Tag: Never give up

  • Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Top 80 Inspiring Denzel Washington Quotes You Should Know

    Ever heard or read Denzel Washington’s quotes? Well, before we get to the quotes, you must have come across the name. Denzel is a popular American actor, producer, and director. He is a mentor and a role model to his viewers.

    Denzel Washington has been one of the most successful actors in Hollywood for over two decades. He’s won an Oscar and received many other honors for his work on screen, including an Emmy nomination and a Golden Globe award.

    He is also an accomplished musician and producer. He’s released three albums with his band, The System, and has also had songs recorded by other artists.

    Denzel Washington is 65 years of age, having been born as Denzel Hayes Washington Junior on December 28th, 1954, in Mount Vernon, New York. Despite a humble beginning, the son of a Pentecostal preacher has won two golden global awards.

    Also, Denzel is well-known for acting as a real-life historical figure.

    Some movies he has featured include Cry Freedom in 1987, featuring Steve Biko. Besides, he has featured as Malcolm X in the movie Malcolm X in 1992.

    If you enjoy watching his movies, you may have watched the Equalizer 1 and 2. Denzel has also portrayed Robert McCall as the main protagonist in the equalizer film series.

    Watching The Equalizer 2 the other day by Denzel Washington, I couldn’t help but marvel at the entertaining nature of Denzel. He is good at shifting between tense and calm situations with ease.

    the equalizer 2 quotes

    In this thriller, Denzel played his role pretty well. While the director may have tried to capture the spirit of the first Equalizer, it turned out slow and predictable.

    That being said, Denzel has never been disappointed in his films. He is a comedian, fighter, orator, mentor and a talented storyteller all rolled into one. This, he captures in his movies perfectly fine.

    Moreso, Denzel is a motivational speaker. He inspires many, including both friends and foes.

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    Denzel Washington’s quotes can be found throughout his work on screen and in interviews about him as a person. Some of these quotes focus on his career as an actor, but others are more personal.

    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes

    • “I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.”
    • I think a role model is a mentor–someone you see on a daily basis, and you learn from them.
    • “Faith will get you to a point. Luck will get you to a point. But to achieve the kind of success you dream about, you need to WORK. There are no shortcuts, you can’t cheat life, just get to work and don’t stop until you reach your highest potential.”
    • “If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it.”
    • “You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.”
    • “If you have an enemy, then learn and know your enemy, don’t just be mad at him or her.”
    • “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
    • “Success? I don’t know what that word means. I’m happy. But success, that goes back to what in somebody’s eyes success means. For me, success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me.”
    • “Dreams without goals remain dreams.”
    • “Never help an ungrateful person get on their feet.”
    • “My mother never gave up on me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.”
    • “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do”
    • “I’d be more frightened by not using whatever abilities I’d been given. I’d be more frightened by procrastination and laziness.”
    • “Put God first in everything you do. Everything that I have is by the grace of God, I understand that. It’s a gift. I didn’t always stick with Him, but He stuck with me.”
    Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Success

    • “I just try to take it one day at a time. That’s how I live my life; that’s how I conduct myself.”
    • “When you do something wrong, if you don’t learn anything from it, then you’re just a fool.”
    • “If you want to be successful, you’ve got to work hard and work smart.”
    • “Success leaves clues, and the only way to find them is to keep looking until you find them. Failure leaves no clues, which is why so many people fail.”
    • “I always thought when I became successful that I would be able to help people. And then when I did become successful, I realized that was not the case.”
    motivation inspirational denzel washington quotes
    • “You want to do it right, but you want to get it done.”
    • “Success is not a journey, and it’s a destination.”
    • “Success has always been my biggest motivator. I was raised by two parents who believed in education and success above all else.”
    • “Success is a result of preparation, not a result of spontaneous combustion.”
    • “A man’s value to the world is in direct proportion to his usefulness to it.”
    • “The only thing that stands between us and success is failure. And there’s no way to avoid that. You can avoid it by not trying, but then you miss all the fun of trying.”
    • “I have learned that success is liking your work and boss.”
    • “I’m not afraid to fail, but I do not like to fail.”
    • “I’ve never lost anything in my life that’s worth holding on to.”

    Denzel Washington Quotes About Work

    • “I’m not a good person. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t sleep around. So if you want to know who doesn’t do drugs and sleeps around, it’s me.”
    • “I’ve worked with many great actors, but nobody has ever said, ‘Oh man, that was so much fun,’ like Denzel Washington did.”
    • “If you have talent and work hard at it, it will come out.”
    • “I’ve always been a hard worker. I’ve never stopped working.”
    • “I’m a workaholic, but it’s good to work hard. It makes you feel good to get things done, accomplish them, and be productive.”
    • “The truth is that the harder you work, the luckier you get.”
    • “When you work hard for something, whether it’s money or respect or education or anything else, when you go after something and fight for it, usually someone will give you what you want because there’s not much of anything in life that isn’t earned by working for it.”
    • “The important thing is not how much wealth we accumulate but how honestly we use it.”
    • “I am not afraid to be who I am.”
    • “If you’re happy with what you have and who you are, then nothing matters too much.”
    • “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
    • “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
    • “I will work with anybody as long as they have a plan and a goal.”
    • “I’m going to keep working hard until I die because I know that if I don’t, somebody else will take my place.”
    love denzel washington quotes
    • “If you want to do something in life, go do it now while you’re young and have the energy to make it happen.”
    • “If you aren’t willing to risk what little you have, nothing can happen in your life.”
    • “I don’t know any other way of being.”
    • “You cannot afford to be mediocre in this world.”
    • “It’s not easy to be humble, but being proud ain’t working either.”
    • “Work is the most important thing in life. I don’t care how good we are at something; if we don’t do it with all our heart, the result will be disappointing.”
    • “I can’t think of any other way to describe it than they were in love with their work. It was a loving thing, you know? It was a very close relationship. And I think that’s what kept them together for so long. They loved each other, and they loved what they did.”
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    Inspirational Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “I think it’s important to have love in your life.”
    • “The only time you’re guaranteed to be happy is when you’re working.”
    • “I hope to inspire people through my work and life.”
    • “The beauty of life is being aware that you have to spend it for yourself.”
    • “I am not just an actor. I am an artist who happens to go into a movie theater.”
    • “I’m not working on anything right now, but I like to create things from scratch.”
    • “I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”
    • “If you ever need a friend to talk to, I’m here.”
    • “I would rather be in the second year of a seven-year sentence than the first year of a three-year sentence.”
    • “Work is the best antidote for stress.”
    inspirational quotes by denzel washington
    • “I’m not too proud to admit that I don’t know what I’m doing. But if you do something, you might as well do it right. And if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
    • “The tougher the challenge you face, the more glory in overcoming it.”
    • “It’s better to be judged by 12 than by six.”
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    Motivational Quotes Denzel Washington

    • “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved.”
    • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
    • “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”
    • “Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s easier to leave than it is to stay.”
    • “It’s not about how long you say no, but how often.”
    • “I want to be the best man I can be. You’ll never be happy if you can’t do that for yourself.”
    • “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    • “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”
    • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
    • “There are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Everything else is optional.”
    • “You can’t keep your kids safe from trouble if you keep them close.”
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    More Quotes from Denzel Washington

    • “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
    • “The most important thing is to learn how to give. Everything else is just learning how to get.”
    • “I want the world for everyone, but I want them to do it my way.”
    • “I think I can best describe it as a joy. It’s like I’m on a mission, but one that I have complete control over.”
    • “In life, you’ve got to do what you want. And the only way you can get there is by doing it.”
    • “Whenever you’re at your best, it’s because you’re in tune with yourself and not just yourself but also other people and how they can help you be better.”

    At the end of it all, quotes are just quotes. Some may make sense to you, while some may not. Pick what appeals to you best and can change your life.

  • How Not to Give Up When You Want to and Be 5x Better

    How Not to Give Up When You Want to and Be 5x Better

    If you asked me whether life has a manual, I would have answered you with a yes. It’s that just people don’t give heed to guidance sometimes. There’s never a one size fits all kind of experience. One guy tries doing business today; it picks up within months. Another tries the same business and closes it within the first year. But do me a favor, regardless, never give up.

    And that’s why you are better off learning from your own failed experiences because it will be foolhardy to repeat the same mistakes twice.

    What I mean to drive home is you should be more afraid of comfort zones than taking risks. How would you love your script to be: Play safe today and die poor tomorrow or take risks today and die rich or trying to be.

    The words ” Never give up” have always rung in our ears for the longest time we can remember. But just how do you resist the temptation to give up, pack your bags and leave. We talk about this today, showing you how not to give up and be a 5x better person.

    How not to Give Up When you Want to

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    1. Take a Break

    We’ve all been there. Where everything you touch seems to have conspired with the universe not to work when in your hands.

    By this time, your confidence is down the toilet, you’re cash-strapped, and the little left of your project seems not to be going anywhere. Motivation gurus have told you to be consistent.

    But the more you push, the more the hurdles. If you feel you are at this point, stop and disengage yourself from whatever you are trying to do. Take a break, however long you want, if at all it will help you feel better and in control again.

    Preferably, you shouldn’t take a break to sleep. You could listen to your favorite music, go camping or take a road trip for some days. Jump at your hobby or even attend a seminar or constructive workshop.

    2. Note Down What’s Working and What’s Not. Focus on What Works

    Companies, small businesses, and organizations often undergo restructuring and change their growth strategies either to cut costs, expand their client base, be more efficient, or both.

    It’s something that companies must face time and again, or else they could go out of business. Similarly, you should also take stock periodically of what’s working and what’s not.

    Success doesn’t come on autopilot mode. You have to be intentional and strategic, or otherwise, you won’t cut it. If action A doesn’t produce the results you need, how about trying action B.

    Still, if nothing seems to change, how about combining both routes. There has to be a way around your current problem in business, relationship, or career.

    No going back.

    No calling it quits

    No, you aren’t going to give up!

    3. Focus on the Process, Not the Goal

    Many times we are told to have SMART goals. This is a good thing because having goals keeps you on your toes, working hard to meet them. However, come to think of it, we rarely meet our goals 99% of the time.

    And that in itself could be discouraging, especially when the % could be way lower. How about focusing on the process and not the goal.

    Give yourself room for failure and adjust your goals but more importantly, learn something through the process. Let’s say your goal was to make your business global by the end of 2020. But because of other bottlenecks that were out of your control, you weren’t able to hit your goal.

    See, you are learning something through the process, which puts you in a position to make better and more informed decisions next time.

    Or your goal could’ve been to walk down the aisle before the year ends, but as things turn out, you realize the man who was to walk you down the aisle is a liar and not the person you thought you knew.

    The relationship will end, but that’s not the end of your story. You are learning something through the process.

    4. Seek Help when you Need It

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    Even the smartest or most intelligent people in the world need people or a team to work with them. Bill Gates never built Microsoft alone. Mark Zuckerberg had many other geeks who helped him build Facebook into the behemoth it is today.

    Their team insights, ideas, and intelligence helped drive their companies’ visions to greater heights. In life, you will need help from lots of people.

    Such people could be your peers, colleagues, a business partner; even your ex-somebody could come around amazingly.

    One way not to give up in life or endeavor is to seek help when you really need it. Maybe you just needed one word from a friend for that eureka moment.

    5. Keep Doing what you Do Best

    During Pilot training on safety rules, one of the main things they are always told to do is keep flying the plane no matter what happens. Imagine a pilot stops flying the plane in midair.

    What happens next will be more disastrous. That should tell you something. Always keep doing what you do best. You will suck at some point and even be laughed at, but that is always part of growth.

    Fix your eyes on what you can do best and keep moving forward. At the end of it all, you will be far much better than the person who decided to stop and listen to what every ingrate is saying around them.

    If praying is what you do best, keep praying no matter the pain. If it’s singing, keep singing, even if you don’t seem to get the traction and likes you expect on social media.

    Don’t give up because of what’s happening around you. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions that people give up when success is just around the corner. You don’t want to be that kind of person.

    6. Detach Yourself from Negativity

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    It takes great mental strength to keep looking at the positive side of things when they seem to go the other way. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, is a good person to mention here.

    Referred to as the emancipator of slaves, he rose from humble beginnings and went through a troubled childhood where he lost his mother. It’s always refreshing to read his biography.

    Sure, he was the perfect candidate to give up in life and mention all kinds of excuses for his failures, but he didn’t.

    If your negativity stems from your past life experiences, make peace with your past and let go as fast as possible. Similarly, if you have a negative circle, drop it because it’s not doing you any good.

    A positive outlook on life is key to your success and where you want to go next.

    How to Bounce Back and be 5x Better

    It has been mentioned before that there are no problems but only a shortage of ideas. With better ideas, life is made easier and manageable.

    So, your not giving up and bouncing back will be premised on the following:

    1. Taking Responsibility

    If looking to be a better version of yourself, you need to own your problems. Blame games aren’t part of the success script. Nothing works until you decide to make them.

    Whether it was your uncle you feel made you never marry the man of your dreams, or your business partner who ran down your business, take responsibility for your decision and avoid blaming other people who might have been involved.

    You only get better when you take charge of your pain points.

    2. Learning from your Bad Experiences

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    Your experience must have been painful and disastrous. Probably, there might have been poor decisions you made that gave you bad results and made you want to give up in life.

    Your experience also served as an eye-opener to the things you shouldn’t have done. On the flip side, this is good for you because it means you won’t repeat your mistakes.

    3. Learning to Accept What Happened

    If you ask me, this is hard but a vital process to come to terms with. Many choose to live in denial after going through a setback.

    But this isn’t sustainable. A good way to go through your pain or low point is to accept everything that happened. That is how you begin to bounce back to becoming a better person.

    4. Practicing Emotional Intelligence

    When you are at your lowest point, emotions always run high, making you bitter and toxic to the poor innocent chaps around you. That shouldn’t be you.

    Learn to manage the damaging flood of emotions that lurk around and keep your head sober because things will get better eventually.

    Emotional intelligence is all about managing your emotions and those of the people around you. You will bounce back faster this way. Yes! I hope you haven’t given up yet.

    5. Don’t Stop Dreaming

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    The fact that you wanted to give up before shouldn’t make you stop pursuing your dreams. The difference between where you are today and where you will be tomorrow is time.

    Take one step at a time and use the power of your imagination to visualize a great future before you. What you can conceive you can achieve if you commit your time to execution.

    Wrap Up

    Life is a journey with several chapters. Some chapters will leave you cursing and blaming everybody, while others will make you feel happier and a winner.

    How you handle the low moments is what determines how you move forward. The easiest thing to do when at the lowest point is to give up.

    Unfortunately, this is never the best option for you. Use the tips above to bounce from any setback that will make you want to give up in life.

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