevant thoughts from your mind andmake a habit of being focused only on what you want.

    5. Time Management Skill

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    This is the hardest habit to adopt. It will take longer, and you must keep yourself motivated to build this habit. Time is money, and you got to know how to make it count by all means possible.

    How to Achieve Greatness: Rules of Greatness that Succesful People Follow

    Once you have built all the good habits, you can start following the principles of greatness. The ten principles will make you an outstanding personality in your circle of influence.

    There is a belief that some are born great, others achieve greatness. Where do you think you fall? Nevertheless, some ways to achieve greater success will be tied to the following

    1. Build Good Habits

    We have talked a lot about good habits in pre-greatness steps. This is just a reminder. Make sure you have all the necessary habits to achieve greatness.

    2. Have a Road Map

    A life without a direction is not much better than an animal’s life.

    Having principles and a sense of direction in life is the difference between humans and animals.

    If you want to be extraordinary, then first decide what you want to achieve in life and understand this will come at a cost. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers.

    3. Keep Yourself Motivated

    You might be out of track without motivation. You must have an unpleasant event in your life that urged you to become an extraordinary person. So, keep yourself reminded of that unpleasant event, and you’ll be on your way to greater achievement.

    It will always help you to stay motivated.

    4. Treasure Reading Books

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    After reading the biographies of successful persons, we can conclude that book reading is a compulsory habit to achieve greatness. Here are some books about achieving greatness.

    5. Learn to Ignore the Negative Voices

    People will undoubtedly laugh at you or taunt you when they get to hear about your plans and ideas achieved in life. What should you do?

    Should you start clarifying yourself? Never!

    You will do nothing but waste your energy. Rather than explaining yourself, you have to ignore them. Let them taunt you and answer them by achieving greatness in life.

    6. Have a Plan

    It would be best if you had a plan to achieve your goals in life.

    Smart work is proper planning, building a team, and assigning roles according to their expertise.

    7. Consider yourself a Leader

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    Yeah, this is my favorite rule of success! Read the biographies of successful persons and great achievers.

    You will notice that when they started the journey of achieving greatness, they considered themselves leaders.

    Thinking of yourself as a leader will force you to build extraordinary qualities, and you will automatically be superior to your peers.

    You also have to remember that a person without the qualities of a leader cannot be a leader for a long time. Believe you are born to achieve great things.

    8. Become a Critical Thinker

    Critical thinking and analysis are vital to your success journey. You have to adopt technical habits.

    Analyze your progress daily and criticize yourself for a bad performance.

    9. Learn How you can Build a Team

    This ability is also crucial. You can never achieve greatness alone. A team of skilled persons will help you move ahead, so; you must have the ability to read people to know their level of mentality and skills.

    10. Be a Multi-skilled Person

    Some crucial skills include leadership, management, communication, negotiation, and so forth. Do you have the requisite skills to make you valuable in the marketplace? Depending on your goals in life, you may need single or multiple skills to get to where you want to be.

    Wrap Up

    Achieving greatness is easier said than done. Many yearn for it, but few have the discipline and the determination to reach the finish line.

    These principles and mind hacks should be enough to get you started in your journey to achieve greatness.

    You must always stay motivated, even when things don’t seem to work out for you. You want to start by first building the good habits for achieving greatness and then follow them through with greatness rules. See you at the top.

  • Destined for Greatness? 10 Signs you are

    Destined for Greatness? 10 Signs you are

    Well, I don’t know about you. But the fact is we are all destined for greatness. Yes! You read me right.

    Life on many levels has not encouraged us to see the seeds of greatness we carry. We seem to walk in an oblivious state of the blind side of greatness we possess.

    You need to realize that you are not alone in this. Many others know they have a feeling of greatness in them and are trying to find it out.

    Some have been born of rich parents. Some have been born with unimaginable talents. Still on the same not, some have been born intelligent and with outstanding character. In all these arrays of things, everyone carries a seed of greatness in them. Yes. Very true.

    And therefore, these lead to the 10 crystal clear signs that you carry a great destiny.

    1. You Don’t Fear to Dream Big

    Some say dreams are just dreams, but show me a person who does not dream? If not, I will show you a person on the verge of extinction.

    Great civilizations and revolutions in the world have been born on the mere platform of dreaming.

    By all means, possibly dare to dream bigger than your reality because a seed of greatness lies in dreams.

    2. You are Destined for Greatness if you Never Stop Learning

    A degree is just a percentage of knowledge. In no way does it give you a ticket to put your brain on auto-pilot mode.

    That said, it is important to know that people destined for greatness never stop learning. Safaricom, the Kenya giant telecommunication network, had Ksh 55.3 Billion in the year ended March 2018.

    The late Bob Collymore was at the helm then. Bob never had a University degree. Nevertheless, he kept learning.

    You can learn virtually everything without a degree if you have a hunger for knowledge.

    3. You are Destined for Greatness when you Build Great Relationships

    Relationships are the hallmarks of human living. As the old saying goes, no man is an island, no matter how introverted you could be.

    Learning to be open-minded, listen, and respect other people’s point of view is important.

    Knowing how to live right with people is key. Understanding human psychology means you are destined for greatness.

    Out of these human relationships emerge great networks. Also, remember that your network is your net worth.

    4. Your Third Name is Persistence

    You can bounce back even in the face of adversity and life’s misfortunes. You can prove the world wrong.

    If this fits you, be sure you are a candidate for greatness.

    History is dotted with award-winning movie stars and celebrities who never imagined they would go beyond the theatre stage.

    Today, they gross our TV screens. It’s only persistence that can define how far they have come.

    5. You Want to be Your Own Boss

    You may be an employee that is good and committed to achieving your company’s core values.

    However, that has not prevented you from pursuing your own interests and ambitions in life. Maybe you want to start an online business.

    You give your employer the same energy levels; you also put in the effort to push forward your passions and ambitions.

    6. You Always Want to be Different

    John F. Kennedy, former President of the United States, said, “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

    Accepting the status quo points to a man who has just killed his seeds of greatness.

    One true mark of greatness is daily taking a step to challenge your life mentally, spiritually, and in all possible ways.

    7. You Have One Thing You are Willing to Die for

    “If you haven’t found something you are willing to die for, you aren’t fit to live.” Martin Luther King Jr.

    I couldn’t agree more with the aforementioned quote. Terrorists thrive in their illegal operations because they have found the one thing to die for.

    The same extends to you and me. Once you have found the one thing you are willing to die for, you are destined for greatness.

    8. You Have no Attachment to Material Things

    You know how to control worldly desires, which means living frugally.

    Okay, I have the newest Subaru model, but losing it doesn’t mean life will be boring.

    Your ability to detach yourself from material things in a world where everybody wants to flaunt their new Rolex or latest BMW in town shows the seeds of greatness you carry.

    9. You Have Room for Randomness

    Sometimes the best things in life have happened not because of proper planning and timing but sheer randomness.

    You wake up one morning with a written to-do list of what to accomplish for the day. Funny enough, your friend shows up at your doorstep and asks that you accompany him to a social event.

    Well, it just never turns out to be a social event. Actually, you happen also to find the one who becomes your soulmate.

    10. You are Optimistic

    Using scripture in the Bible as an analogy to this point, Luke 6:45, in part, says that, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

    Anyone negative on the inside will definitely speak negative words. The same is true for one who is positive on the inside.

    Ever met someone who made you want to write points every time he or she spoke? If yes, then you know what I mean.

    Unleash your seeds of greatness because you are destined for greatness!

    Bottom Line

    Do you want to know if you are destined for greatness? Well, you just read about what makes you one. In fact, you already are, and this post confirms that you are. Guard your mind and stay positive against all negative forces in life. Safe journey to your great destiny.