Tag: improving your life

  • 4 Ways You Could Improve Your Life

    4 Ways You Could Improve Your Life

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    Do you want to improve your life, or do you ever think about improving your life? If so, that’s a good thing. It means you are development-conscious, and want a better version of your current life.

    On the contrary, the process of improving your life is not as easy as you may think. It is as hard as coming out of your comfort zone. Like a child learning to walk, it’s about breaking out of the current you into the future.

    Improving your life means investing in yourself so you can be better at something. In the marketplace, being a jack of all trades never sells. Therefore, for you to stand out, you need to offer more value than ordinary folk.

    I’m sorry if you expected me to talk about money. Young adults, you will have to bear with me here. Money should be a means to an end. And that’s why billionaires keep making it when you think they have made it already.

    So. let me cut to the chase. Here are four ways you can improve your life.

    How to Improve Your Life

    1. Enroll in an Online Course

    The world is a global village thanks to the digital space we currently live in. You could easily get a certificate or diploma from MIT with a smartphone and internet bundles from your telecommunication provider.

    Take advantage of the free online courses on the internet today to have a vantage point in the marketplace. An online course helps spruce up your work skills, whether at your workplace or in your business.

    Young people through college shouldn’t waste their precious time editing their social media profiles repeatedly.

    Coursera is a common online course platform where you could study lots of courses, whether free or paid, and earn yourself a certificate. For the record, the Ministry of ICT Kenya is in partnership with Coursera to provide workplace skills for the Kenyan youth.

    You can download the Coursera app on your phone and keep going.

    Improve your life by studying some more so you can earn yourself a fortune.

    2. Learn a New Language

    A new language can open you to other frontiers in life, whether local or international. Which language are you interested in? Is it French, Swedish, Chinese, or your country’s local language? Start learning it right now.

    Like studying an online course, learning a new language makes you valuable in the marketplace. Multinational companies would be happy to hire bilingual employees.

    Learning a new language will open your venture to more marketplaces if you are an entrepreneur or doing business.

    A translator who knows has the added value of working with people from different walks of life.

    To get moving, quickly download the Duolingo app on your smartphone or desktop and start learning. It’s never too late. They teach you a new language at both basic and intermediate levels.

    3. Practice Mindfulness

    A lot is happening in the world today. You are lucky to be alive if you are reading this. The world economy is now grappling with a pandemic. We have lost lives. People have lost jobs. We have lost businesses, and some are struggling to maintain valuable relationships.

    Against such a catastrophic backdrop, it helps to maintain your mental health. One simple way to practice mindfulness is by meditating.

    Early in the mornings or late in the evenings, set aside time to meditate and have a serene time with your thoughts. Don’t make it harder, so you give up faster.

    Meditation could be as short as three minutes or as long as 20 minutes. May you have been thinking about a way you can have more mental clarity or focus. Or maybe you want some relaxation after running up and down the entire day and to ease some tension? Meditation is what you need.

    Start off by downloading the Headspace app on your phone and get shit done. By practicing mindfulness, you let go of the tension and the worries; you become more productive, improving your life.

    4. Interact with Better People than You

    If you are ever the best in your circle, you better start thinking of finding a new outfit. It’s only by challenging ourselves that we can improve our lives.

    The common adage goes that birds of the same feather flock together. You are wise if you surround yourself with people who you want to become like.

    “I have no successful people around me?” You may ask. Though important, you don’t have to interact with successful people physically to feel you are doing something worth your time.

    You could interact with their ideas online. Read their books, listen to their podcasts, and watch their shows. It’s that simple.

    What do you want or what is it you are looking for? A successful marriage, wealth, to be an accomplished entrepreneur. You name it! Society is never in lack of trailblazers and icons in your line of interest.

    Wrap Up

    There is nothing I have recommended to you on this post that I’m not doing myself. Young people, especially if single with some money in their pockets, have a lot of free time they could use to improve their lives

    We all have 24 hours in a day. You could kill it with loose women and men or binge-watching on Netflix, but it’s your life anyway, right? Nevertheless, if you want to improve your life, try these four tips, and let’s talk later.

    The digital space has made many online resources available at our disposal than we could ever imagine. You are just an app away from improving your life. Whatever journey you are on in your life, there is always something you can do to make it better.

    Improve your life for a better tomorrow.