Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money


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Were you aware you could make good money out of unprofessional writing?

I say this with professional writing in hindsight.

Forget about academic qualifications and career titles for a while.

I’m not saying they don’t matter. And that’s why I have an academic qualification. But looking at it technically, it’s not about the certificate but what you can deliver. It’s about performance.

What’s the point of having an academic certificate yet lacking the requisite skills mentioned in the certificate to deliver on a given job?

What if I told you I have the formula to solve your current inconsistencies with money regardless of whether you have that academic certificate or not?

What if I could teach you to be an independent contractor working for multiple companies in the comfort of your home and having more time to spend with family and friends; and enough time to focus on your hobbies and interests?

If that is not a positive and fulfilling life, then what is?

Here is what We have for you

So what do we have in store? We are giving you this freelance writing course for free. Everything you need to know about getting started and making money as a freelance writer is covered in depth.

Before the global health crisis, beating the morning traffic to arrive at your 9-5 workplace was the norm.

Today, it’s a whole new world. Employees are changing company metrics by working even more than 10 hours in the comfort of their homes.

I’m not going to give you a job, but I’m going to teach you how to fish for jobs as an independent contractor. It’s one of the ways I make a living. So that moving forward, you don’t walk with the attitude of asking for permission to do anything.

I’m saying you need no approval from anyone to showcase your skills to the world. Your skills to the world mean you are solving a specific problem that requires what you got.

Do you ask for permission or space to do that? No! You simply step into the arena and execute like no man’s business.

Unfortunately, schooling has always taught us this way. To seek permission or approval to put our skills into good use instead of stepping up and showing that we matter.

Freelance Writing is one of the avenues to kickstart your self-employment journey and grow a business or agency out of it.

In this regard, I’m addressing these three kinds of people:

  1. The unemployed with no skills at all.
  2. The employee with skill but are looking forward to building a side hustle.
  3. The employed are looking forward to using their skills as independent contractors and leaving the 9-5 routine.

Freelance Writing Demystified

In some quarters, writing has been taunted as a side hustle for people struggling to gain permanent employment. But nothing could be further from the truth.

I’m not talking about being contracted to do assignments and term papers for college students, typically referred to as academic writing.

I’m not in either way underrating academic writing. But our focus is more on article writing and, by extension, other forms of content on the web such as blog posts, copywriting, case studies, B2Bs, whitepapers, and so forth.

With some jobs, you get into one, and the title follows you left and right. But that is not always the case with writing. You could be a writer and do many other things.

In fact! Writers are technically online entrepreneurs because they need the basic skills entrepreneurs need to win contracts and keep their clients happy.

In most cases, entrepreneurs always work alone and for quite a long time before they get noticed. You get what I’m talking about.

Writing is no longer just a hobby; it is a well-paying career.

So if you were told that writing is a hobby to get things out of your chest, think twice.

Yes, writing is also therapeutic. I agree.

But here is the thing you are likely missing out on.

Smart people worldwide are making big money out of content marketing, working at their own pace and convenience.

You need no Midas touch to transition into this reality.

To get a sneak peek of what I’m talking about, simply head over to Google at type terms like “Upwork,” “,” and navigate the sites.

It’s less about sitting at an office desk with your name tag and more about making killer money working out of nowhere.

You can step into this reality and make some of your money problems disappear.

Join our learn freelance writing course and learn the basics of article writing and content creation online that pays.

See you on the other side, buddy.

Pexels Vanessa Garcia 6325889


2 responses to “Don’t Be Cheated. Writing Makes You Good Money”

  1. […] your earning power lately or have a second or third source of income and have some time to spare, freelance writing should be your next frontier. Yes! You can make money […]

  2. […] articles, and white papers. If you mention this in some quarters, you will be asked to get a real job :). But as usual, people embrace change in different stages, some being the beginners and some the […]

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