You have heard the saying that when the going gets tough get tougher. If you have ever undergone a hardship period in your life, you know that it is not very easy to overcome. That is the time when only a handful of people you know in your life may pick up your call. At worst, you might be shunned by friends and walk as a lone ranger.
Tough situations could occur in our lives because of many reasons. Some could be self-inflicted, some could occur as a result of accidents in our lives or human error. Tough times could also occur because of reasons or situations beyond our control like the death of a loved one.
Examples of Tough Times in Our Lives
What do you think could make life tough? Here are some examples of tough times in our lives:
- When lacking basic needs or one of the basic needs in your life
- Loss or lack of a job
- A failing business.
- When unable to pay your debts
- A failed relationship or marriage
- When suffering from a chronic disease
- When facing death or the loss of a loved one
- When feeling weak and helpless
- Feeling depressed
- Feeling unworthy with no sense of achievement
Whether you have undergone a tough situation in your life or not, one thing we have to accept is that the world is not a very safe and fair place to be. Some break the law and walk scot free while others get convicted. The poor get poorer as the rich get richer.
However, your attitude towards your tough situation in life is what will determine whether you will come out of the tough situation tougher or weaker and on the verge of death.
How do People Handle Tough Times
People handle tough times differently. Some ways in which people handle tough times include:
- Drinking themselves silly to forget their problems
- Taking narcotics such as cocaine
- Living in denial
- Crying
- Avoiding company with people and staying a loner
- Calling a close friend, priest or pastor
- Staying moody and getting angry at everybody
- Praying
- Committing suicide
While most of the ways listed may offer you some relief over a hardship period in your life, not all will work for your good. Actually, some ways will sink you deeper into tougher times than you already are. So what way or ways can only work for our good when facing tough times in our lives? Accept that you are limited as a human being and depend on a higher power. In the case of a Christian call upon the living God.
Action Steps
- If faced with a situation where you feel unworthy and unable, tell yourself you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13)
- When lacking something in your life, speak to yourself about the word of God regarding his provision over your life. (Phil. 4:19)
- When fearful because of your enemies, remind yourself of God’s protection in his word. (Psalms 23:4)
- When facing defeat, know that the Lord will lead you to triumph. (2 Corinthians 2:14)
- When lacking the faith to trust in his word and his promises over your life, tell yourself that the Lord has allotted you a measure of faith.(Romans 12:3)
- When feeling depressed, know that the compassion and mercy of the Lord are there for you. (Lamentations 3:21-23)
- When feeling weak know that God is the strength of your life (Psalms 27:1)
- When facing death or loss of a loved one, have trust in God. (Prov. 3:5)
- When in sickness or ailing remind God of his healing in his word. (1 Peter 2: 24)
Well, if your beliefs about God are different, this action steps may not work out for you but you could give them a try. Confessing his words in your life will not make you feel better instantly, but will be help you find strength in overcoming tough times in your life ultimately helping you to overcome the tough time.
Tough times could just be the keys we need for a happy life.
Are you going through a tough time in your life right now? How are you handling it?